Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Dance

I left early Saturday morning, to stay in the dorm of my old school, AGAIN. This will be the last time for a while. I went up there for the Valentines dance.

Here's my opinion on dances. Mind you, I have only gone to dances from this same school, so this is basically only about those dances, because I don't know what other dances are like, what is similar and what is different from other schools' dances.

  1. The music is generally bad. Usually, they just play popular hip hop songs changed to have a dance beat in the background. At the dance, the DJ played Justin Beiber. Yeah, my supposed look-alike. It was funny though, because as soon as it came on, half the guys left the gym, only to reenter when the song was over. 
  2. To put it bluntly, most dance moves look stupid to me. I stood up on the balcony that overlooked the whole dance floor and just watched, and people were either just jumping up and down, or just flailing their bodies around. I tried to think, if everyone is doing it, it can't look too stupid. When I tried it myself however, I felt too stupid to continue. I dunno.
  3. The thing I like most about dances is the handkerchief game. It has no name, so I'm just going to call it the handkerchief game. It is a game that has been played since my first dance freshman year, and I don't know how long before that. Basically, someone brings a handkerchief into the dance, and puts in in his back pocket, half hanging out. That person proceeds to run around the dance floor, doing whatever we can to avoid the other players. The other players try and find this person among the other dancers, and then steal the handkerchief. If successful, that person puts it in their pocket, and runs away. It's basically tag. With a handkerchief. No matter how boring this game sounds, it IS fun.
  4. To get into the dance, it cost's $4.00 if you are single, and $6.00 for a couple (Three per person in the couple). While this is a good deal, the male person of the relationship ends up paying for the girl, so it isn't a very good deal for the guys. Also, people would pair up on the way to the dance just to get in cheaper. They should just have one solid price. I dunno.
  5. Good things: The Handkerchief game; when the dance was over, the freshman had to clean up; and free candy!
One funny story from the dance. One of my friends from Korea (not important) sneakily-snuck* his laptop into the dance by putting it in the back of his shirt. He then sat in the corner and played Minecraft until he got caught. I admire his love for the game.

I am still getting to your tag Lex, just be patient!

*Sneakily-Snuck is a phrase I made up a while ago. I like it a lot.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Igloo

 I told you about the igloo my siblings and I made, but never finished, and then melted. Here are pictures from it's melting process. Now that it is completely gone, the snow came back. I guess nature itself did not want us to build this igloo. Anyway, enjoy.

I tried super hard to get them all lined up correctly, but I couldn't do it. They are all there, so just ignore the weird placement. PLEASE JUST IGNORE IT.

I'm not exactly positive what the time intervals between each picture are, but I am pretty sure my mom took one picture every morning, so I think they are about a day apart. 

It's a shame that you couldn't have seen it in it's glory. And also remember we never finished it, we planned on a protruding doorway, and we might have built a snowman on top. We built a snowman on top of our igloo a couple years ago. I have the picture somewhere, if I find it, I'll post it.

I have a normal blog coming soon, but I am a bit busy. I know I was tagged Lex, I'll do that soon. 

Autobots, roll out!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm melting!

For the past couple days my brother, sister, and I have been working on an igloo in the front yard. We have only worked a little per day, so it's not completed yet. Plus the way we go by building the thing is a tiring technique.

We fill 5 gallon buckets with snow, and pack it, so that they stay in one piece. Then we cut them in half, to make two cake shaped bricks. We stack the bricks on the igloo, and then use extra snow to fill the cracks and smooth out the igloo. It was going fine until we got to the roof. The bricks are just not strong enough to stay. They fall and smash on the ground. We are trying a different technique for the roof. We put a board on the walls, where the roof is going, and we are building the roof on top of it. Then once the snow roof hardens enough, we plan on taking the board out.

So far, the igloo looks really cool, and I really hope we finish it. But now the snow is going away, and the igloo is slowly melting in it's three-fourths-finished state. It's sad. IF we finish it, I'll post a picture. If not, it'll just be embarrassing!

Other than that igloo problem, I welcome the incoming warm weather with a warm hand shake. The roads are dried up enough that roller blading and skateboarding are possible, and I will do that one of these days. I plan on inviting Jeremiah over for one weekend soon, and we will definitely be doing it then.

I really don't have much to day today, so I shove away Valentines day with this video.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Who invented doors? They are such a clever device. The house would be completely sealed, if not for this hole in the wall, covered perfectly by a flap that can be opened and closed easily. This is quite strange to think about, as many things are. I love 'over-thinking' things, and thinking of them as what they really are. Doors, as I said, is one of many items that can thought of this way. A can or bottle of pop, milk of water, is another. It is a sealed container full of liquid. People go to the store and spend money to buy these containers of liquid so that they can pour them into their bodies never to see the liquids again. See what I mean by over-thinking things? Other things that can be over thought are guns, swimming pools, books, windows, and MANY more. Try and over think some things yourself. It can be quite fun.

Last weekend, I stayed in the dorm of my old school again. I brought my flash drive, where I had put a couple funny Youtube videos to show my friends. It's something I did when I went there, and I will continue to do it, no matter what, so there. Everyone crowded around the computer screen, and watched them. It was cool. Among the videos, was this.

Among this were this guys five other videos. We all loved the videos, and I don't know if anyone else felt this, but after watching them, Krieger and I felt like cooking something violently. We decided to go to the store and see what we could find. While there, Krieger decided he didn't want to cook anything. So we just got Jello, because It was close enough and all you need is water. When we went to check out, I saw that the same cashier that called me Justin Bieber last time was there. Remember him? He recognized me, and said I was Justin Bieber again.

Later, Jeremiah and I went back, and got what I wanted to buy before, a box of spaghetti noodles. He was still there, and he called mi Justin AGAIN. Both times the customer he was serving whipped their heads around, and then looked back in half-disappointed. 

I ended up not regretting buying the noodles one bit, I added them to my ramen, and they actually added flavor.

So THIS weekend, at my old school, is the Valentines Dance. And I have a date. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

CR 48

Basically, the only thing that is going through my mind right now is the CR 48. And Algebra... But who cares about that? *weak laugh*

"What is it?!?" you say.

The cr 48 is the Google Chrome OS notebook. The Browser, Chrome, is run by Google, and they have built a laptop around the single idea of the browser Chrome. So basically, you turn the thing on, sign in to your Google account, and you are on the internet. THE ONLY THING on this computer is the internet. NOTHING else. There is no start bar on the bottom of the screen, because there is nowhere for it to take you. It is meant for just surfing the web. They built things onto Chrome so this is more achievable, such as a media player to play music and videos, Google docs to type reports and create a PowerPoint, and many other things. All these things are built into the browser. It is obviosly not meant to be a replacement for your desktop computer, nor is it a replacement for your laptop. It is just something to use to surf the web. It is a bit more portable than a normal laptop, and it is a lot faster, seeing as the computer only has the browser to focus on. 

The outer shell is clean and plain, like the browser itself. No designs or logos, just plain black with sharp edges. It is rubberized plastic, smooth to the touch and does not hold fingerprints. There is only one usb port, unfortunately, but that is enough for me personally. 

The keyboard is built for the computer, only having keys that it needs for a browser. For example, no function keys. Instead, there is the back and forward buttons, the brightness buttons, the volume buttons, and other things like that. 

I was instantly obsessed with the idea as soon as I heard of it, and so I instantly looked to see what it costs. This is where I found out what they are doing, and why I am driven so insane with want. Google is not selling them for another six months, but instead, are handing them out for free to people who apply for one by filling out a form on the cr 48's website. Anyone can apply, but not everyone will receive one. They choose a number of the applications, by a process not known, and send them the cr 48. This means you may or may not get one. You also may get it within three days of applying, as some people have, or you may have to wait two months, as other's have. 

Why is Google doing this? Well actually, this batch of cr 48's are just the beta version. The reason they are handing them out is for the people that get them to use them, test them, push them to their limits, and then provide feedback. Google will then take that feedback, and create a new and improved version with all that the people want. As usual, Google is for the people. 

I am pro-Google, if you can't tell.

The think that is driving me absolutely bonkers is the uncertainty. I applied Sunday night, and I have been on edge since then. Will I get it? And when? Will I just sit in eager anticipation and pure agony for months without a word back from Google? I don't know, and it is driving me crazy. More agony, Google hasn't revealed how many they are handing out, and I can't find a number on how many applications there were. I don't know if I have a good chance of getting one, of if I should just forget about it. THE UNCERTAINTY IS INSANE!!!

Last night I got one in my dream, and I am pretty sure I will dream about it again tonight. I think I just might go insane. 

One thing's for absolute certain, if I don't get one, I will definately be one of the first to purchase it in stores. 

Want more information, or want to apply for one yourself? Go to it's website, it has all the information you need. 

If the bedbugs bite, make sure you suck out the poison!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Super Bowl?

Let me start out saying that I am NOT in the least a big fan of the super bowl. Usually, I ONLY watch the commercials, and completely ignore the game. Face it, the commercials are SO much more interesting. 

Though I really don't care, my favorite team would have to be the packers. The only true reason I like them, is because of my pastor. My pastor is a huge packers fan, and it only takes one step into his house to tell. When I was really young, I my parents were invited to his house for a party, the packers were playing some game or something, back then I really had no idea what was going on, so I really don't remember. All I remember is my pastor running over to open the door for us to let us in, dressing in full packer paraphernalia, greeting us with a loud cheer of something along the lines of, "The Packers are the best team in the NFL!" Back then, I didn't even know what the NFL was, or even what a 'Packer' was, but it was that that stuck into my head, and from then on I truly believed that the Packers were the best team. I liked their colors anyway, and that's all that mattes to a young kid anyway, eh?

From then on, I can't explain why, nor can I name any of the players, I have always rooted for the Packers. To me though, if they win, jolly good. If they lose, well, that's a bummer then eh?

So today, the Packers won the Super Bowl. Woohoo. Let's play with some Nerf guns during the game, and sit nicely and quietly for the commercials, because I still think they are way more entertaining. 

Today I went to a Super Bowl party. I don't go to many of those, so it was pretty fun. I spent most of my time, not playing with Nerf guns, but trying to teach some toddlers how to load the guns themselves so that we didn't have to do it for them. They never learned in the end.

One funny story though, my brother had brought his green laser pointer for some reason, and he was shining it on the walls and the ceiling and stuff. You know, what you do with a laser pointer. Then, we realized one toddler was trying to catch the light. It was pretty cute, until we realized he was ACTUALLY trying to catch it, and then he started to cry because he couldn't catch it. He didn't stop until we "Let him catch it". WE convinced him that he couldn't hold it for too long or it would melt. After he 'held' it for a little bit (we shone it on his hands), he was satisfied and he went and played something else.  

My favorite part of the Super Bowl:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nyeh, I feel so embarrassed...

Remember when I mentioned MANY times that I lived in the middle east? Well, I MEANT the middle of the eastern part of the United States, not the area around Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. I absolutely do not live there, nor have I been there. Apparently the area in the United States where I live is called the Midwest, almost the opposite. Thanks Krieger, for sarcastically calling me out on this. It's was appreciated. 

Remember when you were little, and you would spin around in circles to get yourself dizzy, and then you would fall over and just lie on the ground laughing as the world spun around you? I realized today that the older you get,  you do much less laughing when you fall, and I lot more "Ow my head". I admit, I used to spin around when I was little just for that strange feeling of getting dizzy. I liked the feeling, and I would do it on purpose. Today I remembered that, and did it, and I don't like it anymore. 

I just learned from the T.V. in the same room as me that Corn is one of America's favorite foods. I don't believe that, mostly because I don't really like corn. I mean, I'll eat it, but it is NOT on my favorite foods list. 

Ack, brother. Get away. For some reason, I hate it when people watch me type a blog, even though I am fine with them reading it in the end. That's what I want really.

Have you heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you either go directly from a conscious state to dreaming, or you, while in the middle of a dream, realize you are dreaming. Basically, you are aware of your dream while you dream it and you can, get this, control your dream. You can control all the things that you do, and what other people are doing. I am determined to eventually do it. Last night though, I thing I might have done it, but only a little. And I am not even sure if I did or not. Basically, I had the power to move large objects trough the air, almost like the force, but I could only do it with my right hand. Also, I had to REALLY concentrate. Also it took place in medieval times, and I was being chased by medieval police. I can't really describe it (you never can with dreams), but I really wish it was on DVD, and I could show people, because it my favorite dream that I've ever had.

I am saving the best for last. Remember that awesome manager guy at Rite-Aid that likes me (His name is Steve. There, now I can stop calling him the awesome manager guy)? Today I walked into Rite-Aid, for the sole purpose of buying a 99 cent two-liter of red pop, and he was there. He is not there every time, but when he is, he always walks around with me and talks to me. 

We were talking for a little bit, and then he asked if I had gotten a job yet. He asked because I had tried to get a job there (I was too young, I had to be 18). So I told him that I was planning on trying Meijers.  Remember? The store that is actually only in four states? Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan? As soon as I said it, his eyes opened wide. He said,

        "Let me do something for you. The Store Owner of the nearby Meijer is my best friend. You're a good kid, let me give you a recommendation."

So a guy who I I had only know by visiting him store less than 15 times, gave me this note to give to the owner of the store. It said:

       "ERIC PANKOW is highly recommended. He is a fine young man. He do you a good job.
                                                 Steve ------- RiteAid no# ---------
       For Mr. ------- --------- Store Director Meijer no# ------------"

This is SO awesome. Steve said that my chances of getting the job are MUCH higher with this. Even though I had only recently met him, and I never worked for him, he gave me this recommendation. Am I the only one who thinks this is a good deal? 

So long and thanks for all the fish!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The bowl takes the worst abuse.

Ooooooh man/women, I am exhausted. I don't know where all of you live, but if you live in the Middle-East, you know what kind of snow I am going through. Even if you don't live here, you probably know. Apparently we are going through the biggest storm in this nation's history. This pretty much sums it up:

That's not my dog, even though mine looks exactly like that.

So where there's snow, there's shoveling jobs. For some reason though, I never went out to do any, until about 8:00, when someone actually called me to go do it. I had shoveled for them before, and they knew my phone number from that.

So I put on my coat n' stuff, and I grabbed my shovel, and I walked over to the ladies house. She wasn't there, because the house was a house that she was trying to sell, and she lived elsewhere, so she was planning  on paying me at a later time (I trust her). When I got there however, I saw it. Someone had "generously" snow blown the entire side of the block. Whoever did that, I hate you.

Now what would I do? Do I pretend that I did it and just leave? It certainly crossed my mind. Then I realized the driveway was still covered in snow. Only when it is covered in 12 inch deep snow, waiting to be shoveled, do you truly notice how big a driveway can be. Did I mention that the snow is a whole foot deep? To make a long story short, that was the most exhausting thing I have done in a long time.

It is time for me to talk about something that has been bothering me. Do you remember when saying 'Epic' was cool? If someone said, "Dude, that was so epic!" You knew that whatever that dude did was pure awesome? Well it's not anymore. Or at least in my opinion, it is not a "cool" word anymore. But now, exactly when people stopped saying it, the media started "spamming" it almost. I cannot go one day without hearing it in a commercial, or seeing in a magazine article. I don't know if this is your opinion, but if it was up to me, I want the media to STOP USING THE WORD EPIC!

Remember how I mentioned my crochet learning? LOOKIT WUT I MAED!

I am so excited about it! Because now I know how to make the neck tie, it's just a matter of doing it.

Ooooh! Today I got my PS2 to work again! It was broken, and that made me sad, because I have spent many hours playing that PS2. About a week ago, I took it apart, and looked on the internet for ways to fix it, and all that came up were some really complicated things. I can say that I am moderately good at fixing things, and my brother is even better, but I wasn't ready to do any of those things. Today, I looked at it, dusted out the inside like crazy, and cleaned off the lens that reads the disks with a Q-tip. I screwed it back together, and it worked! I was so happy, and when I get done with this I am going straight downstairs into my room to play Spiderman 1.

Btw, Q-tips are NOT meant for cleaning ears.

Oh, and that counter on the WAAAAAAAAAAAY bottom does not count how many individual people view this blog, but instead how many times the page has been viewed.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Now that I am home all day, the days seem to go by so much faster. I don't like it. How can I make my life slow down?!?!

This weekend, my parents were gone, so I stayed at my friends house the whole weekend. A whole three days and two nights. It was great, because I didn't have to have the thought that my parents were coming to pick me up in a few hours, and I could just focus on doing what guys do when they go to friends houses. Playing video games for many hours in a row and eating fast food.

On Saturday, we built a tiny snow city, only to destroy it with 'meteors'. We then rebuilt it and destroyed it twice more. Then we went inside, and played with Legos in the basement for 6 hours. Playing with those Legos really brought back memories of playing Legos for manyhousr as a kid. It was really fun. 

I have been reading "Paper Towns" by John Green a lot today, and it makes me feel like just DOING stuff. The rebelious character Margo Roth Spiegelman makes me want to go explore an abandoned mental facility, or break into a theme park at night, or even... to run away...

Of course I won't do any of those things, but only because it's winter. We'll see what happens in the summer/spring...

IF you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you probably haven't read Paper towns, and  I then am telling you that I am FORCING you to go read it. 

Recently I forced my sister to read the Pendragon series, and she was EXTREMELY reluctant. She just got it from the library today, and she loves it. It's gotta tell you something about my taste in literature.

I bet you've heard of the SUPER amount of snow we are going to get out here in the middle east. Tonight already we've gotten close to two inches, and the snow is scheduled to come tomorrow. I went outside today, and randomly sprinted around the block, and then I just sat outside until my face got too cold, just sitting and listening. It was today that I realized that when snow is falling heavily, there is actually a sound with it, a beautiful silent whooshing sound. It is really nice to listen to. 

Yesterday was my brothers birthday, so I really quickly made him something in MS paint.

Like I said, really quickly.

This is something that really will put you at ease when you are trying to sleep. 

The song was made with only sound clips taking from the Disney movie, Alice in Wonderland. I just find the song beautiful. 

Wow... did I really just use the word beautiful twice in the same blog? SHAME ON MYSELF.

Gotta go, Buffalo!