Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here's your second helping.

I realize that this is probably really boring, but I just want to post this for no reason. This is a paper I did for history class on the Beaver Indians. Read it.

The Beaver Indians

When you think of Beavers, it is guaranteed that you DO NOT first think of the Indian tribe, but of the animal, and that is understood. The animal beaver is an awesome animal, for its flat tail and its ability to gnaw down trees with its teeth. You don’t want to hear cool things about the animal beaver in this paper; you want me to tell you about the Beaver Indians so that is what I shall do. I would rather talk about the animal beaver, but I must obey my orders, sir!

A long time ago, in this same galaxy, and to be more precise, in central and northern Alberta and Saskatchewan, in Canada, the beaver tribe originally “set up camp”. Now, they live in a reserve like mostly all other Indian tribes do, except the beaver live far from other white people. Since they live so far away, they are allowed to live in huge amounts of land in northern Alberta and British Columbia. Their “huge amount of land” covers over 100,000 square miles.

The Beaver Indians ate Beaver. I may sound like I’m joking around, but I am somewhat serious! Eating beaver was forbidden in some groups of Indians, one reason being the castoreum glands in the beavers. The castoreum glands excrete a liquid, which the beaver combines with urine and sprays around on trees and rocks for a way to mark their territory. These glands could be dried and sold to use for perfumes. Many Indians did eat beaver though, and the flat tail, if fried, was considered a delicacy.

The Beaver Indians did not sit around eating beaver tail all day, no! They also ate many other things. Fish and small animals were often roasted whole on the coals of a fire, covered in mud so they wouldn’t burn. The Beavers would often eat buffalo, which is popular for Indians, but when the buffalo died out in their area, they ate lots of moose and bear. They would cover and bait holes in the ground, and when the bears fell in, they would eat them. They would also, preserve bear fat for chomping on during the winter.

The Beaver Indians wore beavers. Again, I am not joking. The pelts of beavers and bears were a large trading item that the Indians traded to the white Europeans. It was like if you work at a furniture store. If you work at a certain furniture store, you are going to buy furniture from your store. Since the beaver Indians handled the beaver pelts, they also wore them. It may have been how they got their names also.

In the Beaver society, there were these people titled as “Beaver Shaman”. I know. Those are not two words that I have ever heard put together. The beaver Shaman were believed to have power over and know all about the “normal” people in the beaver villages. They apparently dreamed dreams that predicted good or bad things in the future, about all the other villagers.

The Beavers lived in beavers. Now the name “Beaver Indians” makes complete sense. The Beaver Indians made like stick teepees, and covered them with cute little fuzzy beaver pelts. It was not very complex or anything. I think they copied the idea from other tribes. Those cheaters…

Remember the bear traps? Well those traps did not JUST catch bears, they also caught some horses and sometimes people of another tribe which was tromping through the beaver territory. This made the other tribe mad that they fell in these bear holes, but it also made the beavers mad that they were tromping through their land. Luckily, the other tribe was just traveling through, so there was not much fighting.

Now you know all about the Beaver Indians, and though my topic was not the animal beaver, you learned a bit about them too. That’s free information. You can take it. Sometimes I give out free information; I am just nice like that.

Contest Complete!

Now, I am not in study hall where I have to write a blog as fast as I can so that I can do my homework, so this should be a bit better. I am sorry I haven't blogged recently, but Junior year is definitely harder than sophomore year, but you don't want to here that.

First, I am going to name the winner of the dumb little contest that was apparently done a VERY long time ago, and that was to name the blue fish. Aren't you relieved? Eric is FINALLY doing this!!

Yes, and I'm sorry.

Drum roll... (just imagine the drum roll in your head.)

And the winner is...

Lex, with the winning name of "Twinket"!! Congratulations! You win... nothing.

In this contest, I was looking for names that would show Twinket's happiness. It took me a while to think of the word, I almost said bright personality, but those two words put together make me shiver. Hey that rhymes. Together, shiver...

Eric, that does NOT rhyme.


I hate library Eric. So I punch him. Violence solves everything when dealing with your own counterparts.


Then I drink some delicious fruity punch to celebrate my victory... Over myself.

My favorite class this year, so far anyway (my dad says I'll hate it later, but I dunno), is Chemistry. The teacher is Hilarious and he actually understands us as students unlike half my other teachers, I so far like the chemistry part, and It's comfortable temperature in there. The temperature is half the battle.
I brought up this class because the teacher of the class has two gerbils. He keeps them in his classroom, and they don't stink. He says they are desert animals, so they rarely urinate, and their poop is dry, so they barely stink their cage. Seeing these gerbils everyday, it has caused me to consider getting two gerbils also, and keeping them in my dorm room. Sounds like fun eh? I'll let you know about anything if anything happens.
I have writers block today, so it'll end here.
Ai de mi!!

Contest Complete!!

Now, I am not in study hall where I have to write a blog as fast as I can so that I can do my homework, so this should be a bit better. I am sorry I haven't blogged recently, but Junior year is definitely harder than sophomore year, but you don't want to here that.

First, I am going to name the winner of the dumb little contest that was apparently done a VERY long time ago, and that was to name the blue fish. Aren't you relieved? Eric is FINALLY doing this!!

Yes, and I'm sorry.

Drum roll... (just imagine the drum roll in your head.)

And the winner is...

Monday, August 30, 2010

I am so sorry.

I am so sorry I haven't blogged in like six days, I'm sure its broken all of your hearts a little.

Tonight we are having a picnic. On the floor. In the hallway. On the highest floor of the dorm. last night we went up there to fourth floor, and we discovered that the entire floor was freshmen, and that we were the first upper classmen that have gone up there. They were acting like we were not supposed to be there. We have decided to start going up there a lot, to make sure it doesn't get to out of hand up there.

So the picnic. Today Krieger and I went to the store and got a glazed honey bun and an arizona tea. This, and some chips that he already had, will be our picnic food. We and a couple others will go up there, and lay a blanket down on the floor in the narrow hallway, and sit on it and eat. We will treat the honey bun like a cake, and cut into little slices, and eaten like cake. I wish we had little tea cups and a tea pot to drink and serve the tea, but alas.

I'll let you know how that goes.

This was going to be quick, so I'll end it here, will an interesting excerpt from Christopher Columbus' journal. In this excerpt, he describes the "Indians.

"At daybreak great multitudes of men came to the shore, all young and of fine shapes, very handsome; their hair not curled but straight and coarse like horse-hair, and all with foreheads and heads much broader than any people I had hitherto seen; their eyes were large and very beautiful; they were not black, but the color of the inhabitants of the Canaries, which is a very natural circumstance, they being in the same latitude with the island of Ferro in the Canaries. They were straight-limbed without exception, and not with prominent bellies but handsomely shaped. They came to the ship in canoes, made of a single trunk of a tree, wrought in a wonderful manner considering the country; some of them large enough to contain forty or forty-five men, others of different sizes down to those fitted to hold but a single person. They rowed with an oar like a baker's peel, and wonderfully swift. If they happen to upset, they all jump into the sea, and swim till they have righted their canoe and emptied it with the calabashes they carry with them. They came loaded with balls of cotton, parrots, javelins, and other things too numerous to mention; these they exchanged for whatever we chose to give them. I was very attentive to them, and strove to learn if they had any gold. Seeing some of them with little bits of this metal hanging at their noses, I gathered from them by signs that by going southward or steering round the island in that direction, there would be found a king who possessed large vessels of gold, and in great quantities."

And it goes on. For much too long.

Good night.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have to do what?!?!

I'm going to make this quick because I have to do my brief do-it-while-you-are-sleeping assignment in Algebra 2. You all know how math assignments are on the first couple days of school. Patterns... Word problems... Stealing candy from a baby... You know, the really easy stuff.

Today in American History, the class I hate the worst, and the class with the teacher that gives hard assignments, I had a strange assignment. Yes, this is what the title refers to. On the website that the teachers post our assignments and copies of worksheets and funky junk like that, my American History teacher created... A forum. A FORUM. Guess what the assignment was? To read the first chapter in the book and comment in the forum about it. Also, we had to comment on a comment from another user. That is what the assignment was. Of course, that's the assignment I went to straight after school, and I made a funny in it. You may not get this, but I started it out, "What's happenin' Forum?"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. If you get that, it's in-the-middle funny.

Today, I went to KFC. The KFC is right by the Goodwill that we spent three point five hours walking to and back from. Even in the car, Miller, the roommate of mine who drove me, said that it was a long way to drive for fast food.


My legs are still kinda sore.

Awesomenight. Time to sleep (Do Algebra).

Monday, August 23, 2010

This is way harder than I remember

I don't remember if I said I'd write on Saturday or Sunday or not, but I didn't so it doesn't matter. I have forgotten how much harder it is to write extra stuff during the school year than during the summer, and it is. About 68.33% harder.

And now it's time for another episode of Stupid Mistakes that lead to seemingly endless Walking, though this time it was worse.

Last time on Stupid Mistakes that lead to seemingly endless Walking, I was left at a soccer field alone, and was forced to walk two miles down the road to the stores that were so readily equipped with telephones. Not this time...

On Saturday when my parents were still here, we were driving on a road near my school and I saw a Goodwill store. You remember Goodwill right? It's where I got the shirts and all. Well, I decided that I wanted to take my friends there so that they could get shirts, and I could get more, because I love cool shirts. Besides, it was just down the road, a 45 minute walk perhaps, what's the risk??

Two of my friends, Krieger and Lando, decided that it was a good idea also. Thought they had never seen the Goodwill themselves, they liked the good idea of new shirts and they trusted my knowledge of how to get there.

We started along the one main road that goes on for miles without stopping, the road with at least three McDonalds, the road with a Blockbuster AND a Family video. About twenty (or so) minutes down, we came to the store that I was sure the Goodwill was just past, and we had it in our minds, "ok, we're here."

We were not there. We walked for forty five (or so) minutes more before we finally found it. By then our thighs and feet were hurting oh so badly, and we were SO happy to finally be there.

We went inside, and we browsed throughout the shirts. Lando found a cool one, and it caused him to yelp. We yelped back. This is not a time to yelp Lando!

Just then, the intercom came on. It is now 7:00 P.M., and we are now closing. GAh!! WE were SO mad! We had been there for five minutes tops! We quickly checked the end of the rack that each of us was looking at, and Krieger found one he liked. Then we paid for the shirts, and traveled the long way home.

Total, we walked for three and a half hours. I got nothing except for a Wendy's crispy chicken sammich. It was delicious.

I was thinking of challenging myself to writing every single weekday for an entire month one month. Maybe the month of September. Whadd'ya think about it.

Oh yeah. Also, on the way back from Goodwill, there was a car with a whole bunch of girls in it, and Lando said hi to them as we passed by. They were kinda creeped out, but they waved, and then they pulled out onto the busy road. 50 yards down the road, they got into a car accident. I know it was bad, but we laughed. We laughed at the irony.

First day of school was today. I didn't like it. I do really like chemistry class so far, though mostly because of my teacher in that class. He had the best intro, lemme explain. Don't worry about following left or right, because it doesn't matter.

He took three stacks of two cups, and lied them out on his desk. He said, "This is a simple watch the cup as I mix them up game, just to waste time." He then poured water from the faucet half into one of the cups, and mixed them up.

"Which cup has the water?" We knew it was the left cup. "So if I dump this cup into this cup, water will pour out?" It did.

*Mix mix mix

"Which cup now?" Center!! "So the cup in the center will pour our water?" It did again.

*Mix mix mix

"How about now" RIGHT!!! "So if I flip this cup over water will pour on the table?"

He then flipped over the cup and… There was no water in it. We were all shocked. We watched the cups so carefully! He then took the other two cups, and asked a student in the front row which cup had water in it. He chose the right cup, so my teacher dumped it on his head. No water came out.

"So the water is in this cup?", he asked. He then threw it at a girl. She flinched, but there was NO WATER. None of the three cups had the water. He did it in plain sight, on a table with students all around him. How did he do it? Try and guess, it will be funny to me. NOT YOU KRIEGER, YOU KNOW.

I'd say this was pretty good, so go guess. Greatnight.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A jar of things to say, covered with tin foil.

So according to what I previously said, The fish naming contest should be over now. I decided to move the end date to today though. today at 12:00 apm. This means that if you have much more time to name the fish. List of the names I have so far.

Flipper, Zealot, Twinket, Farley, Draco, Ocean, Berry, Blue Berry, Christopher, Killer Whale, Oscar, Longfellow, Kafka, Mark Twain, or Bruce Willis, Morris, and Melvin. That is great, because that is three times as many than I was expecting to have. Having followers feels GREAT. If I am missing any, please tell me in the comments of this blog. If you want to make more names, go ahead, in the comments of this blog. And Lex, calm down, you have like 50 already, haha.

Now another update about the ads I might have. I think that I probably will get them, but there probably be so many that it's obnoxious. I don't think it would matter much if I had fifty or five. Please, tell me what you think.

Oh yeah, my laptop is dalsjkh. I have viruses that keep me from opening any programs, so now, I think that my best option is to buy a new and better one, and actually put anti-virus software on it. I was planning on eventually buying a new laptop anyway, since mine was so slow, but now I really have to.

Right now, my brother is letting me use HIS laptop, which actually happens to be exactly the same kind of laptop that I have, except it has a space bar. Isn't it very nice of him to let me use it?

Today we went to a restaurant called Woody's Oasis for the first time. Woody's Oasis has Mediterranean style food, so lot's of vegetables and spices, and of course hummus and pitas on everything. Somehow I spelled Mediterranean right on the first try.

I liked the food, and it was very filling, but I don't think I would go back there by myself.

After that, we went to a store that I have never gone to before, actually called shop rite. This is a joke to our family, because my dad always incorrectly calls the store a couple blocks from our house shop rite, though it's not even close to that. There we got something called Luigi's authentic Italian ice, which was VERY delicious. THe thing I liked most about it though, is that it is Luigi's. Luigi wasn't popular enough in his brother Mario's video games, so he started his own company. A good one too.

Also at that store, they had a whole wall of Ps2 games, and one particular rack had a game I have played before and really liked for 49 cents!! How great of a deal is that!! I might have to go there again sometime.

Today, I packed. I packed for school. I packed for school today because tomorrow, early in the morning I am leaving for the registration, and then I am staying in the dorm the rest of the weekend, the school starts on monday. It's so sad to be starting school, but I will be happy to see my friends, of course. On Sunday, I may be able to get another blog in, but probably not Saturday. I have no idea about the weekdays though. You'll just have to wait and see.

So sorry this blog hasn't been very funny, but I'll end it with something extremely hilarious, this next video.

Don't be flimsy!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Full day. Full to the brim, and more.

Aww, the things I did today spilled OVER the brim onto the floor! That'll stain!!

Today, I woke up, and got straight to work.

My dad has been in the process of making a patio for a while now, and my brother and I have been helping him. A couple weeks ago we dug a huge square hole for it, which took an hour or two. When I say huge, I mean huge. It's huge.

It's also big.

Well yesterday, my dad got a special patio gravel, a type of gravel that has sharp corners so that the rocks faces can lock together. This helps the gravel stay together better. The rocks stick together like a bug on a windshield.

The phrase is the contest winner from a couple days ago (not the fish contest), won by kriegamuffin, though it doesn't work that well here. Btw, if you haven't made an entry to the fish contest yet, go to the previous blog and do that. It ends tomorrow at 11:00 pm. After you finish reading this blog of course.

No wait!! Come back!! You're not done with this one yet!! Ok good. Continue, Eric.


Sorry, my dad is watching a crime show behind me. A woman slapped a police man. Not a cop btw, I hate that word. along with the word polish. *shudder

So today my dad got the gravel, 5000 pounds worth, so my dad, my brother, digger Eric and I shoveled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow and brought them to the backyard. When there, We shoveled them onto the ground, and spread and evened it out. Then we used a compacter to flatten it down. It's basically a lawnmower, but instead of wheels and a spinning blade of death, it has a powerful vibrating plate on the bottom. This flattens out the gravel and packs it down. This job wasn't as hard as I acted like it was, but for some reason I was extremely sore on my back, and in my chest.

Tomorrow we have to shovel and flatten 1000 pounds of sand, and then we will lay the patio bricks down.

After we were done with the gravel, it was about 12:30, and we went to a party at my brother's classmates house, but his whole class was there, and so were all the parents, and they are all friends too, so it was two parties in one! They had a pool, so we swam for a couple hours, walked a mile to a park barefoot on hot pavement and tiny pebbles (they wore shoes, I didn't), and watched an episode of iCarly and criticized it. that show is really dumb. one of the jokes they told was;

"Here is was the earth looks like.
(*shows picture of earth)
Here is what earth looks like dressed up a little girl!
(*shows picture of earth with a pink dress pasted on)"
(*cue laugh track)

What in the world?!?! That's not even remotely funny!! GAh, what can you do with those little kid shows...

When we got home from the party, It was dark. I got on here and blogged. Full to the brim and overflowing.

What do you guys think of me trying to make money by puttin gads on my blog? Comment NOW! Read the next line though.


That should cover it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Contest!!

I know only two or three people read my blog regularly, but I want to have a contest right now. This contest will end on Friday, at 11:00 pm.

Did you notice that one of the fish in the fish tank is blue? He is blue because he is special. He was just born last night. I don't know which fish gave birth to it, but he's my favorite.

To get straight to the point, the contest is to name the blue fish. This is a great honor, as everyone who visits my blog will see it. There are no restrictions, so give as many suggestions as you can think of, just make them good.

Haha, when I typed 'good', I misspelled it as 'goose'. The keys are right there, it's an easy mistake to make.

This is not today's blog, I will still type one tonight, even though I didn't type one last night. Sorry!

Good luck, and happy naming?? Just... go name the fish.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I guess you didn't take them.

Do you remember the shirts I mentioned yesterday that I bought at Goodwill? Of course you do. I make everything so interesting that you couldn't possibly forget anything. 

Well if you remember, I said that I would show you pictures today. I was planning on doing that, but for some reason, I could not find them anywhere. I lost them somewhere in the house. Both me and my mom were searching for way longer than you ever should for a shirt, and we couldn't find it. 

While I searched, I  thought about what I would say in today's blog. I was going to title it, "Did you guys steal my shirts?"

Well, after a longer than wanted by anyone bike ride with my family, I found the shirts. 


Eric, this is my blog, get your own. And for the last time, stop yelling.


You could always use it during... Oh yeah, I do always use it. Haha! 

GRUMBLE GRUMBLE... (curls up in his closet)

How can he grumble that loudly??

Well, yeah, as Eric said, I found the shirts in my shirt drawer, the most obvious place, and a spot I checked at least three times. It infuriates me when that happens. But, I found them at least, and that means I can wear one tomorrow, and show you pictures. You'll have to wait to see them, because I am not going to tell you what they look like.

So I was thinking, and I got an idea. I am going to start a new thing called Krieger moment of the day, Krieger being my friend from my school, and Krieger also being Kriegamuffin. Krieger.

WOW! Five Kriegers in one paragraph! 

SO basically it is going to be something that Krieger did that day that is mention worthy, if there ever is one, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This will only start when school starts, so you have to wait to see the first one. 

Sorry to interrupt, but my I will be going to school on Saturday, and staying there in the dorm the weekend before school starts. That is this Saturday. I'm  not sure if I will write a blog then or not. 

Wow quieter but also very rude Eric, that was the second blog in a row you interrupted. Eh? No response? He only speaks in interruptions. Man, those two can be a real hassle. Hoff. 

Oh yeah, there's also dirt-digger Eric, but he is barely around because he lives outside in the dirt he digs. He just digs one big hole after another, always putting the dirt from one hole back into the other, forcing him to dig that same hole up later. He's weird. He is also much tanner and more muscular than the three of us. But we don't talk about that...

Today, my brother and his friend Nate and I  went on a bike ride to the down of the town, where there is the city's baseball team's stadium. I front of the stadium there is a lovely decorative fountain, with calm clear water GUSHING VIOLENTLY into the steady  breeze.

I allowed yelling Eric two words in that last sentence.

We have gone to this fountain twice before, and we only went into it to do one single thing. To dance in it. You might understand better how weird this is to do when you see it, and trust me, I am planning on recording the next time. I also plan on putting crazy music in the background. We dance in the fountain, getting soaking wet and then wishing we hadn't when the wind freezes us solid (not literally, that would probably cause us to die). One of the times we did this a man driving by in his black pickup honked and flipped us a message using only one finger. Impressive, eh? Impressive, but very hurting of my feelings.

I still have not finished editing the ramen video, and it should not have taken this long, it's not even that good. I just have been procrastinating. I will no longer however, as I will do it tomorrow.

Good night fellow citizens.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things I am thinking about.

I was gonna go to bed, but I thought that I should probably write a blog, because I won't write it if I don't write it. If that makes sense. I have a couple things to talk about, things that I thought of today while mowing the lawn and while on the waste deposit center (the toilet).

One, I don't think told you yet, but I have my segment 1 drivers permit. Haha yeah... I was actually semi surprised I passed the written exam, since I suck at tests so much. I was so happy when I did, and even my drivers instructor said this ?compliment/insult?

"Y'know, in ever class there's a surprise person that passes, and this time it's you."

I really don't know if that's good or not. And I really didn't do that bad on it. And I really hate this keyboard. 

Sorry to interrupt, but soon when I get to school, in one week, I will have longer blogs since I will have a better keyboard to type it on. Continue.

So I have been driving with my Dad, but since I have never seen a new driver drive before, I don't know how I compare. My guess is that I really suck. My opinion on driving so far is that I hate it. It may just be that BECAUSE I suck at it I hate it, or because my mom screams at nothing, but I dunno, I just don't like it as much as I thought I would a year ago.

Second, I  found on the internet that shaving doesn't actually make a beard grow in faster. Now, I am just letting it grow, no matter how long it is going to take. I still have to look from a certain angle to see any hairs, and I still see old women at my church with longer facial hair than me. THAT disappoints me.

Third, I went to Goodwill today (just in case you live in a place with no Goodwills, its a store garage sale basically. People take their stuff there, and Goodwill sells it. I got two really cool shirts today. I  post pictures of them tomorrow when it's not 11 pm.

Fourth. I forgot to say this yesterday, even though it was the main purpose that I wrote a blog yesterday, but I uploaded a new video to YouTube yesterday. Of course, if you were subscribed to me, you would know that already. 

It's kinda weird because I didn't make it, my little sister did, but there is a bit of humor in it. I have another video recorded, but I am too lazy too edit it. Isok, I'll do it tomorrow.

Just in case you can't figure it out, "isok" is a word I made up, and it is just "it's ok" smooshed together. You say it basically "it's ok" without the "t" 


Eric, you are yelling.


Eric, seriously, you need to stop yelling, our parents are sleeping.



Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm bad at being AFK.

Hey guess what?

You swam over a manatee while you were hungry and it looked like a potato so you tried to eat it and it brutally assaulted you and now you're in a coma and can barely write? I have got in serious trouble for trying to bite a manatee on countless occasions. Now I bring sammiches to the beach. They get all sandy though so I...

... Get out of my house.

See?  That is stuff that would be great for me to do on camera, if I wasn't so camera shy. It doesn't even make sense either! There are literally no people around, why would I be shy? 

I think it's probably because my camera lens looks like the single electronic eye of that gnarly old man that tried taking my golden ticket. I kicked him in the shins and he didn't flinch. Definitely a robot made by Wonka's competitors to get in his factory. I was too quick for him though!

 Stinkin' gnarly old men...

Ok, seriously. The first spelling suggestion for Stinkin' was "Stanchion". What about the obvious "Stinking"? Safari you are so dumb.

Recently it has come to my attention that not only gay vampires are reading my blogs from OUTSIDE our humble universe, but Nan and her cat sit on her computer when they read. That is disrespectful to the people who assembled it.

Nan said... "It's ok, there are most likely no vampires in the universe, let alone homosexual ones. I'm pretty sure you only have human readers. I'm not all that positive though, my cat likes to sit by me when i get on the computer."

I didn't read it anywhere, but I decide that internet addiction is non-curable. How would I know? I have it. Once you have it, you know. It clings to you like peanut butter to a dog's tongue. except that peanut butter comes off a dog's tongue.


Internet addiction sticks to you like object A to object B. Yay comment contest for two or three people!!!

Well my Time traveling buddy just went to bed, so I will too. 

Run> Sleep> 7 hours, 30 minutes

Monday, August 9, 2010

Garsmashcrabble time!!

OH HO! Have I got news for you folks! Does me calling you 'folks' make you old? Go look in the mirror and count the wrinkles on your face. If its over four hundred that means you're old. Or so I think.

Today I tried to record a blog like the youtube user wheezy waiter and HUNDREDS of others do, where you sit and talk to the camera. Basically the same thing I do here, except you see me! It didn't turn out very well because for some reason I was very nervous. I felt like I was standing and talking in front of a lot of people. I have no idea why, because I am not that bad at talking in front of a lot of people. So that's not going to work out, but today I am making a video on "How I make ramen without cooking it." I bought ramen today, so hey! I thought I'd do it. Basically it is the technique of cooking ramen that we use at midnight at school when we are supposed to be in bed but we are so hungry it hurts. It's almost ninja cooking.

Just now I got back from the park where we were recording some more stuff for the second roller blading video, which won't be uploaded for awhile. I bloodied my knee today doing it, and the blood is still there.

I just took a shower and it's gone now.

Goodnight. I hope you all grow a beard, I know that I will.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Fair!

In the title Incorrectly capitalized the 'F' in fair, but I'm OK with it.

Today at the fair, I spent $13, something that I do NOT think is OK But I'm OK with that too.

Jeepers! You are feeling very OK with things today Eric! 

Well, I DO work for the Government.

Oh yeah... Wait, what? You don't even have a job!


Today I discovered how much I love bumper-cars. Not the ride, I hate when I get "bumped". I like the vehicles themselves. They are so fun to drive and their steering is so quirky, I just can't handle the giddiness. I want to buy one and wire it so that it doesn't need the ceiling, and add a faster + stronger motor to go faster. All with the help of my brother of course. I couldn't do that myself. 

I had a dumb idea today at the fair. What if you had a horse from the Merry-go-round (or is it Mary-go-round? Married-go-round?), and you attached wheels to it, so that you could on ride the horse's back and swivel the head to turn? Kinda cool I guess...

Speaking of good/dumb ideas, I thought of this: ordinary playing cards with the same backing as Pokemon or Yugioh cards? I think that would be awesome. I might buy them.

Tomorrow I am going to a teen softball outing, in which I will see many of my friends. I suck at softball, as I suck at many sports, including the carry-the-lemonade sport. MAN, I am bad at carry-the-lemonade. On Thursday, I accidentally scheduled a two hour drive during it, so I have to miss two hours. It's gonna bite my groin, if that's a saying. It's not? It should be.

What? Your car broke down? Well that just bites my groin.

What? Your pet Camel turned out to be a dog? Well that just bites my groin.

What? You want me to stop? You don't like that saying? Well that causes a three monkeys to bite my groin rapidly.

Edward, if you're still here I'll sick those monkeys on your groin. I gave them lemonade and they like me now.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Today I've got a story to tell you!

You ready for the story??

So this week I have been a sub-coach at a free soccer camp, in which my dad is a co-leader. This year, there was a total of 130 kids in three different age groups. It's fun, I get to lead the kids in drills and stuff, and although the kids can be frustrating, and might actually convince me to stay a virgin many years after marriage, I like it.

The park that we rented for the week is about five miles away from my house, kind of out in the country, but not quite. It's in an area of Michigan that I am not familiar with, as this camp is the only time I come near here. 

On Tuesday, I was at my friends house before the camp, and he drove me straight there. At his house, ate some ramen, my first whopper ever (I didn't like it much), four large pieces of some delicious lasagna, gummy bears, some red-white-blue candy corn (they tasted amazing!), and some extremely spicy jerky that burnt my mouth. I suspect it was the jerky that gave me the runs, but whatever it was, I was in the bathroom for a good ten minutes when the soccer camp was over for the day.

My mom and my dad took two cars to the soccer camp, and when it was over, my mom took my brother and sister across the street to a river. My was finishing closing the camp, and he saw my mom's chair by a tree. He picked it up and put it in his van. He then drove over to the river, and yelled to my mom, "I put your chair in my van!" and drove away. My mom and siblings stayed at the river for a minute more, and left. 

Soon after, I came out of the bathroom. I looked and the parking lot was empty. I went across the street to the river to see if they were there. They were not. That's when I realized that they left me there.

This is what happened. When my dad said, I put your chair in my van, my mom  though he said, Eric is in my van. My dad thought she  had me, my mom though he had me. Also, since I am in my room so much, when they were both home, they assumed I was in there, so they both had no idea I was gone.

When I realized I was alone, I started walking. I thought I knew the way, since most of the way is one straight road, so that's the way I went. I ended up walking for two miles down that one road before I came to some businesses. I went into a Walgreens and called my house. It was funny when they got a call from me when they thought I was downstairs in m room.

If I knew the way home I would have walked all the way home, just to see  their faces when I walked in the door saying, "I'm home!"

Nice story, eh? 

Well I was going to record more stuff for my rollerblading video today, but my brother was not wanting to. It'll be a while before I can record more stuff, because we're going to the fair tomorrow, and all that bam-kablooie. 

The fair!! Last year, I met a girl who told me I was cute there. Hahaha she WAS pretty funny...

Also, soon I will finish that story of my childhood that I started that one day soon. 


Why do I get the weird feeling I spelled that wrong?

Toodleoo? Toodloo? Tootleoo?

If you know the correct spelling for this interjection, PLEASE TELL ME in the comments.

Begone vampire readers!!