Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tell 'ya what's happening.

OK, this blog might not be very long, because I'm actually not supposed to be on the computer right now, but I did say that yesterday, and  It didn't turn out so bad.

Today, was basically lived in anticipation of the trip tomorrow. Tomorrow means for you, that the monster blogs are starting, but to us it means getting up really early in  the morning, and sitting in a car for countless hours. Actually, I am not getting up early, because I plan on staying up the entire night, since I can sleep in the car anyway, and because I have been up until 2:00 every night for five nights.

I'm playing chess with my sister right now, and she's reading a book.  It's a pretty slow moving game.

My mom is mentioning that  I still need a haircut, and I'm trying to avoid her until it's too late for her to do it.  It's worked several times in the past. If it doesn't work, I will post before and after pictures.

I'm penetrating her pawn wall with my knight EASILY.

Ok, so I ended flipping the chess board when she captured my queen, but It really doesn't matter, because It's hard to play chess and blog at the same time. I want to bring the chess board into the car tomorrow.

Yes, my mom just got me and cut my hair, and though It doesn't look too bad, It could be better. Basically I want my hair to be more like Anthony from smosh, but longer in the back (google it). It doesn't work though because my mom won't let me grow my bangs long enough.
I'll post the before and after pictures some other time.

For the past two hours I have been uploading an audio book from the library onto my iTunes, so that I can listen to it on the trip while playing tetris. I'll be playing a lot of tetris.

I can't really type very much today, so I'll sign off with the last video of the day for a while.

If you watch it, make sure you watch it to the end!

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