Saturday, November 26, 2011

On Monday this blog will be magically transformed into a real blog.

I'm doing this so that I cannot put it off. On Monday, I will edit this, and make it into a blog.

I think I'm going to summarize/review/share my opinion on Roald Dahl's Fantastic Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

Sound good?

I think after that I will keep on with the easy books. Maybe I'll do the Twits, also by Roald Dahl, because I haven't read it in a while. OR maybe the BFG. I'll have to tell my sister to borrow it from her school library.
So it's Thursday.......................... I'm so sorry guys, I really want to do this, but I very busy and it's hard.


She wrote about how, if she were a superhero, she would be the black widow, and tagged several hundred other people to make up their own superhero-self. So I will. First let me think.

I am thinking about which power I would like most, and no matter how cool all superpowers are, I would really like to have these two powers: Flying and Super memory.

You might say it's cheating to have two powers, but I say, most superheros can fly anyway. Seriously, look at the picture below. Almost ALL of them are flying. So I say flying just to make sure I get my piece of that pie.

I also choose super memory because that power would be really useful for crime fighting AND normal everyday life. In crime, you never forget any detail of a crime scene or clue. In everyday life, save paper by memorizing your grocery list! It's a great idea, and you wish you thought of it. 

Lex also drew herself as a superhero. So I will too. This may disturb you. If it does, I apologize. 
So yeah. That's what I would look like as a superhero. And that is a male torso, by the way. I realized after making this that since I have female legs and arms, it might seem like a naked woman, BUT IT IS NOT. It is just a man with feminine arms and legs. And a baby head. And dragonfly wings.


  1. I know what you should write about……

    because I tagged you in a post.

    and you should go look at it.

