Monday, February 7, 2011

CR 48

Basically, the only thing that is going through my mind right now is the CR 48. And Algebra... But who cares about that? *weak laugh*

"What is it?!?" you say.

The cr 48 is the Google Chrome OS notebook. The Browser, Chrome, is run by Google, and they have built a laptop around the single idea of the browser Chrome. So basically, you turn the thing on, sign in to your Google account, and you are on the internet. THE ONLY THING on this computer is the internet. NOTHING else. There is no start bar on the bottom of the screen, because there is nowhere for it to take you. It is meant for just surfing the web. They built things onto Chrome so this is more achievable, such as a media player to play music and videos, Google docs to type reports and create a PowerPoint, and many other things. All these things are built into the browser. It is obviosly not meant to be a replacement for your desktop computer, nor is it a replacement for your laptop. It is just something to use to surf the web. It is a bit more portable than a normal laptop, and it is a lot faster, seeing as the computer only has the browser to focus on. 

The outer shell is clean and plain, like the browser itself. No designs or logos, just plain black with sharp edges. It is rubberized plastic, smooth to the touch and does not hold fingerprints. There is only one usb port, unfortunately, but that is enough for me personally. 

The keyboard is built for the computer, only having keys that it needs for a browser. For example, no function keys. Instead, there is the back and forward buttons, the brightness buttons, the volume buttons, and other things like that. 

I was instantly obsessed with the idea as soon as I heard of it, and so I instantly looked to see what it costs. This is where I found out what they are doing, and why I am driven so insane with want. Google is not selling them for another six months, but instead, are handing them out for free to people who apply for one by filling out a form on the cr 48's website. Anyone can apply, but not everyone will receive one. They choose a number of the applications, by a process not known, and send them the cr 48. This means you may or may not get one. You also may get it within three days of applying, as some people have, or you may have to wait two months, as other's have. 

Why is Google doing this? Well actually, this batch of cr 48's are just the beta version. The reason they are handing them out is for the people that get them to use them, test them, push them to their limits, and then provide feedback. Google will then take that feedback, and create a new and improved version with all that the people want. As usual, Google is for the people. 

I am pro-Google, if you can't tell.

The think that is driving me absolutely bonkers is the uncertainty. I applied Sunday night, and I have been on edge since then. Will I get it? And when? Will I just sit in eager anticipation and pure agony for months without a word back from Google? I don't know, and it is driving me crazy. More agony, Google hasn't revealed how many they are handing out, and I can't find a number on how many applications there were. I don't know if I have a good chance of getting one, of if I should just forget about it. THE UNCERTAINTY IS INSANE!!!

Last night I got one in my dream, and I am pretty sure I will dream about it again tonight. I think I just might go insane. 

One thing's for absolute certain, if I don't get one, I will definately be one of the first to purchase it in stores. 

Want more information, or want to apply for one yourself? Go to it's website, it has all the information you need. 

If the bedbugs bite, make sure you suck out the poison!


  1. that sounds pretty awesome actually! and of course i hope you get one! dreams are the absolute worse when you get what you want in them....and then you wake up. it pretty much kills my spirit for the day.

  2. Exactly, when I woke up, I was ready to go use it! Then...
