Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Super Bowl?

Let me start out saying that I am NOT in the least a big fan of the super bowl. Usually, I ONLY watch the commercials, and completely ignore the game. Face it, the commercials are SO much more interesting. 

Though I really don't care, my favorite team would have to be the packers. The only true reason I like them, is because of my pastor. My pastor is a huge packers fan, and it only takes one step into his house to tell. When I was really young, I my parents were invited to his house for a party, the packers were playing some game or something, back then I really had no idea what was going on, so I really don't remember. All I remember is my pastor running over to open the door for us to let us in, dressing in full packer paraphernalia, greeting us with a loud cheer of something along the lines of, "The Packers are the best team in the NFL!" Back then, I didn't even know what the NFL was, or even what a 'Packer' was, but it was that that stuck into my head, and from then on I truly believed that the Packers were the best team. I liked their colors anyway, and that's all that mattes to a young kid anyway, eh?

From then on, I can't explain why, nor can I name any of the players, I have always rooted for the Packers. To me though, if they win, jolly good. If they lose, well, that's a bummer then eh?

So today, the Packers won the Super Bowl. Woohoo. Let's play with some Nerf guns during the game, and sit nicely and quietly for the commercials, because I still think they are way more entertaining. 

Today I went to a Super Bowl party. I don't go to many of those, so it was pretty fun. I spent most of my time, not playing with Nerf guns, but trying to teach some toddlers how to load the guns themselves so that we didn't have to do it for them. They never learned in the end.

One funny story though, my brother had brought his green laser pointer for some reason, and he was shining it on the walls and the ceiling and stuff. You know, what you do with a laser pointer. Then, we realized one toddler was trying to catch the light. It was pretty cute, until we realized he was ACTUALLY trying to catch it, and then he started to cry because he couldn't catch it. He didn't stop until we "Let him catch it". WE convinced him that he couldn't hold it for too long or it would melt. After he 'held' it for a little bit (we shone it on his hands), he was satisfied and he went and played something else.  

My favorite part of the Super Bowl:


  1. hahahahahaha I love little kids. Dogs also like lasers.

  2. You are a jerk for bolding the "the game." Also, I can't see how the Steelers lost with a beard that awesome.

  3. My dog doesn't unfortunately, she completely ignores it.

    And yeah, he has become a slight internet meme because of it. Barely, but he has.

  4. I agree with Lex, children are amazing. And lucky, I didn't get to see any commercials because of homework. I'm not interested in sports/football either.
