Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey, wadd'ya say I barely write anything?

OK. It's 11:12, PM, and I haven't started writing all day. So what? Do you remember how much I wrote yesterday? That was crazy! That was like two blogs. Don't complain.

Last night after I put the finishing touches on yesterday's blog, I watched some episodes of a show my mom and dad both recognized from their childhood, Different Strokes. Different Strokes is a show about two young african american boys who's parents died, so they were adopted by a rich white man. This is the show that Gary  Coleman became popular in, with his catch phrase, "Watchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?" 

I really like it, and I thing Gary Coleman was really cute in it. You should check it out.

OH! Today, we got a Sauna. It is a small two person one, but it's a sauna. It sits in the other side of the basement from my room, so I can't see it, but when my mom is using it I can hear her music that she plays on the built in I-pod speakers. I'll show you pictures tomorrow.

To make room for the sauna, we had to get rid of the air hockey table that we never use, because it takes up a lot of room in the basement. My dad put an ad on craigslist for it a week ago, but we got no calls or anything, so my dad just decided, screw it. We took it out by the road and put a FREE sign on it. Then he had a good idea. We took an extension cord out to it, plugged it in, and added TRY ME on the sign. It was pretty weird to play air hockey in your front lawn. In thirty seconds, some guy came along, beat my brother 2-1, and loaded it into his pickup truck, and drove away. It was so easy.

Also, when we get to Minnesota, I will take pictures of my Grandparents house, to show you, because it's pretty scenic, because it's by a lake.

ALSO, my mom might make me get a haircut tomorrow. I hate haircuts. If so, I will take before and after shots. Haha, then you can see what I look like.

Oh, and before I depart, I wanted to mention that me and my brother helped our neighbor clean out her garage, and she paid us $20 each! 

Update: I now have a total of $87, and my birthday is July 24. You guys better 'Happy Birthday' me btw, or I'll quit blogging. 


That's not much a threat, eh?

Today there is two videos, but they are basically the same thing. These are two of many russian? animated commercials for some kind of chip. There are so many more, so if you like the go watch more. I just picked two that I like.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I've gotta say that today has been a good day

So I learned something yesterday. I learned that I should not post the blog until the end of the day because A, I'll find a better video of the day, and B, I 'll have a million more things to talk about.

One thing I should have talked about yesterday is that I went to the dentist. I know! I completely forgot to say aanything! I normally don't mind going to the doctor, and I din't mind getting shots and stuff, but the dentist, I really hate. I am not scared, NO! Certainly not me! Ahh a spider!!

No really. The thing I hate about the dentist is 1, the rubber electric toothbrush thing. I dunno about all dentists, but mine has this little electric brush that spins around, but it's made of rubber. Then he dips it in this little centimeter wide applesauce container with a foul tasting stuff, and then grinds the rubber on your teeth. I hate that so much, because he always does a couple things. 1, he grinds in circles on the front surface of my too-big front teeth, and 2, when he tries to get the back of my top row, he ALWAYS misses, and grinds it on the top of my gums. That is why I hate that.

The 2nd thing I hate about the dentist, is the pink fluoride stuff. You know, the cold, pink stuff on a giant one-sided q-tip. The dentist coats your teeth with it, and then sits there, for who knows how long, while you are trying not to swallow, with trying to breathe. THEN you cant eat for half an hour. The eating part I understand, but what I especially hate is that you cannot rinse the pink stuff out! I hjate the taste of it, the clumsy dentist got it all over my lips, and I have the sit and wait for half an hour! AHH. 

That was a crazy scream. REALLY crazy. I should be waering a straightjacket, because I just screamed so crazily. Seriously.

So I saw yesterday on yahoo that the trailer for the seventh Harry Potter movie is out. Apparently part 1 of it comes out September 19, 2010. That's good, not too far away. I have almost always seen the harry potter movie in the theaters, with my friend Andrew. Though he has not read the books (I know shame right?), he likes the movies, but I have read the books all twice, so you know how that goes.

So I just found out that I have nine polo shirts. Why? I barely ever wear polo shirts unless my mom force me to for graduation parties or something. I might need to get rid of some of them. I mean I barely have twenty t-shirts. Why do I have that meny polo shirts? I don't even know where I got them all. I don't even know why I got them.

So anyway.

I'm already being forced to pack my stuff for the trip that were going on on friday. That is like how the stores put up all the Christmas stuff up so early. Basically my mom is going to try and spend the most of the remaining week getting ready, because she is so exited to see her parents, my Grand parents. But then once we get there, I garuntee that one third of the total trip will be spent sitting around akwardly waiting for them to wake up from a nap. We don't know what to do then, because we have to be quiet and stuff.

OK, just now, about twenty five hours worth of stuff happened. 

First, I was writing what wrote before the previous paragraph, and also woodcutting on runescape, and chatting on facebook, all at the same time. Yeah, I didn't get very much written very quickly. 

I was chatting with my friend Andrew, and he decided, for some reason, that he was going to buy two pizzas from Dominoes,  and drive to my house. At the time, my parents were out at their jobs, and my brother sister and I were at home alone. He only recently got his  drivers license, so this was a new thing for him to come over like this. Although I am (not)ninety five, I have not even started drivers training. 

For whatever reason, I didn't call and ask my parents, so he just came with the two pizzas, which we shared with my siblings (they were good btw... the pizza not my siblings), and then we decided to go to that store near my house that I have mentioned before to get drinks.

Recently I saw a video by smosh, in which Ian tries to break the world record for the most Ferrero Rochers eaten in a minute. The world record is  seven, and he ate six. I can't put the video on here, because I'm  stupid, but anyway.

While we were there getting drinks, I saw some Fererro Rochers, and I bought them, because I had never had them before, and I wanted to know if they were really that hard to eat quickly. I could eat one in ten seconds, so I probably would have gotten about six.

Then, we got home, and sat around, until my parents got home, and they didn't really care that Andrew came over, which is just what I expected.

Then my dad had us take down a section of chain link fence,  so that was cool.

Then we went to two libraries, and Andrew went home.

Then when we got home, the coolness started.

Last week, my brother got a little grill this that has a Diameter of about five inches. Really, its really small. That say, we tried lighting some Charcoal briquettes in it, but for some reason we couldn't. Today though, my dad had the idea of using a blowtorch that he has. That worked very well, and we were so exited. We let them burn a while, and then they got white, but we didn't have any kind of food to roast over it. My mom took me to the store, and we got a package of marshmallows, a package of hotdogs, and three little loafs of bread for a dollar 

(?) (<- what you're thinking about the loaves of bread.) 

So we spent about two hours roasting marshmallows and half hotdogs over a tiny little grill thing with forks, and it was so funny.

Basically, this was a good day.

This is the video that I found yesterday that is better than sambe baby. Me and my sister are just listening to it over and over. while she plays mario and I... write this. I'm gonna have it stuck in my head forever! But seriously, watch it.

Hey, calm down. I love you.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Yay! video of the day is better!


Eric, cows are not holy~! (whiney voice of a reader)


Wow, that was pretty stupid. That was a joke I made up a long time ago with my brother. It was way funnier back then.

Why did I say Holy cow? Ill tell you, because I'm such a good person.

Remember yesterday, when I was so happy over my fourth follower that it caused my ninety five year old bag of bones to fall off my bed to my sharp lego-y death (my floor is scattered with Legos because a huge bucket of them fell and I don't feel like picking them up)? Yeah, well when I logged on to my blog, and it had NINE followers, I almost literally killed myself and my brother. I was so happy I was speeding around the house at, oh, about the speed of light, eating hard boiled eggs and arc welding bicycles. I was SO happy, and I want hug every single one of you, but I can't because I'm a welding ninety five year old man and you'll break me.

Ok, I'm going to stop saying I'm ninety five, because some of you will believe me.

I have decided that because I am writing for some people that I don't know, I can't rely on them so much to put up with my not-writing, so I will write everyday for as long as I can. Again, I've said it a million times, and I'll say it a million more, on friday I am going to Minnesota, so I might not post them right away, but I'll be writing them in word or in a notebook or whatever, so that I can post them later. So don't panic and have a stroke. Also, until they get out of control, I will answer any comment questions, so feel absolutely more than welcome to ask. Ask anything. LITERALLY.

I didn't do it today because I woke up at 11, but tomorrow I might start a new way of writing these. I will just leave the blog open all day, and whenever I think of something to say, I'll write it. That way I don't have to sit here and think of what to write. Clever eh? I'm not Canadian... eh.

I'm actually having someone proof read this blog, which is a good idea. Now you won't accidentally kill someone in rage because you can't understand what I said. I'm sure it's happened before.

Remember, when I said that I bought an arizona tea, and I was so ashamed of myself because I promised myself that I wouldn't buy anything for the whole summer? Yeah... I have failed. I kept the receipts from everything I bought, and I'll tell you them all right now. OK?

Total, I have bought 5 Two liter bottles, 6 Ramen, and 1 Accursed Arizona Tea, for a total of $9.10. Thats WAY more than the 'nothing' I planned on, and yes, I am ashamed. I is WAY less than what I bought last year, and I still have over $80 dollars right now, with my birthday coming up, so I'm not so worried about it.

Right now, in this very paragraph, I'm going to tell you something half embarrassing for me to say. I want... a beard.

I know, it's kinda weird, but I really want a beard, and as soon as I am physically able to grow one, I will grow one. Not one of those weird ones that are only along the bottom edge of the chin, a full beard. A great lumber jack beard. And it WILL be weird, especially since I am blonde, but also I am weird, so thats fine with me.

HERE is the best video of the blog?/day? what do you think I should call it? Anyway, this is the best video I've shown you guys, and I really like it. Plus I figured out the better way to put them on here.

The baby in this video will definately do something when he gets older. What exactly, I'm not sure, there WAS a lot of pelvic thrusting goin on...

So there you go. My blog to nine people. Aiieeee! I just reminded myself.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I think that whoever wrote the title needs to calm down. Thats was me.

Why am I so happy? Because I have four followers! I now have my FIRST follower that I don't know. I am so happy, I tried to get up to run around, but I tripped climbing off my bed, and fell down four hundred feet to the lego scattered floor. That's too much for a ninety year old to handle!

Anyway, I'll blog now. No wait, I'll tell you how I got that follower.

For a while now, I have had a yahoo answers account, even though I like Google better. Yahoo answers is a really good place to ask questions, mostly because it rewards people for answering, so most of your questions DO get answered. I was desperate for followers, so I asked, How can I possibly get my blog noticed? One of the answers was to  write my url on a sign and  hold it while streaking at a public sporting event. That is not such a good idea for a 95 year-old man (Im not 95 btw). Another answer was to spam the poop out of stuff (though they didn't say 'poop').

This is what I did, because if there's something a person with ADHD can do well, it's spam. Basically I politely spammed, by answering lots of questions with long answers that were absolutely correct, with good spelling punctuation and stuff, and then said, "My blog is please follow!"

Apparently Neena Lund, the fourth follower (I thought I oughta mention her name), saw one of these pieces of spam, and came to check it out. I thank you Neena, for following me, I promise I won't let you down.

Speaking of not letting you guys down, I plan on blogging every single day from now, for at least over a week, and I'll try longer than that too. The thing is, while I'm at my Grandparents house, we may or may not have wifi in the house, so I may or may not be able to post the blogs, but trust me, I'll be writing them. Oh yeah, also, during that time, there will be no video of the blog, as I will not be spending hours on the internet.

So, my family and I have gone to the park every single day for the past week and a half, and It's fun, but coming up from my comfortably fresh-smelling air conditioned basement bedroom, were I had been for several hours, and going straight outside, is like stepping into Jabba the Hutt's mouth. Its hot, humid, and green. Yah, I don't get it either.

Hey, did you know that Jabba the Hutt is Hermaphroditic? Didn't surprise you? Yah, me neither.

But really, going from my cold room to hot outside is bad, but, going from hot outside to cold room is good.

Wow, apparently the Hutt is a species, and there are many of them. Save me the explanation and wiki Jabba the Hutt.

For the video of the blog, I will show you something that will make you question my masculinity just because I found it. And don't ask me how I found it, because I really don't remember. Basically, It is a video promoting? a MMORPG, a massive multiplayer online role playing game,  based in the world of Hello Kitty and her friends. I know right? It's a real game, and lots of people play it. Either that or they gathered up every single player for the commercial. 

Gack! I'm choking! Just watch it.

Goodnight, even though it could be any time of the day for you, and I hope to see you and others, again. But you don't have to take my word for it!

Well... actually you do. I don't have a montage of  cute children telling you about their favorite books. 

If you don't get it, Its reading rainbow. (<--whisper)


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Air conditioning smell... Mmmm, fresh...

The title should say 'Mmmm flesh...'. IF I  WAS A ZOMBIE... crab.

OK, I know, I haven't written in eighty years, thats why this blog is going to suck. Because I'm 95 years old. I can barely see the keyboard. I hate writing excuses, but I really feel like I'm writing a private diary, because no one ever says anything to me about my blog. I KNOW its mostly my fault, but I'm blaming you.

Seriously, please tell you friends, your family, your pets, the firemen, your neighbors, and the two-year-olds at the local day care. BAsically tell  everyone about my blog, and tell  them I'm awesome.

I'm going to try and get people myself, try and get the word out, advertise, blah blah blah.

Today I decided to ride my bike to Matt's house, by myself, without telling my parents. Matt lives near me, but it is still quite a journey on bike. I've never gone that far even with my parents, so it was pretty cool. The problem was, there is this really long, really hilly road that branches off a lot. His house is on a road that branches off from the hilly one. I got as far as the hilly road, and I went a pretty far way down in, but I either didn't go far enough, or I missed it. Once my surroundings got really suspicious and creepy, I decide to turn around and go back. I haven't  figured out how long of a journey it was, i'll tell you tomorrow, but it was tiring. One, I'm out of shape, its summer. Two, it's summer, it's really hot out, and there were barely any trees on that road. Three, there were really big hills. And four, the bike I took was a wee bit too small, my normal bike had a flat. Basically I was exhausted when I got home.

Do you notice that when the air conditioning is on, the  whole house smells fresher? I love the smell of air conditioning, and I love the smell of my blankets. I'm smelling them right now!

On friday, I am leaving for Minnesota, and during the week and a half after that, the blogs will  be massive,  because I will be in the car and in my Grandparents house for hours with nothing do (my Grandparents take naps everyday, so there's always two hours of "..."), so look forward to that.

Here is the video of the blog. It is something that is that is actually really funny to me for some reason, I could not stop laughing.

And thats it. I know, pathetic, but it'll have to do.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Blog that is not started with an excuse

I'm not gonna start with an excuse. I'm not gonna start with an excuse. I'm not gonna...

Hiya there! Well first, I have to get a few things straight. I don't know what you guys like in these blogs. Do you like what I did in the first few blogs, when I talked on forever on weird topics and sorta made the funny? Or, do you like when I talk about what I have done that day or whatever. Or maybe both? Do you like them long or   short? I KNOW for a fact that they have not been  as good as they used to be, mainly because I don't want to spend an hour and a half writing like I did in the school during my many pounds of free time, because it's summer. Why would I write that long? Maybe if I was getting paid for this I would. I actually CAN do that too by the way. I know that I would  like it if I wrote more, so I will try to write more, just for you guys.

About the getting paid to blog thing. I know I would love to do that, but with THREE followers, I would get a couple of cents every few who knows how long. Lemme explain how it would work. Basically I would have advertisements on my blog, but I would  only get paid whenever somebody besides me clicks on the advertisement. Of course that means, if I ever DO get ads that you should click on them frequently OK? Just Kidding, I'll honestly probably never get them. 

Why Eric? Why wouldn't you get advertisements? It's free money! Basically because it would involve me telling my parents that I have a blog. I guess they really wouldn't care, but I just haven't told them. I don't know why, so don't ask me. 

I said last time that I was going to put a whole mass pudding of my drawings from sophomore year on here, but instead, I will put the link to the public version of the album on Facebook. I  even tinyurl-ed it for you!

Now, I will tell some of the things that happened today, because humans like knowing about other people's lives. It's OK, so do I.

This morning, I was interrupted in the middle of my dream involving Harry Potter's son and a genetic clone of Voldemort fighting, and I was not happy. It was a good dream! And no, Safari, I did not spell Voldemort wrong. 

Well, I was woken up by my mom, and her motivation to get me out of bed was;

"Come on, We are going to all have a really fun day!"

Of course I was so tired it was as If my brain as well as my entire body was tightly wrapped with felt, and I got up very slowly. I was thinking, what could we possibly do today that you had to get me up at... THAT was when I looked at the clock, which seemed to be grinning. I hate my clock. It evilly spread it's cracked and spaced teeth into a smile that could kill a basilisk, and screechily screamed, "IT'S SEVEN THIRTY BUTTHEAD!"

Awww man, I was not happy that I  had to get up at seven thirty, but I had to. I was really excited though, because she said that we were apparently going to have fun today. Let me tell you what we really did.

Before I explain what we did, I  have to say that we have,  well used to have a big bush that stretched the full width of our house in the front. SEE?

Yes, that actually is my house. I used google maps to get this picture. Clever huh?

Anyway, recently we ripped the bush out, because it is ugly and really sharp and scraggly. Actually, we rented a chainsaw and cut it out. It took about 15 minutes. We then had an empty space of dirt where the bush used to be. This is what we spent all day filling. My brother and my sister and I followed my parents through a hot, humid, muddy, farm, as they decided which plants to get. We then proceeded to plant them in the ground. I guess it wasn't SO bad, since we still got to eat leftover homemade pizza, that I made by the way, and Dominoes pizza for supper. THAT was really exciting, because we haven't ordered a pizza to our house in probably over a year, and I ate six pieces. I guess that wasn't as exciting of a story that I  though in my head, but It was OK, I guess.

I'm going to try to start something now, called video of the day. I might quit after a while, but hey, I DONT CARE. It might be harder to do during school though, but I'll try. 

Today's video of the day is really cool, but also semi funny. It's from the show Britains Got Talent, which if you don't know is exactly like out Americas Got Talent here. Here in America. I'll even Tinyurl this one too!

I am slowly getting more and more money from mowing lawns with my brother, and THATS COOL.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The truth is that I forgot about blogging today until now, with less than half an hour of the day left. Now I have to franticly write, and thats difficult in a laying down position WITH a good keyboard. Imagine my frustration! I need to stop opening my blogs with excuses. That's what makes you three or four people stop reading.

Lately I have had the urge to build something awesome. Watching many hours of Mythbusters and having a brother like mine can do that to you. My brother and I have the skill and knowhow to make the things I want to make, but we don't have the supplies or money, and thats what frustrates me. Some of the things we want to make are in no particular order; a vacuum former, action figures of me and my roommates and others, a hand with bending fingers that is controlled by my hand, a hand held potato gun, ramen (chuckle), an Iron man glove with plastic armor and an assassins creed type wrist blade, and more. Seriously awesome, but seriously hard. Except the ramen. I'm eating ramen right now!

No seriously, it really frustrates me to watch the Mythbusters people make so many awesome things, while not being able to do so myself. I am reminded though, that I am  only fifteen years old, and that I have plenty of years left in my life, plenty of time to make these things and more. That makes me happy! 

If I ever succeed in  building  any of these things, I will put pictures n' stuff.

Tomorrow I will post many drawings that I have collected over Sophomore year. I will also have an album on Facebook, but I'll put it here too. 

And with nothing else to say, I'm signing out.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Japenese, Korean, and Russian in me

Ok, I've taken a break, one which I shouldn't have taken. It's O.K. though, because I'm back! Y'know, it is YOUR guys' fault.

WHAT?!?! *whine whine whine whine*

Yes, it's your fault for no reason. No seriously, it's only one-third your fault, because I have literally not a single clue if you are reading this or not. Please, if you ARE reading these, and you were whining so hard just now that your cat slapped you, then shut up! But if you aren't, then number one, shame on you. Number two, how in the world am I talking to you if you don't read this. I dunno.

Yes, yes, I know it's one-third my fault too, I have just plain been too lazy to write. End of story.

But, if your smart, you noticed that that a one-thirds of the blame pie is still on the table surrounded with drooling children. I yank that blame pie out and drop it on the cause, thus, the blame falls on Netflix. Recently my family has gotten the free trial of Netflix and we have sat around watching myth busters and junk ('and junk' is Orie's phrase. I'm using it.).

So there.

Let me go rescue my dog by letting her inside.

Ok. I'm back. Since I don't feel like writing on my crappy laptop keyboard on this crappy,  wobbly table with sharp corners, I give you this. I am going to take one of my blogs and change it by translating it into Japanese then back to English, then to Korean and back to English, then to Russian, then to the final English. It's pretty crazy, and I think the Russian language is  to blame. Enjoy!

Re-read the original first. (Speeches and Lando's song)

Speeches, do different things, I write words for this class. Since I already have, I do not need to pay attention. As she tells us now what I'm doing is interesting. We are all subjects that he was really stupid, you are their themes TV is just interesting thought came to two topics, then select from the list after the body is not fully Sign neoeseo choose a theme and two of his other "random" random fact that you are not another subject (the following three, so your research and prepare speeches, he used to.) Select. But on this day, he's one, two, three, was held on a memory card, or 3. What a voice, the other two items selected from the left, make a poop your pants do not get picked to offer solutions to make note cards. You can select this item is interesting that a simple card, please call the composition, the two men in connection with the massive mountain of human waste can.  

Cows, or Jonas Brothers, and they beat a girl like poop Landau explained that it is bright. They suffer an average (Jonas Brothers, not crashed hard work), and then moved them, because they do not care, Jonas Brothers, well, well ....  

Landau, at the top.  

He explained that they picked up the cattle. For some reason, he really likes cows. Why? Why does he want meat? I really, I'm only selling cotton candy, and a cow, they are not special. In history class we learned how we might prefer, it can be seen. Gandhi drew me to weave their own clothes. It is easier, he has made in one country may think that you have a beef deal. It was a picture of a cow. The cow, pen, lean, high sugar 3 Review sights, and the child's eyes. Landau also the importance of a sentence he wrote the song. 20 section, singing an original four-line rhymed. I think his fight training. Here's how it goes.  

Ring - ding ding, ding  
Cat bath  
Bacon, thanks  
Ring - Copper Dindin '  

Landau speech, he now has a serious crime and a crime, the subject of the speech will. Shows how stupid topic. The death penalty in some States, anyway, because I think that is used in the menu, and some do not, why not abolish the death penalty, death penalty in the state of people still do this crime? Why do not they go to other countries? The crime rate is the state will be much less effective with him. I do not know. This may be true, I do not know. Hm.  

Yes, I have Age of Empires sick, I'm a cigarette. I'm tired. Please ask me about it. I can not tell you about it.  

Today begins an interesting story, so I started writing all the children, I forgot. If I post tomorrow, it's great, too busy blogging from my childhood, I do not know, but you know I am, I am sure, EOF every precaution not to post any review becaus. School is out of my own, it's no problem, really, you know that a week so far I have not, I started to post again, but I'm half of its own trucks to load the same sound. I'm good. So, that was probably my best blog, and I didn't even write it. Whatever.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Don't get your little hopes up.

I have no idea if you guys are reading anymore. It makes me sad.

Well, I have been really busy  these past few days, as I will be tomorrow. On friday, I went to my old school, my grade school, and I was there all day. Friday was their last day of school, and the whole school was going to a water park for the last day of school thingy. I went too, because I don't go to water parks everyday. That would be weird to go everyday. You  would be pretty wrinkly.

It was pretty fun, but the thing that I couldn't help thinking all day was this one sentence; too many little kids, too much skin. Let me explain. This was a grade school party thingy, so there were many little kids. This by itself was not that much of a problem, but the disturbing thing was the swimming suits they were wearing. I'm trying to say this with the least amount of creepiness as possible. It was gross what some of them wore. I'm not going to say anything else.

Today, Saturday, we had four graduation open houses to go to. My parents always talked with the same people for hours each at every party, with us sitting on a chair somewhere for a long time with nothing to do just waiting for them. They were so boring, and they lasted almost all day, and by the end of them all I was so full I slept for ten minutes on the short way home.

Oh wait I almost forgot! This morning my brother and I passed out flyers for our ten dollar mowing service to all the little old men and ladies that our neighborhood is made mostly up of. It was really bothersome because most of them like mowing their lawn. Yah, seriously. A lot of them wouldn't take our flyers because they liked mowing the lawn. Argh, it made me mad.

Don't get your hopes up, but I possibly might have a torn meniscus.

Its 10:30, so I'm gonna go to bed because I have church tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm at the Library, bugging guards.

I wasn't going to write a blog today but I felt like doing it because I'm half crazy all for the love of you. Too bad it won't be a very stylish marriage, mostly because I can't afford a carriage.

Right now I am at the Public library because my mom dropped me off here and left. I'm not entirely sure why, but I can still get on computers here so it's fine with me. So anyway, I'm at the library, and there is a guy to the left of me five computers down with hair that goes all the way down to the small of his back, and it is dyed bright blonde. He also has a beard, which is one of the only ways that I could tell that he was a guy. That's not the weird thing though. WH-

He just walked behind me and I had to switch tabs on crappy Firefox which the library has. I like Google chrome. Hmmm. Firefox says that I spelled 'Google' wrong. That's not very nice of them.

The weird thing about this man was that he is wearing short shorts that are so short that you can see his hairy butt cheeks. That's pretty gross, especially since he keeps walking back and forth behind me.

I must look really smudgy to some random person. I have blogger open in one tab, Facebook in a second, and Runescape in another. PLEASE don't ask about the third one, it's summer and I'm really bored.

The girl-man is grumbling at his phone, and the only human word i picked out was 'crap'. I think that's a bad word. He should be kicked out of the library. Haha he'd get his cheeks wet in the rain. NO FIREFOX I DIDN'T SPELL 'HAHA' WRONG.

Yesterday I annoyed someone so much on runescape that they finally gave in and took my five burnt fish from me. For those who don't know burnt fish are worth nothing. It was really entertaining.

What I have ten minutes left? I'll just get another computer.

The girl-man is eating something. Two reasons for him to be kicked out. Three actually, phone speaking , swearing, and eating.
And grossing people out. LOL not really.

WOW. I just saw what he was eating, and it's popcorn. He has a bag of microwave popcorn in his backpack on the table, and he keeps digging his hand in there for almost a full minute and coming out with one piece. If your gonna dig around for that long, at least pull out a handful or something. Maybe he should pour the whole bag on his lap.

There is an adult on the age 13-17 computers. I'm gonna tell.


Hmmm. The security guard doesn't care. Sigh...

I'm gonna end this, because it's starting to get really boring and stupid.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Good Grief. Haha I love that... saying? I dunno what you would call that. An exclamation? A scream out word? Wow Eric, that was pretty stupid.

Well, I am sorry that yesterdays blog was pretty crappy, and probably this one will be too. I'll try as hard as I can I promise!

Eventually I will post a blog that has everysingle doodle/sketchg thing that I can find on all my worsheets and notes from the whole year. I found pretty much a lot of them. Haha. Anyway, whenever I can use the scanner from either my dad's work or the one from my mom's, I will do that, and comment on them all, trying to be funny but actually ruining the experience for you all.


Sorry, I'm getting a little distracted by seseme street that is playing behind me.

Ok, yesterday, I got in a really dumb argument. My sister and I had two separate cups for water at supper, but they looks exactly the same. At the end, she saw me drinking out of my cup, and she thought it was hers. She said 'Hey that's mine!', but because i didn't give it to her, because it actually was mine, I didn't give it to her. She then put a clod of dog hair in it. My dad said, why didn't you just give her the cup? And i said because it was mine. Why should I use her cup and she use my cup when we could use our own cups? Oh well, its over now, but it was really dumb at the time.

It's summer, I just woke up an hour ago, and I'm home alone, so I haven't taken a shower yet. I'm hungry, so I'm thinking of going to the store that is a couple blocks from my house to buy ramen. This is my problem though, eventually I am going to try and get a job there. Should I go there to buy something dirty and showerless? Will they remember me and think, ew, that kid was here before and he didn't take a shower. I don't know if they would remember me from then. I'll just take a shower, haha. First i'll eat the last ramen that I have that I just found.

Hey, this is a real big thing at my school, and it is the way to pronounce ramenl. Most of everybody, including me, pronounce it RAH-MEN, but there are a few stubborn people that say RAY-MEN. We even looked it up online, and it is actually pronounced RAH-MEN, but those stubborn dumbholes will not change their minds. Did that offend you? The word Dumbhole? It reminds me of Dumbledore for some reason.

Just now on Sesame street (don't judge me), Elmo's goldfish imagined him dancing on the moon, and he was doing this weird hiphop cheerleader dance in which he was moving his butt all around and stuff. I was really freaked out. It was almost like he was trying to seduce someone. It was really weird.

Crap, I just remembered that I promised myself to do a whole buch of pushups and situps everytime I eat a ramen, plus I forgot yesterday, so I have to do double. Oh well, I have to do it. Might as well actually do it. But first, I gotta pee.

Wow, pushups and situps are a lot harder when you just sat around for about four days. And ramen tastes so much better.

The last four days I have not just sat around exactly, I actually was really busy. As most of you know, our last day of school was four days ago on friday, and so on saturday there was the senior graduation service. Wait, first I'll tell you about the concert on friday. In the concert, my class sang the George of the Jungle theme song, with me being George. You can find it on youtube, just look up 'Eric Pankow as George of the Jungle'. It was really funny and everybody lovfed it, but to do it was very embarrasing. I was really nervous that I was going to yell when I wasn't supposed to, or not yell when I was supposed to, or that my voice would crack. All three of these happened during practice more than once. It turned out fine though, so It's ok.

There's nothing wrong with the egg, It's just about to hatch!


I just took a shower and went to the store. I went to the store only to buy one or two ramen because It is what I am eating for lunch, but of course I also spent one whole dollar on an Raspberry Arizona tea. I ALWAYS buy one. I cannot not buy one, and that drives me crazy. Last summer i spent all my birthday money on Arizona. I vowed that I would never buy one this whole summer, but I did. ARGH. I did well during the school year near the end of the year at not buying any, but I sometimes bought two liter pop bottles. I only did it sparingly and I only drank it sparingly. It was hot out that day, so It was really refreshing, but I need not do that this summer. At least I hope not.

I think I have written enough today, so I am ending this with this: HUMONGOUS.