Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hello... Don't yell at me...

Hi. My name is Eric Pankow. I'm not sure why I made a blog and then gave out my full name, but It's already been done, so I'll just go with it. When I made it, I was so young. I didn't know any better! I was like, 16! That's SO MUCH younger than 17. I've gained so much more experience and knowledge in all this time. 

Ha, actually, I have been kidding you this whole time...  Ha yeah, that's it. My name isn't actually Eric Pankow, it's Sam! Sam... Check...son. Sam Checkson. Flip it all, spell check doesn't like either of those last names.

I'm re-introducing myself to you because I feel that I have been gone so long, it is something that needs to be done. It's been so long, that you have forgotten everything about me. I'll give a quick review. 

I am a boy. I am 17 years old. I have blonde hair.

There. Everything you ever need to know about, me Sam Checkson! Sigh... Ok, that's dumb. My name is really Eric Pankow. It's too late now. Once I named the blog, 'The blog of Pankow' it became too late.

So I'm here because I really really want to start blogging again, because many things have happened to me since I blogged last, and I feel that I actually have things to talk about again, and time to talk about it in. 
I know. I've said, 

"Ho ho ho! I'm back! This is going to be great! I'm going to write all day and night and provide pictures! Blarhjfkjlasjkdf,"

Like, five times already. But I'd like to believe that it is for real this time! I really want to do this again. Also I want to make good, long, content-filled and funny blogs again, instead of the last twenty or so which were all complete dung. Heh. Dung. 
In THIS blog, I'd like to talk about the situation of my schooling I am in, because it has changed since my previous blogs.

Oh hey. It's 1:23. That's cool.

Ok. So Beginning of Junior year, I went to Ye Olde School. That is the school that was one and a half hours from my house, so I lived in the dorm with three room mates. That was a fun school. But for one reason or another (I can't remember if I actually ever mentioned why I did this), I left that school around Christmas time. Now, my brother is a freshman, and he goes there. I still do not

After I left Ye Olde School, I was home schooled online. However, I used a system where there was just things to read daily, and then an assignment you had to do daily. There was no teacher really, so If I had a question, my dad had to try and figure it out, or I would Google it. That worked for a while, but at the end of the year, we decided not to use that home schooling program anymore.

Now, I am a senior in high school. I am still home schooled, but I am using a different program. Every day, there is a video that I watch for each class, and then I have homework for the next day. The video is a recording of a class room in Florida, with a teacher and students in desks and the whole Nine Shebangs. I like this much better. The teachers can describe it so much better than writing can.

I also like it because sometimes the students say something funny, or once a student fell down. The videos were recorded some years ago, so they all are wearing nice plaid dress shirts and glasses as big as their face. 

In the next few blogs, I will describe what my life is like nowadays. There is a twist at the end too. Something you may never have imagined to happen to me happened. Teehee.

I might even write another blog tonight. Who knows?


Clap clap clap 


clap clap clap 

*hooting and hollering

*people throwing roses onto stage.

*Me bowing to the left, then to the right, and then in the middle, saying thank you repeatedly.

*Someone throws a ham sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap onto stage.

*I can't tell whether it was a compliment or not, but it's a free sandwich, so I pick it up and eat it thankfully as I walk off stage.

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