Saturday, July 31, 2010


It's bad quality, It was made with Windows Movie Maker, and It is cheezy, but here it is.



The evil Puppigator.

So apparently my brother doesn't care if I film anything with his camera, as long as he is the camera man. I still get to choose the camera angles n' stuff. KEWL!!!

Knowing that, we filmed a video today, but I probably won't upload it to Youtube until tomorrow, because the editing will take me forever not eve editing before and because I'm using the cheap-and-plastic Windows Movie Maker. 

Just as a reminder, it will be uploaded to the channel CamelFruit. Here's a link.

The video is about me jumping over things with my rollerblades. I know it sounds kinda boring, but in my opinion, it's worth watching and a pretty good first video.

YUCK my dog farted! ACK It's unbearable!

Today was my second drive ever for Drivers Education. I don't know if I have ever mentioned me being in Drivers Ed, but I have for sure now. Anyway, I think I'm a good driver, but I Haven't seen anyone else on their second drive ever, so I don't know what to compare it to.

Gah there's that creepy jazz music again.

I need to go and edit that video. There is a chance that it would be uploaded today, but I dunno.

'm srry

I truly am srry that I never blogged two days ago, or even yesterday. Lemme tell you why.

Two days ago, the day I was supposed to blog, it was about 9:30, and I was in my room using my computer, and I felt tired. I decided, hey, It's only 9:30, I can quick sleep for an hour, then keep reading this comic I was reading, then blog, then go to bed.

Of course, it didn't work that way, and I slept the while night.

Why didn't I blog yesterday then. I DIDN'T WANT TO.

Y'know, you TWO total actual readers out of the twelve people that followed me so far (heh I say so a far as if i'm getting more) are probably thinking, ERIC YOU ARE SO LAZY. YOU NEVER FEEL LIKE BLOGGING. YOU ARE SO STUPID AND LAZY AND I HATE YOU.

Hey, ok, if you  think it is so easy, go start a blog yourself and write in it every single day. IT'S  HARD.

Really, a very well written blog for me takes about half an hour, or 1/48th of the day. That's a lot! I have things to do like...

So that's not really helping me prove the point, but whatever. I know you  guys hate my excuses,  so i'll stop.

I have a youtube channel now, It's called "CamelFruit". Go ahead, check it out. It exists. There are no new videos though. The reason is that I don't  have a camera. My brother does, but if you have a brother/sister  you know how THAT goes...

I might not post any videos until the school year, because miller has a good  camera that we possibly could use. I already have several ideas for sweet videos. 

If I even make/post one, I will tell you all about it. (Elmo's World reference that no one gets.)

So my mom got her CD stereo fixed. This means ABSOLUTELY nothing to you, but  to me it means hearing jazz saxophones and trumpets for countless hours through ceiling of my basement room. GAH! I cannot concentrate!!

OK, I'm sorry for getting so far behind, I promise I will blog more often now.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Krieger told me I hadda blog today, so I will, but it'll be quick STOP. Tomorrow I write the exact same blog with triple the detail, better punctuation, a youtube video, and more STOP.

I'm back from camp, and I met A LOT of good friends there STOP. I worked in the kitchen, because I was fifteen  during the week, too young to be a counselor and  get paid STOP.

During the week you were fifteen STOP?

OH! I'm sixteen now! My birthday was on saturday STOP! YOU GUYS BETTER COMMENT  ME A HAPPY BERFDAY OR I'll QUAM-QUAM MYSELF STOP.

You do NOT wan't to know what that means STOP.

Eric, you better STOP saying STOP STOP.

Friday, July 16, 2010

First half of the story

Ok, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I thought I'd try and write a good blog before I left. That would be nice huh? Me writing a good blog? I'm almost certain not a single one of you twelve actually reads these. It's ok though, because I am almost certainly getting a youtube channel. That way I know for certain I will be able to get people to watch my videos.

Oh, also, I just got a fiction press (like one minute ago) so that I can write stories. I have written stories when I was little (they were REALLY crappy), but I am older and I can write better stories. My fictionpress username is CamelFruit as my youtube channel will be. ONLY if you wanna check that thing out, if you don't you're a bugger.

Yesterday I found a folder with all the papers I wrote for my speech class. I wanna show you some. Here ya go.

Ok, REALLY?!!?! I got got the eleventh bloody nose in three days. WHAT IS GOING ON?
If that grossed you out, isorry.  It's what's going on in my life.

Ok, I'm all better now, I say ok and anyway too much, andI will start the first story. The first assignment was to write two paragraphs. One about something that happened to me as a child, and the second wasproving that sports CAN be dangerous (Iknow that one is dumb, but hey). The funny thing that got me in trouble because I laughed about it was that instead of two paragraphs I wrote over two pages. The teacher even left I note at the bottom of the page saying, "Eric the assignment was to write two paragraphs. You write well, but you have to follow an assignments instructions." I know write? Heh heh puns...

Here we go! Ill leave notes every once in a while.

I had a very full and exiting childhood, and I did many things, There is one thing however, that sticks out to me as a good thing to write about.

Winter is probably my favorite time of the year (note: that is a lie), only because of two things. One reason is when we got to stay home because of so much snow (note: my school now doessn't believe in snowdays.), and the other reason I love winter so much is snow itself. I have loved snow my whole life, and I cannot wait until it snows soon. The second best thing about snow, the first being snowmen, is sledding.

Near my house, there is a hill that a lot of people sled on. This can be a bad thing, of course, but in this case, it is a good thing. The reason for this is that the snow gets so packed down from the many people sledding on it, and it gets literally as slick as ice in some places, and it is obvious why this is fun.

I realized I have not told my story yet so I better do that.

OK, apparently I was mistaken and we are leaving for camp in less than an hour. I'll have to finish the story in a week. Oooooh suspense!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

HIYA!!! Man, I am not good at titles.

Titles, writing the word titles, Blogging, writing the word blogging, homework, girls, there are many things I'm not good at. It makes me sad.

I'm thinking of starting a youtube channel for a couple reasons.

1. A lot of why I am funny in not all WHAT I say, but HOW I say it. I use lots of voices and faces and I can't fully capture that feeling and "humor" in writing.

2. Once I get to school, I can make funny videos in the dorm with my friends. We already had a couple ideas of what we could do.

3. More people are likely to subscribe to a youtube channel than follow a blog.

4. I dunno.

Ok, so I barely had enough reasons to use the numbers, but I like using the numbers.

Hey, do you like video games?
Do you also like food?
Well check out the Geeky Chef blog! (Don't worry it's not me)

I just discovered the Geeky Chef blog while looking for a recipe for sea-salt ice cream from the kingdom hearts games on Google. I followed him too. He makes things from video games and movies, like butter beer from Harry Potter.

Enough of THAT

So, I am leaving for camp on saturday, and I won't blog until after the 24th.  I know this makes none of you sad, just wanted to tell you.

I realize that my blogs are sucking and not funny and al that hubbubbaloo (wow that is a weird word in writing), and thats why I wanna start a youtube channel. If any of you ACTUALLY read my blogs, comment and tell me what you think. PLEASE I  BEG YOU.

Ok, so I know I completely forgot to put videos on these last couple blogs, but I have a really good one to show you this time! It has a lot of views, but I found it a couple days ago and it did NOT have that many. It's gained a lot in a few days. 

It's really funny, and it even made my dad laugh.

I've gotta go play DS!!! GOODBYE!!! REMEMBER TO COMMENT!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I didn't blog yesterday because I didn't want to. End of story.

I only have a couple things to say today, so this'll be pretty quick.

One, I got a Ds. I have a PS2, and a Wii, but I have never had a handheld console before. I know Dsi's and Dsi Xl's  are better, my sister has and Xl, but I don't have a job yet so I don't have much money. I had just barely enough for the Ds and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days which I got used for 20 bucks. I'm playing it right now. Also I'm waiting for Kingdom Hearts re:coded to come out, though the release date hasn't even been announced. Maybe Kingdom Hearts Realm of the Dissouled for Wii, and maybe Super Scribblenauts are on my list, but I dunno.

Two, on saturday I leave for Camp Lor-ray, and I won't be back till friday. I won't blog during then. At all. Not even one. I'll tell you about it when I get back though.

I gotta get back to 358/2 days, so shut up. Isorry!

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 3st

Ok, the first full day in my Grandparents house. I will explain rules and things that go on in this house.

My Grandparents house is to be always as clean as possible, and it is taken to the highest measures. We are instructed to walk very slowly on the stairs, and they are not kidding. They yell until we are walking so slowly that every time we go up or down, it takes close to 30 seconds, one way trip. We have to take our shoes off outside, rub our socks off while standing on this grate thing that lets the sand fall while allowing you to stand without getting MORE sand back on, my Grandpa's invention. Then we have to carefully step onto a rug in the Garage, and walk across, then wipe on ANOTHER grate thingy, and then you can step inside. It takes forever to load groceries from the car. You cannot slide your chair, get up, and move it. You have to slide up to the table until your chest touches the table, so that you do not drop crumbs. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

A lot the adults will be talking, so we occupy ourselves by using the exercise bike, and exercise skiis in the basement. It's pretty fun...

Don't get me wrong though, I love it at my Grandparents house.

Today is the third, but the fourth of July parade was today because its Sunday tomorrow. We drove in to town early to get out spot, and we got a good one too. We lined up our chairs by our car, tied them down and went home to eat lunch because the parade didn't start for two hours. We actually got a pretty good spot. Latter, when we got there, there were a million and four people. Let me show you how many that is. 1,000,004. Thats a lot of people.

We went to our spot and got comfortable in our chairs. We positioned our plastic bags so that we could easily load them with candy, and then we sat there, and waited for the parade.

My brother and I occupied ourselves pretty well. For one thing, we poked little children that passed by us with the butt ends of our little flags, and watched them react. In my opinion, this was the most entertaining thing we did. We did other things too, such as get as many stickers from the advertisers as we could (one person gave us four stickers max, but we kept going back so we got like 30 stickers from them, though I actually don't remember what it was advertising.), asking the people that tell you to stay behind the spectator line if they had stickers (which would be cool, it would say, 'stay behing the line or my orange vest will strangle you.'), asking random old people if they had stickers (one old lady thought we said suckers, and she actually had some. Root beer flavor.), and much more. During this time of occupying ourselves, my Grandma occupied herself by saying, 'NO WAY!!' with a happy face whenever someone told her to vote for someone. THAT was hilarious.

Soon, the people in the spot directly to the left of us arrived, and they immediatly layed chairs along...
Lemme just show you.

As you can see from this wonderful HD recreation of the situation, there is many problems, all caused by the people to the side of us.

1. Their blanket was pink.
2. Their blanket was crossing into out spot, under our car even.
3. No matter how many times I poked it out from under our car and back across the line with a stick, it always got back.
4. There is a lady and a child who we don't know standing directly between me and my brother and our vehicle.
5. There were three small children to the left of me, trying to get candy.
6. There was no one actually on the roof of our car. That would have been cool, because it would've been a ninja.
7. Apparently we have the same car as the enemy.
8. The wooden train was infested by little kids so we could'nt play on it.

Two of the three little kids were too little to understand what was going on, but the third, Ohohohho.

The third kid was probably in kindergarten, and he was about as tall as me when I was sitting in a very low lawn chair, Perfect headbutting height. He short orange curly hair, and he was wearing small glasses. He was running ariund frantic, trying to get as much candy as he could into his cute little bag, because, as his mom repeated over and over, "He has to get candy for his two brothers too." (I still got more candy than him, hee hee.)

This kid was doing everything to get candy. He weaved around his grandma. He ran out in front of a marching band to get a tootsie roll. He even crawled right under our chairs to get candy from there. THAT is what got me mad about him.

I got him though. I didn't just let him scurry around, grabbing candy practically out of our bags. I did all I could to keep him off our spot. If his foot was an inch across the line, I bent over and pushed it onto their side, getting a weird look from him. One time he stood directly in front of me, and I poked him real good in the butt. Needless to say he stayed over there a while after that.

That's enough Eric. The more I talk about this, the more he becomes an innocent Kindergartener in my, mind, one that doesn't know what he's doing wrong. I do have to say what I did to get that woman and her son out from behind me.

They were standing there, not caring that they were standing in the middle of my family, and I turned my brother, and said, loud enough for them to hear, "Next year we should bring more convenient bags, these ones are too big. Also, we should bring shotguns to shoot people that stand behind us and in our spot."

That child looked at his mom, and slowly backed away. It was amusing.

Maybe you can't see the seriousness of how much they were surrounding us by the picture and my explanations, but just keep reading and forget I talked that long about this.

Yeah, I know I overreacted.

I'm back. Woo. One person is happy. Me.

I'm a terrible blogger, I know. However, I do want to continue this blog, and possibly get hundreds of followers, so I'm just going to explain myself, and continue on blogging.

Ok, so on my trip to Minnesota, It was a lot harder to blog than I predicted.

I forgot my Laptop charger at home, something which my Laptop does not run at all without. I used my brothers because we have the same laptop, but he didn't exactly like that.

My parents forced me to try and socialize with my relatives, but they almost never acknowledge us kids during a conversation, so basically, we just sat there. My mom would say, stop playing Dr. mario (I developed an obsession on this trip) and come talk with us. Often I never said a word.

The only access to the internet I had was my Grandparents computer, which was slow, and I actually wasn't allowed on it. I snuck on it once in awhile though. Also we would occasionally go to a  coffee shop that has wifi, but my laptop takes so long to turn on that it is not worth taking it.

I just killed a bug and catapulted it's corpse across the dark abyss of my room with a plastic spoon. Huh.

So Basically, I only wrote ONE blog the whole trip, and the only reason it is long is because I wrote on it collectively over the trip. I'll post it right after this one, it's from July 3rd. Or as they say it on Transformice, 3st.

Right click > Ignore spelling

SO THERE. I updated you. Full 100% updation complete

(I can't stand that red squiggly line under misspelled creative words.)
(You can't stand me.)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tell 'ya what's happening.

OK, this blog might not be very long, because I'm actually not supposed to be on the computer right now, but I did say that yesterday, and  It didn't turn out so bad.

Today, was basically lived in anticipation of the trip tomorrow. Tomorrow means for you, that the monster blogs are starting, but to us it means getting up really early in  the morning, and sitting in a car for countless hours. Actually, I am not getting up early, because I plan on staying up the entire night, since I can sleep in the car anyway, and because I have been up until 2:00 every night for five nights.

I'm playing chess with my sister right now, and she's reading a book.  It's a pretty slow moving game.

My mom is mentioning that  I still need a haircut, and I'm trying to avoid her until it's too late for her to do it.  It's worked several times in the past. If it doesn't work, I will post before and after pictures.

I'm penetrating her pawn wall with my knight EASILY.

Ok, so I ended flipping the chess board when she captured my queen, but It really doesn't matter, because It's hard to play chess and blog at the same time. I want to bring the chess board into the car tomorrow.

Yes, my mom just got me and cut my hair, and though It doesn't look too bad, It could be better. Basically I want my hair to be more like Anthony from smosh, but longer in the back (google it). It doesn't work though because my mom won't let me grow my bangs long enough.
I'll post the before and after pictures some other time.

For the past two hours I have been uploading an audio book from the library onto my iTunes, so that I can listen to it on the trip while playing tetris. I'll be playing a lot of tetris.

I can't really type very much today, so I'll sign off with the last video of the day for a while.

If you watch it, make sure you watch it to the end!