Friday, February 4, 2011

Nyeh, I feel so embarrassed...

Remember when I mentioned MANY times that I lived in the middle east? Well, I MEANT the middle of the eastern part of the United States, not the area around Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. I absolutely do not live there, nor have I been there. Apparently the area in the United States where I live is called the Midwest, almost the opposite. Thanks Krieger, for sarcastically calling me out on this. It's was appreciated. 

Remember when you were little, and you would spin around in circles to get yourself dizzy, and then you would fall over and just lie on the ground laughing as the world spun around you? I realized today that the older you get,  you do much less laughing when you fall, and I lot more "Ow my head". I admit, I used to spin around when I was little just for that strange feeling of getting dizzy. I liked the feeling, and I would do it on purpose. Today I remembered that, and did it, and I don't like it anymore. 

I just learned from the T.V. in the same room as me that Corn is one of America's favorite foods. I don't believe that, mostly because I don't really like corn. I mean, I'll eat it, but it is NOT on my favorite foods list. 

Ack, brother. Get away. For some reason, I hate it when people watch me type a blog, even though I am fine with them reading it in the end. That's what I want really.

Have you heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you either go directly from a conscious state to dreaming, or you, while in the middle of a dream, realize you are dreaming. Basically, you are aware of your dream while you dream it and you can, get this, control your dream. You can control all the things that you do, and what other people are doing. I am determined to eventually do it. Last night though, I thing I might have done it, but only a little. And I am not even sure if I did or not. Basically, I had the power to move large objects trough the air, almost like the force, but I could only do it with my right hand. Also, I had to REALLY concentrate. Also it took place in medieval times, and I was being chased by medieval police. I can't really describe it (you never can with dreams), but I really wish it was on DVD, and I could show people, because it my favorite dream that I've ever had.

I am saving the best for last. Remember that awesome manager guy at Rite-Aid that likes me (His name is Steve. There, now I can stop calling him the awesome manager guy)? Today I walked into Rite-Aid, for the sole purpose of buying a 99 cent two-liter of red pop, and he was there. He is not there every time, but when he is, he always walks around with me and talks to me. 

We were talking for a little bit, and then he asked if I had gotten a job yet. He asked because I had tried to get a job there (I was too young, I had to be 18). So I told him that I was planning on trying Meijers.  Remember? The store that is actually only in four states? Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan? As soon as I said it, his eyes opened wide. He said,

        "Let me do something for you. The Store Owner of the nearby Meijer is my best friend. You're a good kid, let me give you a recommendation."

So a guy who I I had only know by visiting him store less than 15 times, gave me this note to give to the owner of the store. It said:

       "ERIC PANKOW is highly recommended. He is a fine young man. He do you a good job.
                                                 Steve ------- RiteAid no# ---------
       For Mr. ------- --------- Store Director Meijer no# ------------"

This is SO awesome. Steve said that my chances of getting the job are MUCH higher with this. Even though I had only recently met him, and I never worked for him, he gave me this recommendation. Am I the only one who thinks this is a good deal? 

So long and thanks for all the fish!


  1. That is the weirdest thing. Last night I was just thinking about how I would spin around to make myself dizzy. So weird!

    And I hope you get the job! That's awesome!

  2. For some reason, I just LOVE being mentioned in your blog. It makes me feel so special.

  3. I understand, it kinda feels like your on TV, except it's a TV show viewed by like three people.

  4. That's cool, and you will most likely get the job. It sounds fun, too! Good luck with controlling your dreams!
