Thursday, March 3, 2011

The weekend and cake.

This weekend, Jeremiah came over. The school I used to go to, and he goes to didn't have school on Monday or Tuesday, so he stayed at my house from |Friday night until Tuesday night.

I'm going to give 'That school I used to go to' a name so that I can stop calling it that. From now on, it will be called 'Ye olde school'. It fits, because it's my old school. Ha. Hahahahahah. I like it.

So on Saturday, Jeremiah and I rode our bikes downtown where there are a lot of big buildings and stores and stuff. Were my house is, there isn't so much. It is Really cool to go there, but it's 18 minutes bike ride. I just checked on Google maps.

On Saturday specifically, we stayed downtown for six hours. SIX. We went by the capitol building, and there was a teachers rally going on there. A LOT of people were all crowded around the front stairs, and everyone had signs and was yelling. In the middle, there were some speakers, and they were speaking about stuff that neither Jeremiah nor I understood. This was the first rally like this for both Jeremiah and me, so it was pretty cool. Plus, they gave us free Hawaiian pizza! Pretty soon, Jeremiah and I decided to leave. We went down the road, and decided to find some place to sit and warm up our feet, since there was snow on the ground, and snow is cold. We decided to go into a coffee shop (Called Biggby, formerly Beaners. I Don't really know how popular it is). While in there, we decided to buy the cheapest cup of coffee they had. We sat in that coffee shop and drank our coffee. When our cups were empty, we got free refills! We each had three refills each, and then decided that was as much coffee as anyone should have in one day, so we left.

On the wall there, there were some REALLY cool drawings by a famous artist that lives near to where I live. They were all drawn on napkins, and they were really cool for us, since we both like to draw. I wish I could have taken pictures of them, but we forgot to bring a camera.

We went across the street to a sub shop called Jimmy John's to go to the bathroom. While in there we noticed a sign that said, "Buy yesterday's bread - 45 cents". Jeremiah saw it first. We went to the cashier and asked her if it was a real sign. SHE SAID YES. So we bought two of them, and then sat down to eat them. They are big bread loaves. Then on Monday, we brought hardboiled eggs that my mom made us for breakfast and some pepper jack cheese, and made this lovely sandwich. All the bread you see in this picture was one loaf. That is not two loaves. We each had a piece of bread that big each. For 45 cents. Amazing. And so were the sandwiches.
Here are two other pictures from our trips downtown. I only took three pictures. Sad I know.
This is Jeremiah. This picture makes him look fat. The glasses he is wearing are just those 3d glasses from Movie theaters, but he made them white with white duct tape. Now they look kinda cool.
In this picture there is light reflecting on the building from the windows of the building across the street. I thought it was really cool. 

I will definitely take more pictures whenever I go there again, I am pretty sure I will this weekend, and I think Krieger is coming over this weekend. So look forward to that.

On Monday night, I told Jeremiah, I want to bake a cake. Should we do that tomorrow? Because that's how we plan things. He thought it was a great Idea. My mom helped us get the basic Idea of the cake, so that it would turn out as a cake, but we added a lot of our own ingredients.  What came our was the most delicious and moist cake I have eaten in a long time. And we made it ourselves! I was amazed. We put in the normal cake making ingredients, but we also put in: chocolate chips, chili powder, paprika, yogurt, lingonberry jam, cinnamon, coffee, flour, eggs, cane sugar, butter, vanilla, nutmeg, ginger, milk, cocoa, chocolate bar shavings, and I don't even know what else. Here are some pictures. 

That piece at the end has homemade whipped cream.

And now, I must end this blog. Group effort blog probably coming this weekend.



  1. Those are some interesting ingredients for the cake... seems like you had a fun week end/beginning!

  2. chili powder? did that taste okay?

    also. that is a LOT of coffee. and I love jimmy john's. DELICIOUS BREAD.

    and i'm glad you haven't forgotten the tag

  3. Nan, I certainly did! Prolly the best ever!

    Lex, It did taste ok. As Jeremiah said, as long as you only add a little, it doesn't CHANGE the flavor, but it only enhances it and makes it special. Besides, some chocolate bars have chili in them. And yeah, we hardly got to sleep that night!

