Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The toast poster

Here is my recreation of the toast poster. The original was better,because it was real.


Assignment for 9/30, Thurs. Finish Etymology Worksheet.

Yes’m, I did yell the entire last half of the previous blog, and Yes’m, I did lose my voice afterwards. I like the word afterwards. It’s very nice and warm.

I’m crazy again, but today more than usual. Krieger said I’m the craziest I’ve ever been.
I had coffee. The coffee machine that gives you a nicely sized cup for decimal point three five dollars, or thirty five cents, was fixed today. Ever since I realized it had thirty five cent coffee it’s been broken. It’s fixed now. I had coffee. That’s not all the reason I’m crazy though, because sometimes when I feel like being crazy, I can be.

We were fanning at the volleyball game twenty minutes ago, and I invented a time out dance, which I do during half time. It’s a good dance. I was cheering obnoxiously and the fans from the other team were looking at me, but I just smiled at them. 

I had to take the toast poster down today, because the normal piece of bread which we purposely incorrectly called toast (because toast is better) got so hard that some people actually believed it WAS toast. I’m gonna hang it in my room, with a printed off color picture of toast taped where the real toast used to be. Maybe I can hang it back up in the hallway then… Hmm…

I think that’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time. I just did it, and it looks awesome. 

So… How’s it going? With your life?

I am writing a poem. I will tell you another new line every time I do a blog. Here’s the first line.

“Hey diddle diddle, Hug Jon in the middle.”

This ‘Jon’ I referred to hates to be hugged in the middle of his torso, so naturally we do it all the time. He hates that too.

A toddler owes me $400. The toddler of the tutor was being looked after by some girls, and they had to do something, so I had to entertain him. I looked him in the eye and said;

“When you get older, you will get a job and you will have money. For no reason at all, could you find me when that happens and give me some? I might need it.”

He looked at me silently, but said nothing, for he is not old enough to talk.

“How about $1,000”

He shook his head no.


No again.


Then, he nodded his head, and we shook hands, and then the girls came back, so I left. I’m good with kids.

Question of the blog (I don’t always blog every day y’know). If you could jump into a pool full of everything, what would it be? Tell me in the comments.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Powder Puffins. and Zombies. Heehee...

If you think I’m crazy, you’re absolutely right, I’m insane.

I dunno why I said that. I’m not THAT crazy, I’m just creative, and I show people.

On Sunday, some of the kids in my junior class were decorating our hallway for homecoming week. There is a competition between the classes, but the seniors always win.

I was hungry, so I took a piece of bread my roommate MILLER gave me, and I was on my way to buy chocolate milk from the vending machines to eat it with. I really don’t think so, but apparently dipping bread in milk is weird. I think it’s just very delicious. Bread is not that different from cookies, and we dip those in milk.

Anyway, to get to the vending machine which the milk was, I had to pass through the Junior hallway. There I was, standing amongst crafty people, eating a piece of bread. Then I got an idea. I quick ran upstairs to get Jeremiah, the German student, and Lando also, and I told them my idea. They were as exited as I was, and they ran down with me. We waited outside the hallway for the right moment, and then we ran down. Lando grabbed the masking tape, I ran to the right wall, and Jeremiah farted. A lot. Lando ran with the tape, avoiding the junior girls, because we knew they would hate our idea. We tore off long pieces of tape and… taped the piece of bread to the wall. One Large ‘X’ of tape, straight through the middle of it.

Then the girls saw us. There was a silence. Jeremiah farted again.

They didn’t care, so we made a poster for it, cutting a hole in the middle of a rectangle piece of paper (I know how to spell piece because of the comic “One Piece’, link in the side in “Websites that I follow”), and drawing a cute piece of toast with boots courtesy of Jeremiah, and the words “The Junior Toast”. It’s really cool so if I get around to it, I’ll post a picture.

NEW TOPIC: I am trying to get a really cool music library, so comment your favorite two songs. Please. And. Thank you.

Here are a couple songs that I am downloading at the moment;

“We’re gonna fight” – 76% Uncertain

“I hate the radio” – 7 seconds

The entire ‘Stepdad’ Album, downloadable for free here.

“Mine’s not the high horse” – The Shins

And also, “Blitzkrieg bop” - some one awesome (not the real band name).

Tonight, since its homecoming week, was powder puff football, in which the junior girls and the senior girls play football. It’s crazy, and the juniors lost 36-8. I know. I KNOW! Krieger, Jeremiah, and I sat on the senior side of the bleachers and cheered for the juniors. It made them pretty mad.  Also, Krieger and I fought with the blocking pads before the game, bashing them like shields.  

I think I want to but a video camera, and record some things happening, and put them on YouTube. That would be pretty cool I think. It won’t happen for a while though.  In case you don’t know, my crappy three soon to be one video YouTube channel is ‘CamelFruit’.

I don’t feel like typing anymore so, possibly a shark hunting-dream filled night.

In case you are new (Isaac), and you have a Google email (Isaac, use the school one if you don’t Isaac), you can follow me, and it will send you emails when I UPDATE! Yeah. Cool. Punk.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's a grunt kind of saturday.

Tonight is the dance, so I am staying in the dorm over the weekend. Last night, One of my roommates which I never mention Chris and I were the only ones in our room, and we stayed up until 1:45 watching a movie on his (sniff) Mac.

This morning, I slept in, in my warm room and extremely comfortable bed, and when I woke up, I watched another movie alone on my other roommates computer. After, I came to the public library, where I am now, wearing a sweatshirt and pajama pants and eating a sucker. I am not at home, so I don't have to do Saturday chores,

I am really rested and comfortable, and I don't want it to end. When I get back to school, I'm going to eat a ramen. Man! That's gonna feel good in my tummy!

Recently I have realized how much my blog has sucked, so I will try my hardest to make it better.

First, I will start with a short weird story I wrote last night, one which I am not completely satisfied with, but I will post it any way. Here goes. Samuel, you can read this if you want, but this is the bedtime story I will be telling you.

When I was seven years old, I had two good friends, a boy-with-glasses named James and my ginger-cat Christopher. My cat was especially cool because he could talk, and James was especially boring because he couldn’t. I hung out with him though because he was good company, and because he had extremely good luck for finding things. One time, he found a little plastic toy boat, which we would play with for hours everyday after school. Only after about a month of playing with it tirelessly did it accidentally wreck on a rock, breaking open and revealing about forty-five dollars that had been in the boat the whole time.

On this particular afternoon, we were all a bit depressed, each for our own reasons. I was disappointed because I had lost my lucky marble while throwing it at some ducks in the park. Christopher was sad because I haven’t mentioned him enough in this story, and James was depressed because he got last in our class spelling bee again. He loses every year.

We were all pretty sad, so we were trying to cheer up by doing our favorite thing to do, wander in the park. James was looking for my marble, and I was watching him look for it. I don’t know what Christopher was doing.

James was looking around the sandy area under a bridge in the park, a place where we went every day to look for things, when all of a sudden, he moaned loudly.

“Did you find something James?” I yelled to him, unnecessarily loud since he was right in front of me.

Since he couldn’t talk, he merely shook his head and pointed to his head and then to a broken and dirty refrigerator, showing that he only hit his head on the fridge.

“I’m pretty sure that fridge was not here the last forty-seven days that we were here, I remember it from forty-eight days ago though. I remember we couldn’t get it open. I‘m so happy, I thought that we‘d never see that fridge again.”

James nodded, and went over to examine the fridge. Quickly he turned and excitedly gestured for me to come closer. When I got closer, I saw that the lock that had been there forty-eight days ago was gone, and that the fridge was completely open-able.

James was closer to it, so he cautiously walked over and opened the fridge. As soon as he did, a huge brown arm with long disgusting nails shot out and grabbed James around his chest. I yelped, but for some reason, James was very calm, and he even smiled and patted the arm. Then, his eyes got huge, and the arm quickly pulled him into the fridge, the door slamming shut immediately after.

I was to the right of the fridge, so the door blocked the inside of the fridge the whole time, and I never saw the inside, but the inside gave off a light red light the lit up the dark area under the bridge. When the door closed, I was left alone in the semi-darkness.
I realized that James could be in trouble, probably because a brown arm just pulled him into a fridge, so I ran the five or six feet to the fridge gripped the handle and pulled. The door did not open however, and when I looked down, I saw that the fridge was locked up with a hefty blue padlock.

I panicked and looked around for something to break the lock. In the sand next the me, there was a strong looking hatchet, so I lifted it up over my head to break in and save James.

“Let me do it!” A voice interrupted from behind.

“Oh hey Christopher, James just got pulled into this fridge, and now it’s locked.” I was a calm person at the time, and since things like this seemed to happen to James a lot, I assumed he was OK. I still wanted to help him though, so I lifted the hatchet again over my head.

“Stop, let me do it!” Christopher said again.

“You can’t swing a hatchet, you’re a cat!” I grinned.

“I’m not a normal cat, I can talk remember?”

“Ehhh… I dunno, the Hatchet is bigger than you!”

“Just gimme it.”

I handed the hatchet to Christopher, and he easily lifted it and brought it down solidly on the padlock, shattering it like glass.

My jaw dropped, and I looked at Christopher with surprise, “That… was pretty cool.”

“Yeah, let’s get James out of there.”

We both pulled open the fridge door, only to see the normal inside of the fridge, except with more mold.

“Where can he be?” we both wondered aloud at the exact same time.


So um, there. I might continue it, I might not, it depends on how much other people like it.
I mentioned that possible date... two days ago? Well, I'm not going with her, but I'm OK with it, since I never had a date before anyway. Anyway, she made me promise to dance with her ATLEAST once though, so everything is good.

Whenever I blog about things like that, I feel really weird, so I probably will never do that again. If you like stuff like that, read the previous paragraph a couple times, It's all you're going to get.

Remember when the Jeremiah the German student and I collected cans and got three fifty? That's nothing. Last night we collected three times as many, and we had already been collecting throughout the entire week. We just might get over five dollars.


Also, Jeremiah and I are trying to write a comic. We plan on it being a pretty good length, but I don't know how well it will turn out. I dont wan't to tell you much about it, but It has something to do with an ugly president.

How long does a blog have to be before it's too long? Is this too long?

Ah, now for tags, my least favorite part.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

COMIC (Number One)

So here it is, the first comic of who knows how many more. It's something I drew in class one day, and I really like it, so I'm gonna make more. I refuse to name the characters, one, because the square-head guy doesn't deserve one, and two, the Duck guy is too cool for names. What do you think?

And yes, he stabbed his hand through his cheek. He's just awesome.

Don't lick frozen flagpoles. Like, at all.

I want to first tell you that I am participating in a CD exchange, that is, I get a random address, sent them a CD, and another random address sends me one back, and you can too! Click HERE. Heh heh, I've always wanted to say that.

To get to the blog, I might have a date to the dance, for the first time ever. 


Shut up L.E., you can't even go! 

I would have gotten a date though.

What, with your impressive knowledge of anime and internet memes?

I'm going to the library.

Yeah, go. Go read MORE anime.

Now, what I was going to explain before, when I say might, it is basically a 50% percent chance. Not going into any further details. Oh also, the dance is on Saturday.

GAh! Facebook is under construction!
Oh! I wrote a comic, and it's pretty good. I scanned it because I was gonna put it on this blog, but I left my flash drive upstairs, and I don't feel like getting it, so it'll be on a separate blog post. I plan on making more too. Eventually.

I took a nap yesterday. It felt nice. This blog sucks. I'll get you a better one tonight, along with the comic. GARUNTEED. TONIGHT.
GOODNIGH... see you in a few hours.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gaggaflabblingtonson! I've been tagged!

I... Am so exited, and I was not expecting this at all, but Lex from LEXical Sematics tagged me, and it made me happy! I know what this means lex, you like my blog, and theres no lying about it. Thank you so much for this!

I just made a blog, and I have nothing to say, so I'm just going to get this started.

1) Sometimes I feel like I'm the craziest person person in the world...So you have to tell me something that makes you a little insane so I can feel better about myself.

Okay no, I'm kidding, but you still have to answer it :D

Have you ever read my blog? When I get crazy the same time I'm at the computer, it goes like this. I think I am the craziest person in my class, and I'm proud of it. The last couple days after school, I have been playing like a child with Krieger, "pretending." Y'know, like in Calvin and Hobbes.

Another thing was something I did only once, but I would do it again, if I hadn't got in so much trouble the first time. Once, I put on my biggest shirt and my super-stretchy pajama pants, and then I stole my friends blankets, and rammed 'em all in my clothing. I had stolen so many blankets, I needed someone to help me jam them all in. I was over three times my size, and when I fell, I needed help getting up. I then proceded to quickly waddle throughout the dorm, followed by a large crowd of screaming monkeys. Ehem, sorry, my friends. I get them confused.

I eventually rammed a senior that no one really likes into the wall with my blanket-belly. He tried punching me, but he missed because I had fallen flat on the ground.

2) Would you rather kiss Voldemort or Susan Boyle?

Well, I am a man, so I would like to lean towards the female, but I don't know...

I think I am going to pick Voldemort, because despite his nasty yellow nails, he for some reason looks really clean to me. He looks as clean as an Asian doctor, and thats not racist because it's a good thing.

Susan Boyle on the other hand... has a beard.

3) What is one impossible thing you wish was possible?

That I could live like Winnie the Pooh, or Wheezywaiter, and that is, live very simple, with enough money to live, and having a job that you love. Or, in Pooh's case, no job.

That really doesn't answer the question, but I cannot think of anything.

4) What type of dinosaur would you be? I want you to research extensively and match yourself up with one that has similar personality traits =P

Research? Aww... Come on Lex!

Probably, I would be a Pteranodon, which is very similar to a Pterodactyl. Like ice cubes in an ocean. Only because They can fly, and I don't like Pterodactyls. At all. I don't know why.

5) If you could move anywhere in the universe, where would you move? (Notice how I say "universe" which means if you would like to reside on Mars, or set up camp in a black hole, that's perfectly fine.)

Hmm... I think I would reside in mars and set up camp in a black hole. Not really, mars is just not for me. Too... alone...

Really, there are a lot of places that I would like to move, but I really don't know where. I would definitely stay on this planet, because I couldn't stand to be away from humanity.

One, I would like to live in a city thats busy, but not New York city. Maybe someplace in Chicago, preferably next door to Wheezywaiter. Craig Benzine.

I want it to be a semi calm place, where I rarely need to use my car because everything is so close to my house. Eric, shut up.

6) Theme song of your life?

I guess I can't think of a better one right now than "I want to bang on the drum all day", except, I don't play the drum. I just want to have fun and not work, and this is often my downfall.

7) Gallbladder or liver?

Well, I've always been a lung person myself,and I also really really love my pancreas, but I don't really like my gallbladder OR my liver. I don't like the idea of Gallstones though, so I'm gonna have to say liver.

I guess I kinda rushed this, but I think its good.
Imma tagging these punks. I... am NOT gangster.

Lex (LEXical Sematics)
Nan (Lifes Long; Live it well)
Krieger (Note to self: Think of Awesome Title)
Krieger's Older Brother (We are a Brutal Kind)
Wheezywaiter (The wheezy waiter)

I know I Didn't tag very many people, and that the last one is very unlikely, but I can hope right? Maybe if you all go to wheezywaiter's blog (click on his name), and comment on the most recent blog that I tagged him and that he should go check it out, he'll check it out. Imagine how cool that would be!

Here are your questions half-lizards.

1) What is one thing you hate about yourself? Phisically, OR other.

2) What is your favorite animal? Why? Is it a cow? Mine is.

3) Copying one of Wheezy's questions to Charlieissocoollike, What is that smell?

4) What's the weirdest thing you've done in public?

5) What is a question you REALLY wish you knew the answer to?

6) What would you do if twelve men came in your house uninvited and sat on your couch, staring at the wall and not saying a word?


Go to wheezy's blog and tell 'im!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gaggaflabblingtonson! I've been tagged!

I... Am so exited, and I was not expecting this at all, but Lex from LEXical Sematics tagged me, and it made me happy! I know what this means lex, you like my blog, and theres no lying about it. Thank you so much for this!

I just made a blog, and I have nothing to say, so I'm just going to get this started.

1) Sometimes I feel like I'm the craziest person person in the world...So you have to tell me something that makes you a little insane so I can feel better about myself.

Okay no, I'm kidding, but you still have to answer it :D

Have you ever read my blog? When I get crazy the same time I'm at the computer, it goes like this. I think I am the craziest person in my class, and I'm proud of it. The last couple days after school, I have been playing like a child with Krieger, "pretending." Y'know, like in Calvin and Hobbes.

Another thing was something I did only once, but I would do it again, if I hadn't got in so much trouble the first time. Once, I put on my biggest shirt and my super-stretchy pajama pants, and then I stole my friends blankets, and rammed 'em all in my clothing. I had stolen so many blankets, I needed someone to help me jam them all in. I was over three times my size, and when I fell, I needed help getting up. I then proceded to quickly waddle throughout the dorm, followed by a large crowd of screaming monkeys. Ehem, sorry, my friends. I get them confused.

I eventually rammed a senior that no one really likes into the wall with my blanket-belly. He tried punching me, but he missed because I had fallen flat on the ground.

2) Would you rather kiss Voldemort or Susan Boyle?

Well, I am a man, so I would like to lean towards the female, but I don't know...

I think I am going to pick Voldemort, because despite his nasty yellow nails, he for some reason looks really clean to me. He looks as clean as an Asian doctor, and thats not racist because it's a good thing.

Susan Boyle on the other hand... has a beard.

3) What is one impossible thing you wish was possible?

That I could live like Winnie the Pooh, or Wheezywaiter, and that is, live very simple, with enough money to live, and having a job that you love. Or, in Pooh's case, no job.

That really doesn't answer the question, but I cannot think of anything.

4) What type of dinosaur would you be? I want you to research extensively and match yourself up with one that has similar personality traits =P

Research? Aww... Come on Lex!

Probably, I would be a Pteranodon, which is very similar to a Pterodactyl. Like ice cubes in an ocean. Only because They can fly, and I don't like Pterodactyls. At all. I don't know why.

5) If you could move anywhere in the universe, where would you move? (Notice how I say "universe" which means if you would like to reside on Mars, or set up camp in a black hole, that's perfectly fine.)

Hmm... I think I would reside in mars and set up camp in a black hole. Not really, mars is just not for me. Too... alone...

Really, there are a lot of places that I would like to move, but I really don't know where. I would definitely stay on this planet, because I couldn't stand to be away from humanity.

One, I would like to live in a city thats busy, but not New York city. Maybe someplace in Chicago, preferably next door to Wheezywaiter. Craig Benzine.

I want it to be a semi calm place, where I rarely need to use my car because everything is so close to my house. Eric, shut up.

6) Theme song of your life?

I guess I can't think of a better one right now than "I want to bang on the drum all day", except, I don't play the drum. I just want to have fun and not work, and this is often my downfall.

7) Gallbladder or liver?

Well, I've always been a lung person myself,and I also really really love my pancreas, but I don't really like my gallbladder OR my liver. I don't like the idea of Gallstones though, so I'm gonna have to say liver.

I guess I kinda rushed this, but I think its good.
Imma tagging these punks. I... am NOT gangster.

I know I Didn't tag very many people, and that the last one is very unlikely, but I can hope right? Maybe if you all go to wheezywaiter's blog (click on his name), and comment on the most recent blog that I tagged him and that he should go check it out, he'll check it out. Imagine how cool that would be!
Here are your questions half-lizards.
1) What is one thing you hate about yourself? Phisically, OR other.
2) What is your favorite animal? Why? Is it a cow? Mine is.
3) Copying one of Wheezy's questions to Charlieissocoollike, What is that smell?
4) What's the weirdest thing you've done in public?
5) What is a question you REALLY wish you knew the answer to?
6) What would you do if twelve men came in your house uninvited and sat on your couch, staring at the wall and not saying a word?
Go to wheezy's blog and tell 'im!

Group effort x1

The rest of the blog will be a group effort, split between me and Krieger. I will take the first two words, and he will take the next two, then me, and so on. It should get interesting because we are not specifically talking about anything in particular, so Pffffff...

Sometimes, I want to eat lots of crappy snack foods, just because my mother does not eat them. I, however, LOVE snack foods that are melted beyond recognition, because they taste so much better than my mothers bagged goods. You can not BELIEVE how bright they suck. Man, the sun hurts my mother's eyes when it sees her. After I throw away my large dining table, I will eat the leftovers. Because of their size, kangaroos are very jumpy. That can sometimes make sense, but not very often. Plastic pieces may be stuck in your throat, mine are. They taste very often like a very big and tasty chunk of oddly shaped and beautiful pieces of crunchy road. That sentence was my worst ever. Haha, no. Obviously, the moon reads very slowly, but very quickly sometimes. Apple butter runs like your refrigerator, you better eat a delicious meal. This will be the end of the world, and you. Cockroaches, however, DO NOT drive Winnebagos, like your cricket does. Stuart little's son likes oranges, but he died. TERRIBLE story, with a good ending. It made barf come out of my mouth. Very slowly, we write, as two peacocks eat delicious mangoes. Mangoes being delicious, are not mangoes, but tropical sandwiches. Witches of sand, don't eat mangoes, but mangoes eat witches of sand. Cats climb like, never. Level 100 is easy to reach if lemons roll quickly, but if they roll slowly, you suck. Haha, you must suck. Your lemon is stopped. Even though I like lemons, they are bumpy, which sucks. I hate Eric Pankow, and I don't hate Eric Pankow. You cheater. That's legal. Says who? Says... Clowns are evil. Not always, but usually. Not really. Shut up. Stop typing. Never ever. Right now. Nope, never. DO IT! Ummm ok. The end.

That was fun. I think we will end now, and I also think that I will do more of these. It turned out well. Comment please!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's a long story.

I now have a baby. His name is Xemnas. Tell you tomorrow.

The spelling suggestion for Xemnas was XEnox, capitol E and all. Pretty terrible Google-powered

Wisdom-filled night.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


“I wear Old Navy; they have an excellent selection and are priced well within their market.”

Do you know what that is from? If so, then congratulations. If you don’t shame on you, or you just have a bad memory, and I understand that. I do too.

Is it just me, or is it harder than it should be to spell congratulations? That is a really long word. I think that if you want to “Congratulate” someone, you should not bore them with the longevity of the words you use to do it. Get it over with why doncha? That’s why I just say;

“I love you”

Except I never say that.

It is really hard to blog on weekdays, though I don’t blog on weekends. This is because on the weekends, I like to do stuff other than sit and type for half an hour. I do not have a half an hour to spare with all the sleeping and wondering what I can do since the internet is down.

Really, last weekend our internet went down. It was so boring. I know that there was plenty that I could do, but really none of those things seemed appealing to me. You know what I mean. You ask your mom what to do, she’ll say, “Well, you can wash the bathroom floor, you can wash the floors bathroom, you can bathroom the washes floor, you can…”

I am getting weirder and weirder. It’s good though right?

The point is, you should never let your mom know that you are bored. Hide in a closet or something.

267 words. Oh, now it’s 272. Gah! It keeps changing!! AHhhhhhh!!!

A volleyball game is going on right now. I can’t go to it because I’m in study hall. I never know when the games are until the day of, and then it’s too late to reschedule my study halls. It angers me.

Cut, Copy, Paste.

The vowels are: A E I O U.

I’m kinda crazy right now. I don’t like the word hyper for some reason. I just don’t. But recently I have been crazier more and more often, and I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or not.

I love you.

Except I never say that.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This blog is Gnome-like, as in short.

I need to do this. Not because I have been told to, or because It is satisfying to do it, but because of the cupcakes!

Cupcakes? Why, did I write that? What was I even talking about? I don’t have to do anything right now, except go to the bathroom, which the computer guy won’t let me do.

Gah! I have to go so bad!

So basically I am not planning ahead with this blog, though I hardly usually do anyway, but… Ok seriously I have to go.

Yes! He let me go! The teacher will always let you go if you have that urgent look in your eye. I think they have a contact lense with “that look” in it, and that would be pretty useful.

I have nothing to talk about. I might just end this here. Cruel and pathetic I know, but it’s Monday/Tuesday (I don’t remember which)! I have nothing to say. I will write another tomorrow that actually says something.

OH! One more story.

Today, we convinced a freshman boy to ask out a girl he liked. She said yes, she would go out with him, IF he didn’t play Xbox 360 for the rest of the day. You don’t know this boy, but he is obsessed with Xbox. He agreed and the date was set. Then we realized. Guess what comes out today? Halo Reach! You may not understand, but it was really funny to us.


I like One Piece.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What title can be used to describe the chaos in this blog?

Well today, I’m in the library writing this and Library Eric is nowhere to be seen. I just don’t know about that guy. He does not follow the rules. Then again, I wouldn’t if I had to stay in the Library all day. He could at least go on the computer; there are computers in the Library. Wait, why did he go to the computer lab yesterday? He can read one piece all night in here. Eh, I’m sure he has his reasons…

Y’know, as much as I hate him, I would love to be Library Eric. When everybody leaves for the night, he could read stuff online all night, not having to wake up for school the next day. That would be the life. What does he eat though? You are not allowed to bring food into the Library. No ramen? Never mind, being him doesn’t sound so cool anymore.

Where is he I wonder? Hmm…

So, these weekday blogs have been pretty fictional these past days, and I think it’s obvious why. Why would you want to hear about school? I never do anything blog worthy on weekdays at school. That’s why I have to make things up.

I am a junior now, as you know, and I was once a freshman, obviously. When I was a freshman, there were the regular “Stupid freshman” or “Get out of my room now freshman” from the upperclassmen, and at the time, I didn’t understand why they didn’t like me. I made them laugh with that joke I told, why don’t they want to be my friend? Now that I’m a freshman, I completely understand what they felt. 90% of the freshmen are people you just don’t want to be around, half because they are just freshman. It’s a bit like racism. I guess. So you Nan, and other people that are younger, when you go to high school, think about it. When you are upperclassmen, you will hate the freshmen too.

A couple weeks ago, me and a German exchange student who is really cool collected cans at a home football game, and we recently took them to the store. Total, we collected $3.50 worth, so we both got $1.75 each. Cool huh? I am really desperate for content at this point.

When we got the money from the cans, they gave us two gold dollar coins, and Jeremiah, the German student, had never seen them before. He thought they were special quarters. I explained it to him, but it made me wonder how hard it would be to switch countries. Not only language would be different, but way of doing things, humor differences, different money, different measuring system! Seriously, how hard would it be for us Americans to use the metric system only, or to hear the temperature in Celsius all day. That how it is for them. So many more things are different than you think of.

I’m running out of things to say so fast.

Twinket? Any Ideas?

Blub blub blub.

What’s that? Scientists successfully moved small particles with a tiny tractor beam?

Yeah. A tractor beam. Imagine what cops could do with full power tractor beam.

OK sir, you are under arrest. Put you hands behind you’re… HEY COME BACK HERE!


Oh no, you won’t get away on my watch. *Pulls out tractor beam*


That was censored because a criminal was picked up by a tractor beam and shaken violently. You can only imagine what that man might possibly be screaming. I didn’t listen, so I don’t know. It was a safety precaution.

So um… It will end here?

Oh hi Library Eric, where were you this whole time?

I was in your room, eating your last ramen.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quickie. Maybe not.

I don't know how long this one will be, because I have a history test tomorrow, and I don't really have a reputation for doing good on them, but I'll write fast. I ddi study for literally a full hour though dad, and I'm pretty sure I'll do good this time.

Let me first start this out by telling you about something. If you like to read fiction stories, then I have the story for you. A girl in my school, who is a senior in highschool now, wrote this story over the last year or more. It is probably the most interestingly written story I have read in a long time, and I really like it. It has a completely unique plot, and I am reading it right now actually. She just recenly finished it, and I think it has a page total of around 450 pages, and over 60 chapters. She wrote it online, so you can read it here.

I think that you will really like it, so go check it out. I know the writer will be pleased if you do.

On to the blog.

Do you like it when I tinyurl things, or is it better if I just paste the actual link? I do it because I want to keep the blog kinda neat.

So me and Twinket were talking the other day, and he though it would be cool if I had a logo. Something with him in it (That was his idea). I am pretty artistic, so I am going to try and make one myself, but if you want to make one, you can do that. If you know anywebsites that would be good for this kind of thing, please tell me. If you know something or make one, email it to me at

This really isn't a good blog, It's kinda just an information and questions blog.

Those are boring! You need to talk about something.

Library Eric? What are you doing in the computer lab? Are you even allowed to leave the Library?

I leave the library all the time. It's boring in there. In smells like books.

YOU smell like books.

I live in the library!

Good point. So, um, what are you doing here in the computer lab?

What do you think? I am the same as you, I like the computer. Im here to read One Piece.

Oh... This is somewhat disapointing. Having clones make you feel not special.

(Cue sad violin music.)

Oh, woe is me! I am not unique! There are at least three others exactly like me, with my exact personalities and likenessess! What can I do!

Random Scientist bent in the corner with a strange blue mutant animal says: Dispose of them!

(Thunder crash)

Um... You need to get out of here. That wasn't that bad of an idea though! Thanks!

Ok, I'm sorry if that was confusing and just plain stupid, but It was fun for me, so im gonna do it every once in a while. What are your thoughs on me talking to my clones?

I probably should not call them clones, because there was that one Starwars movie, um what was it? Attack of the clones?


I hope they dont read my blog.

Oh I do!

What?!?! You are still here?!?!

Yes, and I saw what that creepy old man said!

Hey, he said it, not me.

Yeah, but you said it was a great idea, and you thanked him.

I really don't think you are supposed to be here. I think I'm gonna go get the librarian.

No! Not the librarian! Just let me finish this chapter of One Piece, and I'll leave!

Good boy...

Can I have a treat?

...Get out now.

Ok, this is starting to get dumb. I would never ask for a treat in real life unless I did a trick.

I NEED TO STOP! I'm almost positive you hate this blog so far, so I need to think of something good.

Um... A girl likes me... For the first time that I'm aware of. That is pretty cool.


"Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-gumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before."
— Shel Silverstein

Or... write a blog and be completly stupid. Check.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We killed the bees with the swatty things.

Again, I forgot how to blog.

Today, we decided that we were going to eat lunch outside on the lovely patio that we so tirelessly built. We brought all the food out there, I even set up the umbrella. Then the bees came.

They swarmed in our food, landed in our scrambled eggs, and even circled that umbrella. My dad killed one with a swatty thing, and one of them came at me. I grabbed it with my hand. Weird huh? Grabbing with hands...

Anywhy, I grabbed the bee with my hand. See a problem? I got stung the exact instant I grabbed it. I think it was the first time I was stung by a bee before, although I though that I have before. I think that the other times, the bees didn't get me very good. This time, the stinger was on me and everything. It swelled up and everything. It is ok now, though I can still feel it.

So normally, I would be at school right now, in bed. But no! It's Labor day weekend! I have no school tomorrow! It feels awesome.

I was planning on doing so much more this weekend than I did. I didn't go anywhere, but that's how I like it. I stayed home, and did nothing. No, actually that's a lie.

I'm going to start now, and go back in time.

A couple hours ago, my brother and my dad went fishing in a friends special spot, and got two bass. Our family never really fishes much, but we do occasionally, so the catching them part was no problem. We did have trouble filleting them, but hey tasted good and they were our supper along with a delicious delicious ramen. It was cool how after they were dead, and after we cut their head off even, they still were moving so much. My sister thought it was creepy, but my dog thought it looked delicious.

When I woke up on Saturday, I was woken up early, by my brother;

"Papa says to get up and come upstairs"

I was so tired, so I replied, "No he didn't", and rolled over.

He was right there though, and he said, "Yes I did."

I got up.

We had to get up early because my youth group and I sold programs for five dollars at the Michigan State Football game. We made money for our youth group, and stood out in the freezing windy-ness while doing it. The wind was the strongest and most multi-directional I think I have ever felt, and it was 50-60 degrees out. Plus, the Brats were four dollars.

This wintry weather happened on Saturday. On Wednesday, I think, it was 94 degrees out. Poor football players had their practice out in that. Once again am glad that I didn't join football, besides that I'm out of shape now. I threw a football around with my friend on Saturday, and I very quickly got too tired. This is not good. At least I am doing wrestling. No? I haven't told you this yet? Well I am. There.

The ONLY single reason I would have wanted to do football is for the jerseys. If you are on Varsity, you get two jerseys, one for you to wear, and one for you to give to a girl to wear the day of the game. It's really cool how long in advance girls ask to wear your jersey, because they know that others will want to wear it too. Thats the ONLY single reason.

I'm eating Cheerios. Is that a good ending phrase?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I feel frustrated.

I won't go into much detail about why I'm frustrated, but basically it is school. I came here to blog because it makes me calm down.

This year at school, we are watching a whole bunch of movies up in our dorm room. At home, I have Netflix, so I am bringing up a couple every once in a while, one at a time of course ((Ack! Stupid Netflix) Just kidding Netflix, I love you.). Lando is bringing up lots of them, Miller brought a couple, so we have plenty movies, and we watch them at night. I am also keeping a list of the movies we watch during the year, because I like keeping lists and keeping collections, for some odd reason. I talk about it next.

Anyway, today in Spanish class, my teacher randomly challenged us to go without T.V. for a week, and yes it is an assignment. This includes computer screens, and video games. Obviously, I am breaking it now by writing this, but there is no way I going without internet for a week. I was thinking, should I watch a movie tonight? We started 'Enemy of the state' yesterday, and we are halfway through, and we are finishing it tonight. Should I watch it? Since I've broken the rule already, does it matter? Something like, I've ruined it already, ruining it any more doesn't make a difference? Or is breaking it twice worse than breaking it once? Another thing, I need the computer for homework. I need to type something at least everyday. Also, the teachers use projector screens to show us power points, should I close my eyes and not watch?

I guess I probably will ignore the challenge, because it really has nothing to do with Spanish, and neither me nor my classmates understand why she assigned it. Also, it was more teaching us how too much T.V. can cause obeisity, and too much video games can lead to violence. I use the internet a lot, but not so much as it is making me less active, I still do things outside and other than that like play chess with Krieger. I am not even going to go into the Video games cause violence thing, because I could write a whole blog on that.

Enough of that, time to tell you something that happened today that made a bunch of my friends go crazy. First, watch this video:

Now you know what Double rainbow is, listen closely, because I'm only going to type it once. You can read it more than once, but that doesn't apply to me.

Today in chapel, the pastor was talking about rainbows and how beautiful they were. It all tied into the sermon, so he wasn't just rambling on about nothing. Just then, when no one was expecting it, he said this,

"One time when my wife and I were on vacation, we saw a double rainbow. Oh man, it was so beautiful. It stretched all the way across the sky!"

I suspect he had seen the video before and did it on purpose, knowing that we were teenagers and we knew what it was, but I really don't know. We did know what it was, because I had downloaded the video and brought it up on my iPod to show all my friends a week before. Right after the pastor said that, we all looked at each other, and we knew what we were thinking, "WHAT?!?! DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT?!?!"

Right after chapel was over, you couldn't walk anywhere through the hallways without hearing "double rainbow".

I dunno, I guess that is something that is more funny when you are there.

GAh... I'm so tired... I'm gonna take a nap.