Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey, wadd'ya say I barely write anything?

OK. It's 11:12, PM, and I haven't started writing all day. So what? Do you remember how much I wrote yesterday? That was crazy! That was like two blogs. Don't complain.

Last night after I put the finishing touches on yesterday's blog, I watched some episodes of a show my mom and dad both recognized from their childhood, Different Strokes. Different Strokes is a show about two young african american boys who's parents died, so they were adopted by a rich white man. This is the show that Gary  Coleman became popular in, with his catch phrase, "Watchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?" 

I really like it, and I thing Gary Coleman was really cute in it. You should check it out.

OH! Today, we got a Sauna. It is a small two person one, but it's a sauna. It sits in the other side of the basement from my room, so I can't see it, but when my mom is using it I can hear her music that she plays on the built in I-pod speakers. I'll show you pictures tomorrow.

To make room for the sauna, we had to get rid of the air hockey table that we never use, because it takes up a lot of room in the basement. My dad put an ad on craigslist for it a week ago, but we got no calls or anything, so my dad just decided, screw it. We took it out by the road and put a FREE sign on it. Then he had a good idea. We took an extension cord out to it, plugged it in, and added TRY ME on the sign. It was pretty weird to play air hockey in your front lawn. In thirty seconds, some guy came along, beat my brother 2-1, and loaded it into his pickup truck, and drove away. It was so easy.

Also, when we get to Minnesota, I will take pictures of my Grandparents house, to show you, because it's pretty scenic, because it's by a lake.

ALSO, my mom might make me get a haircut tomorrow. I hate haircuts. If so, I will take before and after shots. Haha, then you can see what I look like.

Oh, and before I depart, I wanted to mention that me and my brother helped our neighbor clean out her garage, and she paid us $20 each! 

Update: I now have a total of $87, and my birthday is July 24. You guys better 'Happy Birthday' me btw, or I'll quit blogging. 


That's not much a threat, eh?

Today there is two videos, but they are basically the same thing. These are two of many russian? animated commercials for some kind of chip. There are so many more, so if you like the go watch more. I just picked two that I like.

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