Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sorry for previous blog, I was really tired and everything I thought in my head didn't exactly get typed right. Oh well!

Today I added a sweet tie to my pitiful 'collection' of ties, and it is all thanks to the glorious Goodwill. My brother wanted to go to get a sweatshirt or something, and I noticed the HUGE rack of ties that I had never seen before. I rushed over there, and I looked through them, and they were pretty nice, but there were none that stood out to me. Then my brother noticed it. A black clip on bow tie! Only $1.99! I want to wear it to church on Sunday, but I don't know what my mom thinks about that. I will try to post a picture later. 

I... have nothing else to say. I am going back to blogging every other day, because this just isn't working. Sorry! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spongeh Bobble!

I used to be really exited to blog, that was last week. That was when I actually DID something in the day. Now I  have to actually think of something to talk about. It's awfully dreadful, but I love it. 

Today, I half learned how to crochet. I realize that it might be thought of as only a girl thing to do, but basically I just want to be able to make cool things that I can wear. I also wish that my mom's sewing machine worked so that I could make things. I just have the strong urge to make something, and some days it drives me crazy. My first project that I plan on going for with crocheting is a black crocheted neck tie. Wouldn't that be cool? I think it is. Plus it would be a perfect tie to add to my collection of non-normal ties. I have a small tie that I wore when I was little, a thin white tie (kind of weird but not THAT wierd), and this tie except in red.

I think a tie crocheted out of yarn would be an awesome addition. (I realize I really don't have that many ties at all, but I plan on having a lot when I'm older. Tie's just aren't a necessity right now.)

I was doing the dishes a minute ago, and I noticed the EXTREME ABUNDANCE of sandwich making utensils. Peanut butter covered knives and spoons were in the mass quantity, and I had to get all the gunky peanut butter off them before I put them in the dish washer. The reason there are more of these than usual is that my mom accidentally bought two jars (Jars? Is it called a jar if it is plastic? What is a plastic container of peanut butter called?) of chunky peanut butter instead of creamy. This is the first time I have had crunchy peanut butter, and lemme just say, if you have not eaten crunchy peanut butter on bread before, go buy some now. I would always scoff at people when told me that crunchy peanut butter was good, and now I know. I am sorry I ever doubted you world. 

Was that even worth writing down? That was weird.

Here's something that made me laugh SO hard. You might want to turn down the volume before you watch it, there's a whole lot of screaming going on.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


One story I forgot to tell you yesterday, is when I went to the store to buy ramen. I actually didn't go there specifically to buy ramen, but-

Ok, seriously? Google chrome does not acknowledge 'ramen' as being a word?!. This IS a word, isn't it?

Jeremiah and I were outside playing in da snow, and he decided to go to the store, so I decided to go with him, and I also decided to buy ramen while I was there. I decided that I needed it, and then I decided that since I needed it I should buy it. I decided.

When I went up to the counter to buy my ramen, the clerk at the time, a super buff Indian man, said to me, "Oh hey Justin!" And he even tossed in a little wave.

I was confused. My name is not Justin you know. So I told him, "No, sorry my name is Eric." Still thinking he had me confused for another shopper. Notice I didn't scream something like, "I am not a girl and how can you be so rude." That is because I am a nice person. And because I AM a girl. 




I am not.

Without looking up from his work (What a hard disciplined man! He has LOTS of discipline!),  the other clerk said, "Yeah, he looks JUST like that Justin Bieber kid." I kinda chuckled to make him happy, and then waited for Jeremiah to buy his stuff. 

As we were leaving, the first guy yelled, "See ya Justin!" At the time, there was a teenage girl standing in line not too far away, and she whipped her head around to get a look at the boy of her dreams. Instead she saw me. She said, "Awww... He doesn't look ANYTHING like Justin Bieber!" And she's right. Maybe I have long swoopy hair, but it's blonde, and my face looks nothing like him. I am pretty sure that I can never go into that store without him calling me Justin again though. 

Me making a dumb face

Justin making a dumb face

See? NOTHING ALIKE. This isn't the first person that compared me to him either! One lady at my church told my parents, while I was standing RIGHT THERE, that "I can't get over how much he looks like that Justin Bieber kid!" I don't see it. 

It is kind of cool that some people think I look like someone who is so popular, even if it is Justin Bieber. I dunno, is that a bad thing?

Soon I plan on applying for a job at Meijers, a large branch store. I'm not sure if they are in every state, so I guess all I can say is that it is a very large branch. I am really excited about this, because it'd be my first job, and why wouldn't I be excited about that?

I had more things planned for today but I can't remember them at all. It's getting kinda late too, so here's a tune to listen to as you lie in bed trying to sleep. It will not help you. It will make you want to dance!

Didja dance? I certainly did. I DANCED ALL NIGHT LONG.

Also, Library Eric will not be here for a while, because I realized, with the help of Lex's comment, that he doesn't have to stay in this jerk state. He CAN change. That's why I sent him to a school that I found on the internet that can help him do that. Hopefully in a couple weeks he will return home and better and less annoying guy! If not, at least I have this time away from him. Wish him luck!

(I can't tell you which school because it, like him, doesn't exist.)

Au revoir, moi. 

Godzilla mayhem.

Here is something that my little sister and I wrote on a car trip a long time ago because we were bored. It doesn't really have any meaning, but I want to post it anyway. This is NOT the blog for today, OK?

We wrote this like this; one person would write a sentence, and then the other person had to write a small paragraph continuing the same idea, and then we would switch. I'll underline the first person's sentence. I will warn you, this is very strange, so if you don't like things that are really weird and don't mean anything, THIS IS NOT THE BLOG FOR YOU. The grammar might also be horribe, but I will write it exactly how it was written.

It was a dark and stormy night! When I looked out my bedroom window to see that- WOAH! It's a godzilla! And he's eating the mailbox! Mail is going everywhere, and it's going in the pool, where the spaceduck is swimming! Oh no! Godzilla noticed the spaceduck- GULP- there it goes.

The little boy stood up, grabbed the handle on his goop-filled wagon, and went on his way, Then he notices there is something in the goop! AHH!!! It's godzilla from last night! He burps out a million ducks from other kids. HE'S A DUCK THIEF!!!!

All ducks explode instead of dying! That's what the poster said. That is one weird poster. All of a sudden, godzilla exploded out of the poster. How did he do that? He, he, AHHHH he has a purple birthday hat!!!!

The upon the peaceful night, burst a flood of heavenly light, it was godzilla! Everyone rushed to grab the last of the doughnuts, the box of toothpicks from the cheese station, the silly string from the clown, and the rope made of celery. First, they cut up the doughnuts into little squares and stuck them with toothpicks, but they made the toothpicks hidden. Then the set a trap with the celery rope, and baited the trap with the toothpick doughnuts. Pretty soon, godzilla came into the room (he was in the bathroom), and bolted straight for the doughnuts, not seeing the trap of course. He quickly dug in. Then, he bit a toothpick, and he screamed with pain, rolling on the the ground in pure agony. Then then trap was set off, and the children ruched out and sprayed him with silly spray to humiliate him. "Your duck stealin' days are over" the sheriff announced.

That's the end. Now that I think about it, I kinda feel bad for the godzilla in the end. I don't think he really knew that stealing ducks was bad, and he can't help destroying things if he is that big. I dunno, what do you think?

Monday, January 24, 2011

[Title here]

Over the weekend, I stayed in the dorm of the school I used to go to, and I had an enormously great time. It was great to see my friends again, and it was really cool being able to hang out without the fact that I have to go to study hall in a few hours sitting in the back of my head like it would be when I actually wen there. I was there only to have fun, and I didn't have to think about ANYTHING school related. It was great.

I noticed that people will treat you much better when they haven't seen you for a while, and they know that in a few days they won't see you for a while again. Many more happy faces and hugs were tossed my way, and even two "Pankow, I love you"s, Both from the same person (Natsis, I love you too (Tell your beard I also love him)).

On Friday night, Jeremiah and I went out into the cement garden of the school, and we went straight to the shortest, steepest stairway. With shovels in hand we covered the stairway with snow, making it into a little hill. Then we took our wheel-less skateboard decks and slid down them. It was out pitiful attempt to create a snow boarding lodge. We only got one customer, and he never paid. Too bad. I think our problem was the severe lack of hot chocolate.

On Saturday, Krieger and I rode in the van of a complete stranger good friend of ours while he did a couple errands (During which we bought pot pies), and for keeping him company, he took us to Good-Will. Of course, while we were at Goodwill, Krieger managed to find two copies of World of Warcraft, and he continued to go on a nerd rant about how used versions of WoW are completely useless. We got some pretty good shirts there, I managed to find a Home star runner shirt!

AMAZING FIND ERIC! (<----- Sarcasm)

Library Eric, you don't know a good shirt when you see it, you don't even wear shirts most of the tim- WHY ARE YOU HANGING FROM THE CEILING?!? 

I WAS doing crunches, to take healthy care of my abdomens, but I found out I can only do 3. Now I am stuck here. 

Well I am not going to help you down, that should keep you from playing my ds and eating my ramen. 

Oh I am way ahead of you. I hid all your ramen, and I have your ds up here with me. 

Why I outta...

After 'losing' Jeremiah a mile from school (I'll tell the story tomorrow), playing Halo 3 for the first time in MONTHS, and then watching the Packers maximum wedgie the Bears, in a simple children's card game football, I had to go home, thus ending the super weekend. It was MUCH more fun that I can say in a blog, and MANY MORE times than I did in this one, but I think you can only put so much awesome into words.

OH! Also I am working on another comic, so that should be uploaded to my comic blog soon, and when ever the next issue of the school newspaper comes out I'll have another. I have been really ignoring that blog, but I am trying to make more comics now that I have gotten used to how this home school things works.

Here is something to hopefully make you laugh.

If I don't return, avenge my death!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just a heads-up.

If you read the title over and over, it sounds strange. 

If you are here because you saw my blog's facebook page and you came here to see what it is all about, go to a different blog post, this one is bad. Just being honest.

Today I have nothing much to say, because I have been doing homework and internet all day. 

That... Rhymes...

Yesterday we got back from the concert REALLY late, so I didn't have time to finish some Algebra and History that I still had to do. Because of that, I had to do all that plus the homework for today. If you add the time it took me to do that to all the time I procrastinated, it pretty much takes up the whole day. 

I did have time though, to do one thing, and that is to make a facebook page for this blog. It is merely just a tool to maybe get more followers. I realize that not as many people can follow a blog, because of the lack of a blogger/Gmail account to do it with, but it is MUCH easier to just 'like' it on facebook and read a post every time I announce that there is a new one. If you want to go 'like' that, go ahead.  

I only have one other thing to say, and that is that I will not be blogging until MAYBE late Sunday night, because I am staying the weekend in the dorm of the school I used to go to before I became home schooled, to hang out with my friends and the like. 


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The people of the library.

I have decided I will blog everyday. I always look forward to blogging, and I like even more being done with one and uploading it, and I love even more when I get comments (hint hint), so whats the harm?

*Gulp gulp* Now I'm done with my brown sugar coffee. I know I shouldn't chug it, but it tastes so good and it warms up my cold feet. Which of you guys actually likes coffee? Because I know not everyone does.

Yesterday we ran out of brown sugar, and I had to use normal white sugar! >:(

Well yesterday, I was at the library, as I told you, but I don't think I have ever told you about it in very much detail. So here goes.

My library is fairly new, so all the computers are fast, all the bookshelves are nice and new, and there is more technology than in you library. The books there are all new-ish, so of course they had entire aisles devoted to those teenage girl drama books, because for some reason girls LOVE reading books that are as sad and depressing as the author can possibly make them, with countless deaths and suicides and all that whatnot. I don't know why, but I try and stay far away from those aisles. 

As I have made known before, I like reading certain Mangas, such as Naruto, One Piece (Argh, I ALWAYS misspell the word piece! I ALWAYS switch the 'i' and the 'e'!), Bleach, and the newest one I am working on, Fullmetal Alchemist. This library fully supports me in this by having many mangas, and updating it's supply whenever it can. In fact, I just borrowed ten books of Fullmetal Alchemist last week. I haven't read too many of them though, since my dad is making me read To Kill a Mockingbird... 

It also has many other books that I like to read, like John Green books(I just found Paper Towns yesterday, I have been searching forever for that book), Pendragon books (My sister refuses to read these, even though they are my all time favorites, simply because they are huge), and others that I cannot think of now. 

This library also has video games that you can borrow. You do have to pay a dollar for every week you keep it, but that is a very good price compared to what you can buy video games for new these days.

The thing to me though that is most interesting about this library, is the regulars. You know, the people you see there EVERY SINGLE TIME you go there, and you wonder how much they are actually there because no matter what time of the day you go, they are always there.

There is one man, who always is using the computer, writing some 80 page thing in Microsoft Word, probably some book. He always keeps the file on a pink flash drive. I wonder how much space an 80 page word document would take up? This man always has a bottle of expensive looking cologne with him, and occasionally he gives himself a squirt of the stuff. You always have to watch when you go behind him, or you might be caught in one of them. 

There is one woman who comes to sit in the comfortable chairs in the reading area and take a nap. She is wearing nice clothing, so I don't think shes homeless, but I can't think of any other explanation. Maybe she comes here meaning to look for books, but the power of sleepiness takes over her body and she just can't help but take a nap. 

I have cousins that live in Montana, and there are four states between Montana and my state. She goes to college in Minnesota, and she is in her colleges choir. The choir is very good, she and her choir once went to Europe, and sang in places in Germany, France, and  some other countries that I don't remember. They are coming to do a concert in a place less than an hour away from where we live, and less than ten minutes from a place my brother has a basketball game tonight. So tonight, we will go to my brothers basketball game, and then when it gets done, we will go to my cousins choir. This is a really awesome thing, because we see her about once a year (Well more if you include Skype), and because we have NEVER seen her concert perform before (Well twice if you include the internet)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I made a mistake.

I accidentally forgot to blog yesterday, thinking it was today that I needed to blog. To keep things persistent, I will blog today, and then tomorrow, and then continue with the every other day thing. 

Y'know, I might just start blogging everyday. I dunno, we'll see what happens. 

Right now I am at that library where I wrote THIS thing. At the time I thought that was a pretty good blog. Now I read it, and I think it sucks. Whenever I look back at something I wrote or drew in the past, I always think of how childish and not funny I was, even though at the time I thought I was hilarious. 

FOR EXAMPLE: I was looking back at facebook statuses I posted a year ago, and I came across many where I thought, "Why... did I post that. That is really stupid." It makes me think more carefully about what I post.

Yesterday my brother and sister had school off for the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth, and of course, I am home schooled, so it was just us three at home during the day, we shoveled a neighbor's driveway, and then we had a bunch of time to pass. We decided to... 

You'll find out right after this message from our sponsors!

Don't you hate it when they do that on game shows? 

We have no sponsors. That's probably a mistake, since I'd get money. Maybe I'll get adsense, I dunno. 

And now we're back. Before we left, Eric was just about to tell about what he and his siblings did at home while his parents were out working. Let's see what he has to say.

We decided to watch some home videos of when we were little. You know, the ones that you have to plug in the VCR to watch because you NEVER use the VCR (I'm sure like less than 50% of households even have one)? Watching yourself as a younger kid is always really fun, because you can see how- HOLD ON.

My sister just sleep walked past me into the living room, walking like a drunken zombie, turned around and went back to bed. HA! If I was doing a video blog I would have got that on video! Well, it wouldn't be the first time she has sleep walked. Actually, she does it all the time. Sometimes you can even make her sleep walk when she is sleeping if you wake her up right. Most of the time she just sleep walks to the bathroom, uses the bathroom, and then goes back to bed. I wish I did that, it would be a whole lot easier than stumbling through the dark, tripping over a vacuum and cutting your foot on a couch that was cut in half to be converted into a dog bed (just last night actually, I did this exact thing! Huh!).

Well anyway, I think it's really cool to see how far your younger self has progressed toward being what you are today. I always wonder what I would say as a four year old if someone showed me my 2011 school picture. I think I would probably say something really strange, but it would be really cute because it came from a four year old. Four was obviously my prime age.

When we watched these videos, I realized one thing. Little Eric is EXTREMELY obnoxious. HOLY COW.

"Hey, cow's aren't holy."

"Well the dark spots on them, from a distance could be confused as holes to someone who doesn't know any better! Now go away Library Eric, I'm in the middle of something."


Seriously though, every single thing being recorded, usually my baby sister drooling on the blanket she was lying on, I would be singing a song, or slamming things on the closet door, or whistling, or singing scat, or anything else obnoxious in the background. I was pretty impressed though, with my ability to not spam one song over and over. I never heard myself sing one song more than once. 

I just now finished the last half of this at 11:00 at night, right before I went to bed, because I had forgot to finish it earlier, and then when I had finally gotten comfortable in bed, I remembered that I hadn't finished it. I got out of bed for you people!

If I ever say 'Nyeh', or 'Nyeh~', It's a reference to this.

Plug into another power source.

No laptop, I don't need to, I am done using you!

So Nyeh! (It has to be capitalized)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tron Legacy

Yesterday, I would have had no time to blog, so it's a good thing I'm doing this 'every other day thing'. You see, my brother's basketball game was yesterday, so I had to go. I ended up having a good time, but not watching the game, just talking to a few people in the stands who were as bored as I was. It's not that the game was not interesting, it's just that I'm not all too interested in watching basketball. 

After the game, a bunch of players and there families went to a restaurant to celebrate our win or something. I didn't really care why, I was just happy we were going. The restaurant of choice: An Italian restaurant called 'Piazzanos'. All I could think of was what Mario says at the beginning of his and Luigi's show, The Super Mario bro. Super Show! 

At 'Piazzanos', the waitress (Olivia) brought our Mountain Dew in really cool plastic mugs. I drank it with gusto!

According to the  Google dictionary, Gusto is defined as such: vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment. Fits perfectly into that sentence don't you think?

I would like to let you know that I made a new list in the right side of the blog page, and it includes all the things that I just love WAY too much. If you look over there, you'll notice that one of the items on there is the movie Tron Legacy. I absolutely LOVE that movie!

I only just saw it today. Actually, about two hours ago actually. It is literally now my favorite movie. It's good to have a favorite movie, because before I didn't have one. I don't have a lot of favorite things, for example, I have no favorite color. The same with band/artist. When people ask me what music I listen to, I kind of nervously chuckle and say, "Well, uh...."

Now I know I'm not a movie critic, nor will I ever be one, but Tron was soooo good. I actually didn't mean to see it though. Sure, I wanted to see it, but I went to the theater thinking I was going to see 'Social Network.' 

Before we went, we checked the theater's website, and it said that Social Network was playing in the theater in our area, so we went. When we got there however, the guy said, "No, that's our other location." We said, "Nyeh~...", and then we stuck out our tongues. 

We didn't stick our tongues out, or say Nyeh. We were very respectful to the man, but only because he had a beard.

We were mad at the time, but I am glad we say Tron instead, because it was much better than I expected from the trailer.

Yesterday my chemistry set came for my at-home Chemistry class. Now we own our of beaker, and we have our own chemistry goggles. Am I the only one who thinks that's really cool?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

And may all... your... January 13ths... be white...

If I told you I am sitting here sipping brown sugar and milk coffee out of my own personal plastic mug while I write, you may be overcome with jealousy. That is O.K., let your feelings out, and the next time they have oatmeal in the cafeteria, steal the bowl of brown sugar and try it yourself. It's QUITE DELICIOUS!

Ooooh, my mother just informed me that there is still two chicken legs in the refrigerator from supper yesterday. I will eat those for lunch!

Two days ago, It snowed pretty good. When I thought it was about done, I went around my block asking people if I could shovel their sidewalks for money. Most of the people said that, "No thanks, my husband LOVES to shovel snow, and he will do it when he gets home from work later."

Pshhh, come on. We all know that no human being loves to shovel snow, that's crazy talk. That's when I would mention that, "Oh. Well, it would have only cost five dollars... So..."

So then the ladies would say, "Well... My husband IS staying in late today, so I guess you can do it."

Bingo! See, the logic behind this is, the less they have to pay, the more they are willing to let me shovel for them. Since the houses around my house have really small sidewalks, I shovel in ten minutes flat, and move on to the next house. Charging each house less, but getting more houses pays better than getting only a few houses for a lot. Here's another plus; for some reason, no one in my neighborhood wants their driveway shoveled, only their sidewalk. Maybe its because they don't want me to stare in their windows or to, God forbid, see their backyard! I don't know the real reason, but it sure makes my job easier. 

In total yesterday I made $36 (Once, I got a tip of one dollar because I brushed snow off of a garden gnome. How could I not? I love gnomes!)! And guess what? It should snow again soon! 

In the blog two days ago, I told you about me thinking of getting a job at rite aid. Well two days ago, I decided to go and actually get a job application. I got permission from my father, and then set off. On the way there, I walked past two people! HOW EXCITING!

When  I got there, I noticed that the manager guy who likes me was there. Perfect! I walked over to the 99 cent two liters, grabbed a root beer, and headed bravely over to the counter. I bought the root beer, using my rite aid wellness+ card (entitles me to 10% off everything in  the store, and grants me one point for every dollar I spend. If I get 1000 points, I get 20% off everything in the store! COOL HUH?).

I then straight up asked him if he had any job applications. He said yes, he did, and he he said it with a smile on his face. I was super excited, but then, he asked me how old I was. 

"I'm sixteen", I respectfully replied.

"Oh, man that is such a shame, you have to be eighteen to work here, since we sell cigarettes and booze. That's such a shame too because I would have hired you in a minute."

I left the store disappointed, because I couldn't get a job there (Until I was eighteen at least, stay tuned), but happy, because he said he would have hired me. 

Yes mother, I will take out the garbage that consist of two whole cabbages in a plastic bag and nothing else(?). This concludes this heroic narration on Eric's continuous quest to gain U.S. currency. 

Could you tell I used a thesaurus in the last paragraph? It's too much, I know. I promise I wont do it again.

See you next time!

P.S. I think I will blog every other day. Hows that?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's been going on?

A lot of things have happened since I last blogged. Maybe more has happened to me than to you, or maybe you've got me beat because you are a busy bee (Click here if so), but to me, a lot of things have happened.

I was just thinking about what I just said, and I take it back. I have not had MANY thing happen to me, but the things that did happen were a bit bigger than normal, so it gave me the impression that lot's of things happened. It's like an optical illusion. 

Wait, no. Optical means having to do with the eye, an optical illusion only involves VISUAL illusions. This was an illusion of the mind, so it would be... a... cranial illusion? Yeah... I like that. 

"C'mon Eric, let's get to the subject here."

"No, Library Eric, I will not stop myself from trailing off into other things than what I mean to talk about."

"Wha-- Why not?"

"Because one, I come up with cool things like the phrase "Cranial Illusion", and two, It adds length to the blog. Besides, it makes it more interesting."

"Whatever, I'm just going to go over here in the corner and play with your ds." 

"Wha-- HEY! So It was YOU that saved over my file in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box! There was two other empty spaces where you could have saved! I had to start all over from the beginning!  Don't you just walk out of the room!" 

Bah, he's gone. We seriously need to do something about that punk.

The homeless man I found by the street and then hired to announce various things for me says with his Golden voice, "We now return to our feature presentation." 

Oh man! You really should be in the radio business man! Your voice is SO GOLDEN!

Now, you all know that before Christmas break, I went to a dorm school. I had talked about things I did in the dorm, the library there was where Library Eric spent most of his time (not to mention the time he spent uninvited in MY room), and all my friends live there. Now, for whatever reason you want to believe (Go ahead, be creative), I am not going there anymore. 

What school am I going to now? Great question! Now, I am technically "Home schooled". Don't think of it as something you should feel bad for me for though. This is most certainly a good thing. 

Reasons this is a good thing:

  • Now that I am home all week, and I don't have study halls and I don't have to go to the computer lab to do it, I can blog much easier now. I can spend more time on each blog, and I can blog more often. 
  • Being in the dorm all week, I was only home for two days out of the seven, so getting a job would have been impossible. Now, not only am I home all week, I can work during school hours, and take my classes earlier or later in the day. This is a huge advantage.
  • There are times where I can actually read a book. In the dorm, I would always be hanging out with my friends, and I would never read. I love to read books, so this is great!
  • Each state has a list of required classes that a student must take in order to graduate. I don't know if it's true of ALL schools, but the one I went to taught much more than that. I am not going to be taught any more classes than I need to, and obviously, that's pretty cool.
  • My school made me take piano lessons. I would have 45 minute practices everyday, in which I sat in a room only a little bigger than the piano and the bench, in a hallway lined with dozens of such rooms, and practice my songs. Guess what I don't have to do now? 

Reasons this is a bad thing:

  • I can read books now, but my dad is making me read to kill a mocking bird. Truthfully, it is a really good interesting book, and I recommend it, but it's just not as interesting as other books I like to read. 
  • Being in a dorm all week CAN limit me from doing things like blogging and getting a job, but it is REALLY fun to be around you friends every day of the week, morning until night. (Don't tell, but it's also really cool that there are only a few adult supervisors, and no parents)
  • Where do you see your friends the most? In class. Now that I am not actually going to a school with other kids, I won't be seeing kids my age nearly as much. I will see some at church on Sunday, and I will have friends over on the weekends, but it's still sad to leave my friends behind like that.
  • Library Eric lives in my hall closet now, and that's pretty close to my room.
So, over all, yes, I am pretty happy with this change. 

I mentioned the fact the I can get a job now. There is a small Rite-Aid near my house, and I might try and get a job there. The manager there is a really nice guy, and whenever I go in there, we have talked for a few minutes. It's happened often enough that he recognizes me and comes to greet me whenever I go in there, so that's something going for me. I have always wanted to get a first name basis with some storekeeper, like they do in the movies sometimes, and now, I kind of am. Except that he doesn't know my first name, and I haven't remembered to look at his name tag, so we're not really. 

Speaking of remembering, I just remembered to shovel the driveway. 

See ya! It was nice talking at you!

"Goodbye for now!"

P.s. My mom also got me into a home school kids choir! I had to audition and everything. Besides the fact that I was put as a tenor (I am obviously a bass), It's pretty cool. It's a whole new group of friends.