Saturday, December 25, 2010



Christmas vacation!

Christmas is today. I don't have school for many more days. This is great! 

Do even want to KNOW how many episodes of the office I have watched so far?

I was thinking about this break we are in, and I had a thought. The real reason that I look forward to this break so much is not because Christmas is in it, but simply because it is a large break off of school. Sure, Christmas is great, but really, time off school is much more fun. Think about it. You'll find that you totally agree. No matter if you enjoy school or not, it's nice to have a break from it eh?

What am I doing this Christmas break? Well first, I'm watching way too much "The Office." But really, is that such a problem? 

Also, I have traveled to northern Minnesota to visit my Grandparents house. I have talked about their house before, as I recall, but this is December, and that was in July. That is a large difference indeed.

Behind my Grandparents house, there is a large lake.

"Now class, what happens to water when it gets cold? Billy?"

"It boils."

"No, no Billy, water boils when it gets very hot. What happens when it gets cold?"

"...It turns blue?"

The answer Billy was looking for is: IT FREEZES. The large lake behind my Grandparents house completely freezes over. It has become an annual thing for my syblings and I to walk out onto the ice, and create a little ice rink by shoveling snow off a section of ice.

Mostly we play card games all day, and there is nothing wrong with that!

I dunno if you have noticed, but right over in the right sidebar there is a link to my comics blog, which is brand new! I just posted a new comic not too long ago, so you should go check that out!

Oh, and check this out. It's insane.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My comics blog!

I'm almost afraid to tell you about it now, because It's pretty crappy right at the moment, but I made another blog connected to this one where I can put my comics.

As I now recall, I already told you I was going to do this. Huh. Well I did it now OK!

I dunno If I can post anything this week because of exams, but when I get a chance to scan the comics I have now, there will be a butt-ton. A butt-ton is equal to four tons, because there are four letters in the word butt.

I made that up about the butt-ton, but the comics blog is real! Go to it now! lozenges

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It is so fun to use a MacBook!

My friend has a MacBook, and I'm using it to type this. You could have easily figured that out from the title huh? Well thanks to this friend, who happens to be from Korea (Not that that's too important), I can type blogs from my dorm room. That is so much more convenient than going to the computer lab, and certainly more than skateboarding to the library, so, I will now blog much more often. I think.

After I wrote the previous blog, I went back to school, where I found my friend Lando in a very frustrated mood. I suggested he use my cheese balls container (No Krieger, not 'Cheese puffs', it's obviously 'Cheese balls'. It says so right on the label.). He kicked it down the hallway, and then continued to chase it down and kick it four or five times. He walked back into the room completely refreshed and happy. I dunno what it is about this Cheese balls container, but I suspect that the extremely loud noise that it makes when you kick it has something to do with it.

I have been writing some quick four panel comics recently, and I am thinking of making another blog connected to this one for all my comics. What do YOU think? Some of them are kind of stupid, but a couple of them made people chuckle.

Remember when I mentioned Psych? The T.V. show I like so much that I liked it on Facebook even though I hate doing that? Well the new season is airing on Wednesday night on USA, you can watch the episodes here! That way you actually know what I'm talking about when I end a blog because of it. 

On my last blog, I complained about the stupidness of most Christmas songs. I am currently making a list of all good Christmas songs, so that you as well as I don't have to suffer anymore. I'll put the playlist on my blog when it's done. If you know of any good Christmas songs that are actually good, please comment! Note: I will only put the song on there if I like the song, so absolutely NO Justin Bieber. Does he even sing Christmas songs? Eh, it really doesn't matter. 

This was short. Just like this ending. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So leave a peppermint stick, for Old Saint Nick...

I am SO sorry I have stopped blogging for... How long now?


I have not blogged for literally a month. That is so sad I can't even comprehend. I have an excuse though. I have barely enough time to check my facebook or keep updated on my favorite webcomic, and my other favorite webcomic, let alone write good blogs. I don't want to write stupid blogs like this anymore! I want good ones like this.

Today, No I want normal ink!

Today, I got mad and then felt better in record time. Fifteen seconds in the least. I just goes to show, when you get frustrated, beat the living crap out of a empty plastic cheeseball container. It instanly takes your troubles away, and gets you out of breath if you haven't gone to wrestling practice since before thanksgiving break because you have ringworm.

Oh... I just remembered that we were going to clean it out and put fish in there...

Look at my title. Now look at me. Look back at my title. Look back at me. Does this line from a very bad Christmas song seem to make me happy? Yes? You're wrong. The Christmas season is a time I generally love, but not because of the songs. There are a couple of new songs that I heard this year that I haven't heard before, and they all seem to be sung by Harry Connick Jr. Apparently he just went on a Christmas song rampage, putting out two or three an hour. Seriously SO many Christmas songs on the radio are sung by him.

I do like a few, like this one, and a few others, but for the most part, they are just way too overplayed. My least favorite is the one in the title. I don't know what it's called, and quite frankly, I don't care to know.

Where did that phrase come from? 'And quite frankly' is one of the weirdest actually used phrases I can think of. Help? Or don't, it's your decision.

Do you know what I really hate? When people have their headphone volume up so high you can hear their rap music from across the library computer room.

Do you know what I really hate? You don't? I just told you though.

Has this ever happened to you? I was looking at your facebook homepage, and then I saw a status update by I person I had never heard of before, and I certainly don't remembered accepting a friend request for. It's a strange feeling.

*Remove friend

Yesterday, I saw the newest Star Trek movie FINALLY. I have never seen the any star trek, but the movie made me want to. THAT MEANS IT WAS GOOD.

I am late for supper, so I have to go. FFFpppbbbtttt....
                                                       ^Airplane noise^

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Still not the "Something Big"

This weekend, I brought Jeremiah home. He brought his skateboard home, and we've got a lot of things planned for this weekend.

Literally JUST now Toy Story 3 ended, we've been watching it, after my dad rented it on DVD. It's pretty funny, and it is not at all as disappointing as I thought. It was actually REALLY well made. Good ending, good action, very similar to the other two. Y'know how when you watch the sequels to some movies, they are good, but just not the same? This didn't happen with this movie. Exactly the same kind of humor and everything. Congradulations Pixar, you're awesome.

So on Halloween, I actually ended up eating candy. Lando bought some and let us eat some. IT wasn't very much, but it was enough that I didn't feel left out. There were some kids in the class below me who went trick or treating Saturday night AND Sunday night, and ended up with ten pounds of candy. That is a lot of candy. It filled up literally half of a pillow case. That's almost too much. If it wasn't candy, and you had half a pillow case of something like, candles, or seashells, it would be too much. Not candy though, no sir.

Today Jeremiah, my brother and I were dropped off at the nearest college football stadium, because there was a game today. We brought along a wagon and some black plastic bags, can you guess what we did?




We collected cans! In the end we collected $20.27 worth. 

Wait what?

Also we skateboarded on the newly laid tennis court at the park near my house. I tried to jump over a garbage can with my rollerblades, but it was just a couple inches too high for me to be brave enough to try.

I'm done here.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Two in one day?!?

Yes, this is my second blog for today, but hey, does this really bother you?

Another Halloween topic.

I usually go trick or treating on Halloween, but this year, I have to be in the dorm while it will be going on. I don't think I'm going to be able to this year. YES YES I know! I'm sixteen years old! I'm too old to trick or treat! 

Pshh... No way is that gonna stop me. Free candy? How could I pass that up?

Anyway, I recently found out about B.E.D.A., or Blog Everyday During August/April. I am definitely taking place in this. This means, no blog tomorrow, unless I have something important to say, and then on starting Monday, I blog for a month straight. Are you excited? I most certainly am.

Nothing else to say, gotta go, here's a funny but also sad video

These are the costumes of Halloween past.

I've been ignoring you guys. Do you want to know why? Well, so do I.

Tomorrow is Halloween, and I don't plan on having a costume. Sure, I'm sixteen years old, and not many sixteen year olds wear costumes on Halloween, but I usually do, so this is different. 

Last year I was a ninja with my brother. We got second place, but it was because there were three people in our group. The costumes were really kind of a last minute thing.

Two years ago I was Link from The Legend of Zelda. 

It was when I had short hair. I hate my short hair.

Three years ago I was Mario, and It was a pretty good costume, but I don't have a picture. For the costume, I wore the best overalls I could fins at goodwill, which were pregnant overalls. It worked out though, because It let me put a pillow in my belly, since Mario is a bit on the fluffy side. When we played hide and seek later that night, the pillow came in handy. 

Four years ago I was Marvin the Martian. 

No, that's not a picture off Google images, that is actually a picture of me in my costume. I won a costume contest with it once.

*cough cough*

All my costumes my mom and I made from scratch, as you can see from the pictures. Doesn't the Marvin one look SO HOMEMADE??? I think that homemade costumes look way better than store bought ones, and when ever someone with a store bought costume wins a contest, it kinda makes me mad. They didn't do ant work at all except buy the thing,and they got a $20 gift card. I spent two hours on this costume, and I got bubbles. Something EASILY made at home with soap. 

This was short, because I don't have much time, but I promise I won't forget you guys again! 

10/29/10 was awesome.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Update. The update. This update. Your update.

This is an update.

I have not been blogging recently, but hold in there tight (Your seatbelt should help, FASTEN IT), because something big is coming. Seriously, it's huge.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I want a cup of coffee.

They cost 35 cents.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stop! Don't give me that hat, I love it too much.

I… *sigh* I don’t want to blog today.

I have a new favorite author. His name is John Green. He is an amazing author. Now don’t think that just because he is my favorite authors, that one of his books will be my favorite book, no sir. John Green is my favorite author, but my favorite book is the tenth book of the Pendragon series.

How can this be? I liek how John Green writes, but what he has written is not my favorite. I liek (liek is right, by the way) what the author of the Pendragon series was written, but I don’t exactly like how he writes. If this made it more confusing, I am utterly sorry.

Today I bought two red pops (Faygo©) today, because one of them had a white cover (not cap, a cap is a hat), and one of them had a yellow cover. I couldn’t decide which one to buy, so I bought both. A waste you say? Nay!

The room is quiet. The next word I hear, I will write.

Ok, the next English word, German doesn’t count. *Sigh…* neither does Korean.


The full question was, “What is the date today?” It is, of course, the seventeenth. Of October. Of the year 2010. When I type this, not necessarily when you read it.

Have you ever… Never mind, you haven’t.

Eric wollte das ich einen netten deutschen Satz schreibe und da er nicht versteht was ich schreibe habe ich einfach das geschrieben.

He’s nice, isn’t he?

CONTEST TIME………………………..

Guess the number of the computer I am sitting at. The numbers go from 1 to 29. If you win, I’ll give you a kiss. But only if you’re a girl. If you’re a boy/man, I’ll shake your hand. Then I’ll kiss you.

CONTEST TIME…………………………..

If you can guess the Assembly Pin number on the computer mouse that I’m using, I will seriously send you five bucks in the mail. Bucks as in male deer. I’ll send you five of them. In the mail.

The pin no# is six numbers, a dash, and three more numbers. Like this: XXXX-XXX*

*not real pin number

CONTEST TIME…………………………..

If you can think of a good color for Krieger’s hair color, I’ll send you four bucks. As in money. You can’t have five, because I don’t want you to. Nyeh….

Do you think that if a pencil case is shaped like a fuzzy lion, that it should have a name? I do. Do you? Huh? Well? Do ya? Huh? Huh? Huh?

This is really stupid, so I’m stopping. In ten minutes.

So I was--Wow how time flys, ten minutes is up.

Butter-on-your-face night.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We mourn the loss today, of our good friend...

I was thinking about how different the styles are now from when they were when your Grandparents were kids. Think about it, would you ever wear your pants hiked up as far as your Grandma does? No! And can you ever imagine your grandpa with emo hair? You better not be able to. The thing is, the styles have changed, and neither generation understands the styles of the other.

It is not just fashions of clothing and hair that are different, either. These age groups both have completely unlike senses of humor.

The librarians in our school refuse to get any kind of book that is modern that any students would actually check out. Instead, they get books with yellow disgusting smelling pages. After reading a couple Mark Twain books last year, there is nothing else interesting in the entire library. I found one called, “Nothing but Humor”, or something like that, in which many humorist writers write short stories n’ stuff. In exception to Groucho Marx, who is now an inspiration for my life, there was nothing that made me funny. This book was probably the funniest thing the librarian has read.

The point is to say that I am mourning a loss today. The loss of a really cool sticker.

The sticker was round, lime green, and in bold letters, it said simply, “30 Muffins”. I loved that sticker, and I put it on my school I.D. I made sure to not cover any information like the barcode or my picture, so I thought that it was completely fine. Also, my face looked better that close to that sticker.

Today, when I gave my I.D. to the librarian to sign in to the library, she calmly ripped off the sticker, crumpled it up, and threw it away, with out saying a single word to me, or even looking at me. It almost made me cry.

Everyone always talked bad about that librarian, but I would always defend her. I don’t plan on doing that anymore. Sorry Miss, you wrecked the best sticker in the world.

I guess now I know why library Eric is so grumpy all the time, hanging around with characters like that.

Now to probe your brain and gain a more in-depth knowledge of who you are by asking you a random question. Wait, let me put on my mind reading glasses…

Ok, now. Ehem.

“What do you feel about this situation?”

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Stop answering my rhetorical questions, you always say weird stuff.

What if you were a Chinese house servant? Then when people asked what you did for a living, you could say that you were a “Maid in China”. Haha… I made that up myself, and I am so proud of it.

This weekend, I am planning on competing with the best of the best, the homeless, in their best sport, can-collecting. There is a popular College football stadium not far from my house, and I plan on going there and making a little money. I plan on making about $20-$25, but more would be nice.

(Ehem, to any homeless people who may be collecting cans there too, try and go easy on me, it’s only my second time at this, and you are a state champion. Please, leave a couple here and there for me. Please?)

Lately I have become obsessed with the exclamation ‘Moo’. I don’t know what it is, but when ever I don’t know what to say, I say moo. When I don’t know what to draw, I write the word moo in all capitol letters. When I don’t know what to put as my Facebook status, I say “moo…”. Really, I have done it I think three times already.

No Microsoft Word 2007, I did not mean “face*space*book”. I wrote exactly what I meant, because I meant it. And I never make spellingg erors.

My Chemistry teacher, to make things fun for no reason, took all of our books, and drew a very tiny smiley face on one of the pages in the entire book, and told us that if we find it, we get one extra credit point. Guess who found it already?

No, not Daniel Boone, are you crazy? He’s dead!

Galileo Galilei? You seriously need to think before you talk. Not only did he die in 1642, he was blind for the last part of his life.

I’ll just tell you. I found it! I went through every page from the front back until I found it on page 648. That means I looked at that many pages. Crazy huh. GAh, Now it’s not so exciting with Daniel Boone and Galileo in my head. That’s it, no more answering my RHETORICAL questions.

Oooh, fancy, MY Microsoft word 2007 is black now. What color is yours? Normal blue? Heeheehee.

Yesterday, Jeremiah and I bought ice cream from a restaurant*slash*ice cream parlor. Only when we got there did I realize how expensive ice cream can be. The cheapest thing they had, the kids cone, was $1.65, and the cone Jeremiah bought was $4.10! They must be making some serious profit in there.

I noticed that I haven’t been as funny as I was when I started the blog, mostly because I forgot to be. Was this one better?

Now for the question, the only way I can get you dudes and dudettes to comment.

“Are you for or against fuzzy and thick carpeting?”

Monday, October 11, 2010

Better late than never. Better with butter than... no butter.

This was supposed to be posted last Thursday. 

Oh well, I forgive you.
This toast was supposed to have butter on it. 


I was going to say that it has jam on it instead. 

!!!!! (<- five) YOU ARE SO FORGIVEN.

Do you know about the equation y=-13x+10? Well, not only does it look sweet in Georgia font, my favorite font, but It is actually an equation that I know all about. I know the most important thing that there is to know about it, and that is that it has nothing to do with anything, and it is just a random equation written in slope-intercept form with the first numbers that came into my head. GASP, especially for air.

Oh, here comes a freshman, one which I have nicknamed ‘Skylar Stingray Douglas Gilbert’. Heh. Heh heh.

So Jeremiah brought his skateboard to the dorm because there is a skate park not too far from school, so he goes there at least once a week. If not once, then zero times. He is pretty good, but compared to me, he’s amazing. Compared to Tony Alva or someone else, he’s terrible, like me. He has been teaching me how to Ollie, which is what plain jumping is called in skate board terms. I have been trying for years, but with his help, I finally got it last night. Next week I may bring my skateboard to the dorm from school. But of coarse, I will not use in IN the dorm… Heh heh…

In other related Jeremiah news, he is in a band back in Germany, and I want to help him get noticed by mentioning him in here. His band name is NotAufNahme, which in German means something like Emergency Room I think. His six songs are on Youtube, you can watch them HERE.

In five minutes, I am going to go watch an episode on Psych, a really funny crime show, because Krieger ahs season 3 on DVD.

Four minutes.

Two Sundays ago, I tied a blue ribbon from a balloon to my wrist, and I haven’t taken it off once yet.

Three minutes.

I plan on keeping it on for a very long time. One of my friends also has a blue ribbon for her keys, but

Two minutes.

Hers is nicer, and she tells me that every time she sees me. Her ribbon is cloth, maybe silk! Mine is plastic. Wah…

One minute!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mah Weekend. It t'was three days.

Hey, this previous weekend was really awesome, and I haven’t told you about it at all. Shame on you, Eric. Shame…

To set the time and place, I’ll say that I had school off on Monday the 5th, because the first of six terms of the school year just ended on Friday, and we always get the next day off of school for grade review. Now having an extra day off of school is always a good thing, but is even better when you go to a friend’s house. I went to Krieger’s house with Jeremiah, but that is NOT where this weekend began. It starts on Friday night, during the Varsity Homecoming Football game.

To make a long story short, we had Vuvuzelas.

A boy in my class in my class took orders, and went and ordered them off eBay (Oh the word eBay, with your lower case “e” and your uppercase second letter, Oh how I love thee.). He then brought them to the game. Haha, the game.

The Vuvuzelas were much more awesome than I EVER expected, and though I had a cracked lip at the time, they were extremely fun to blow. They collapsed smaller like a plastic lightsaber (The Microsoft Word dictionary is screaming to change lightsaber to light saber, but I ignore it because it’s funny.), they were red and white, our school colors, and they were really loud! What’s not to love? Apparently that they are too loud. There were many people complaining that they were way too annoying, and that they were too loud for a high school football game. Then again, I also thought they were annoying until I blew one myself. Now I can’t get enough of it.

I actually really want to know the ratio of people that loved the Vuvuzelas to the people that hated them, because there really was a larger number than I expected opposed to them.

When THE GAME was over, we drove home to Krieger’s house, and he gave us a tour that was way longer than it needed to be, and then we went straight to bed. Hey, vuvuzela blowing is exhausting. Exhaust is one of my favorite words.

The next morning, we woke up and ate cereal. Jeremiah commented on how good Americans are at making cereal. We said thank you, taking a little bit of credit for the delicious taste of cocoa krispies. What? Krispies isn’t a word? Disappointment.

After breakfast, we went hiking. We walked along a nature trail that went through the forest, but once we got far enough in, we ditched the trail. It was more fun that way. Eventually we came to a creek that was deep enough and wide enough that you couldn’t jump over, so we walked along the bank. Soon we came to a fallen log the stretched over the creek, but it was thin and slippery, so naturally, Jeremiah wanted to try crossing on it.

He climbed up onto it, at first walking but soon he got down to crawl across. We didn’t think he would, but he made it. Though the way the log way positioned, he couldn’t use it to get back over, so he was stuck. We went on, Jeremiah on one side of the river, and Krieger and I on the other, looking for another log to cross. After a while, Jeremiah gave up and took his socks and shoes off and waded across a shallow section.

We kept following the river until we found another less traveled trail, and we happily followed it. On the way I climbed a tree, Jeremiah farted on one, and we found another that was small enough to carry. We carried it along the trail, because Krieger said there was a dam nearby. When we got to the dam, we threw the tree off the side, and it broke. It was pretty cool.

The next day after church, we were in Krieger’s back yard, and we found his dad’s canoe, which He allowed us to use. He set us up with some life jackets and oars, and we packed some cookies and Jones soda, and we carried it down to the boat docking, which was only a couple blocks from Krieger’s house. The canoe was actually way heavier than we expected, and we complained about how much it weighed and how awkward it was to carry most of the way.

We canoed for about two hours, and on the way we found; One muddy shoe (Jeremiah hung it on a tree), One popped plastic balloon (we put it in our canoe and threw it away later), One metal softball bat (Jeremiah hits trees with it, and we still have it), a baseball (Jeremiah hits it with the bat also), A large fishing hook w/ line (You may hear about this soon), and we saw one blue heron. Jeremiah never saw a heron before, so it was pretty cool.

After the canoe trip, we were pretty exhausted. There’s that amazing word again.

We played ‘pirates dice’, or ‘Liars dice’ and after we learned how, we watched the part of Pirates of the Caribbean where they played it, and we actually understood it. That was pretty cool. We brought the game to school, and we play it moderately a lot.

On Monday, we slept in, and then we walked to town. We would have biked, but there are no bikes allowed in the town. Krieger’s dad gave us some money to but something in a cool little coffee shop, and I got a large pure espresso. It surprisingly didn’t effect me. And it burned my tongue.

I’m getting sick of writing and the weekend is over, so now for the question.
“What is the closest item to you starting with the letter ‘L’?”


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Group effort translated.

Ok, I have a lot to talk about, but I don't feel like spending half an hour typing while I'm at Krieger's house with Jeremiah.  Hence, you get stuff like 'Group effort x2" and this. Remember when I took a blog I wrote and translated it to a different language and back? Click here if you don't. Since Group effort is crazy, then why not make it crazier? Plus, what else am I gonna do, talk about stuff? Psh...

I'm gonna translate 'group effort x2' into a language and back, then post that. You can read them all and see how they gradually get worse. Here ya go!

First, to German and back.

"I always have to poop when I turn the toilet. Do not get excited. It comes about every hour. It hurts, my behind. Apples apply pressure for days. You're crazy. YOU'RE weird. Cards can not be angry if they are evil. Each time you use the option box, you see a vast area, and that can be irritating. However, you can make your cat not be thrown very high, unless the cat can not fly down. Her face looks across the field and sees a huge field. Your bike is unnerved. This can not stop wearing, especially unnerved the bike of your cat. I climbed the first thing I saw, and it was a large gray piece, a piece of a rock. I luff climbing large nipples, because it is so fun. There are some red cars climb your house cat. Your happiness is the domestic cat, the red mountain climbing cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes day, I wall jump in the neck. The middle. I hug them. Holidays are sometimes sandy and sometimes jumps up into the sky great civilization which is kissable. This may not be repeated.


Not SO different, but this will be. Swahili.

"I always have when I turn the toilet stool. Not getting excited. The time each hour. It hurts, my back. Apples to apply pressure for a day. You are insane. You're weird. The card can not be angry if it is bad. Each time you use the box option, you can see a big part, and that can be irritating. However, you can make your cat not to cast too, but cats can not jump down. His face appears in the field and sees a big field. Your bike is silent. This could stop wearing, especially unnerved the cycling of your cats. I climbed the first thing I saw, and it was a big gray piece, a piece of rock. I luff nipples growing larger, because it is so fun. There are some red cars climb your house cat.Your happiness is inside cats, red hill climb cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes days, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. I hug them. Holidays are sometimes sandy and sometimes flying in the sky great civilization which is passable. This may be frequent. END."

Pretty weird huh? Urdu, which Is a language I have never even heard of. Have you? Nope. You haven't.

"I always turn when I toilet stool. Is not encouraged. Time every hour. It hurts, my back. Apple for a day to apply pressure. You're crazy. You are very strange. This card is not angry bad can it be. Box each time you choose, you saw a big part, and they can be upset. However, your cat not to put in, but cats can not jump down. Her face appears in the region and sees a large field. Your bike is silent. Stop wearing it, especially cycling of your cats can unnerved. I first saw that I uploaded, and a big brown piece, was a piece of stone. I luff nipples growing, because it's funny. Vehicles a red cat climb your home. Your cats happiness, red hill climb inside cars. Sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. I hug them. Holidays sometimes sandy and sometimes the sky is passable in a great civilization which are flying. It often can be.


For the fourth and last one, Traditional Chinese.

I'm always in my toilet stool. Not encouraged. Every hour of time. It hurt my back. Apple day pressure. You're crazy. You are very strange. This card is not bad can not be angry. Box, each time you choose, you see an important part, they can be broken. However, your cat is not implemented, but the cat can not jump. Her face appeared in the area, saw a large area. Your bike is silent. Stop wearing it, especially riding a bike your cat can feel uneasy. The first time I see my uploaded, and a big brown one, a piece of stone. I Loew nipple growth, because it is very interesting. The cat climbed up the red car to your home. Well-being of your cat, Red Hill climbed into the car. Sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, I jump the wall of the neck. Center. Embrace them. Sandy and holidays, and sometimes justify, and sometimes the sky of a great civilization, in the fly. It often.

End. .

It's REALLY weird, but we three could not stop laughing, until we finished reading it. Tell me how you think about it! PLEASE I LOVE COMMENTS. Moderately. Naw,  a lot.


Oh yeah, I'm writing this on an iMac. Exciting, huh?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Group effort x2

Group effort x1

This time, we each only get ONE word. Good luck reading this.

New rule, you can use your turn to add to the end of the previous word, and the combo word needs to be underlined. My finger is creaking. Lemme get some oil. *ALLERGIC REACTION*
Oh. I'm allergic to oil.

I always have to poop when I turn off the toilet room. Don't get excited about it. It happens about every hour. It hurts my behind. Apples apply pressure for days. You're weird. YOU'RE WEIRD. Cards can't be evil unless they are evil. Every time you look across the field, you see a gigantic field, and that can be unnerving. However, your cat cannot be thrown very high, unless the cat cannot fly downward. YOUR face looks across the field and sees a gigantic field. Your bicycle is unnerved. This cannot stop being unnerving, especially since your bicycle unnerved your cat. I climbed the first thing that I saw, and it was a large grey piece of a piece of a rock. I luff climbing large nipples, because it's so fun. There are some red cars climbing your housecat. Your lucky housecat is climbing the red mountaincars. Sometimes night, sometimes day, I wall            jump into your neck. THE MIDDLE. I hug it. Vacations are sandy sometimes and sometimes you jump upwards into the large sky civilization which is kissable. This cannot be repeated. 


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The toast poster

Here is my recreation of the toast poster. The original was better,because it was real.


Assignment for 9/30, Thurs. Finish Etymology Worksheet.

Yes’m, I did yell the entire last half of the previous blog, and Yes’m, I did lose my voice afterwards. I like the word afterwards. It’s very nice and warm.

I’m crazy again, but today more than usual. Krieger said I’m the craziest I’ve ever been.
I had coffee. The coffee machine that gives you a nicely sized cup for decimal point three five dollars, or thirty five cents, was fixed today. Ever since I realized it had thirty five cent coffee it’s been broken. It’s fixed now. I had coffee. That’s not all the reason I’m crazy though, because sometimes when I feel like being crazy, I can be.

We were fanning at the volleyball game twenty minutes ago, and I invented a time out dance, which I do during half time. It’s a good dance. I was cheering obnoxiously and the fans from the other team were looking at me, but I just smiled at them. 

I had to take the toast poster down today, because the normal piece of bread which we purposely incorrectly called toast (because toast is better) got so hard that some people actually believed it WAS toast. I’m gonna hang it in my room, with a printed off color picture of toast taped where the real toast used to be. Maybe I can hang it back up in the hallway then… Hmm…

I think that’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time. I just did it, and it looks awesome. 

So… How’s it going? With your life?

I am writing a poem. I will tell you another new line every time I do a blog. Here’s the first line.

“Hey diddle diddle, Hug Jon in the middle.”

This ‘Jon’ I referred to hates to be hugged in the middle of his torso, so naturally we do it all the time. He hates that too.

A toddler owes me $400. The toddler of the tutor was being looked after by some girls, and they had to do something, so I had to entertain him. I looked him in the eye and said;

“When you get older, you will get a job and you will have money. For no reason at all, could you find me when that happens and give me some? I might need it.”

He looked at me silently, but said nothing, for he is not old enough to talk.

“How about $1,000”

He shook his head no.


No again.


Then, he nodded his head, and we shook hands, and then the girls came back, so I left. I’m good with kids.

Question of the blog (I don’t always blog every day y’know). If you could jump into a pool full of everything, what would it be? Tell me in the comments.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Powder Puffins. and Zombies. Heehee...

If you think I’m crazy, you’re absolutely right, I’m insane.

I dunno why I said that. I’m not THAT crazy, I’m just creative, and I show people.

On Sunday, some of the kids in my junior class were decorating our hallway for homecoming week. There is a competition between the classes, but the seniors always win.

I was hungry, so I took a piece of bread my roommate MILLER gave me, and I was on my way to buy chocolate milk from the vending machines to eat it with. I really don’t think so, but apparently dipping bread in milk is weird. I think it’s just very delicious. Bread is not that different from cookies, and we dip those in milk.

Anyway, to get to the vending machine which the milk was, I had to pass through the Junior hallway. There I was, standing amongst crafty people, eating a piece of bread. Then I got an idea. I quick ran upstairs to get Jeremiah, the German student, and Lando also, and I told them my idea. They were as exited as I was, and they ran down with me. We waited outside the hallway for the right moment, and then we ran down. Lando grabbed the masking tape, I ran to the right wall, and Jeremiah farted. A lot. Lando ran with the tape, avoiding the junior girls, because we knew they would hate our idea. We tore off long pieces of tape and… taped the piece of bread to the wall. One Large ‘X’ of tape, straight through the middle of it.

Then the girls saw us. There was a silence. Jeremiah farted again.

They didn’t care, so we made a poster for it, cutting a hole in the middle of a rectangle piece of paper (I know how to spell piece because of the comic “One Piece’, link in the side in “Websites that I follow”), and drawing a cute piece of toast with boots courtesy of Jeremiah, and the words “The Junior Toast”. It’s really cool so if I get around to it, I’ll post a picture.

NEW TOPIC: I am trying to get a really cool music library, so comment your favorite two songs. Please. And. Thank you.

Here are a couple songs that I am downloading at the moment;

“We’re gonna fight” – 76% Uncertain

“I hate the radio” – 7 seconds

The entire ‘Stepdad’ Album, downloadable for free here.

“Mine’s not the high horse” – The Shins

And also, “Blitzkrieg bop” - some one awesome (not the real band name).

Tonight, since its homecoming week, was powder puff football, in which the junior girls and the senior girls play football. It’s crazy, and the juniors lost 36-8. I know. I KNOW! Krieger, Jeremiah, and I sat on the senior side of the bleachers and cheered for the juniors. It made them pretty mad.  Also, Krieger and I fought with the blocking pads before the game, bashing them like shields.  

I think I want to but a video camera, and record some things happening, and put them on YouTube. That would be pretty cool I think. It won’t happen for a while though.  In case you don’t know, my crappy three soon to be one video YouTube channel is ‘CamelFruit’.

I don’t feel like typing anymore so, possibly a shark hunting-dream filled night.

In case you are new (Isaac), and you have a Google email (Isaac, use the school one if you don’t Isaac), you can follow me, and it will send you emails when I UPDATE! Yeah. Cool. Punk.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's a grunt kind of saturday.

Tonight is the dance, so I am staying in the dorm over the weekend. Last night, One of my roommates which I never mention Chris and I were the only ones in our room, and we stayed up until 1:45 watching a movie on his (sniff) Mac.

This morning, I slept in, in my warm room and extremely comfortable bed, and when I woke up, I watched another movie alone on my other roommates computer. After, I came to the public library, where I am now, wearing a sweatshirt and pajama pants and eating a sucker. I am not at home, so I don't have to do Saturday chores,

I am really rested and comfortable, and I don't want it to end. When I get back to school, I'm going to eat a ramen. Man! That's gonna feel good in my tummy!

Recently I have realized how much my blog has sucked, so I will try my hardest to make it better.

First, I will start with a short weird story I wrote last night, one which I am not completely satisfied with, but I will post it any way. Here goes. Samuel, you can read this if you want, but this is the bedtime story I will be telling you.

When I was seven years old, I had two good friends, a boy-with-glasses named James and my ginger-cat Christopher. My cat was especially cool because he could talk, and James was especially boring because he couldn’t. I hung out with him though because he was good company, and because he had extremely good luck for finding things. One time, he found a little plastic toy boat, which we would play with for hours everyday after school. Only after about a month of playing with it tirelessly did it accidentally wreck on a rock, breaking open and revealing about forty-five dollars that had been in the boat the whole time.

On this particular afternoon, we were all a bit depressed, each for our own reasons. I was disappointed because I had lost my lucky marble while throwing it at some ducks in the park. Christopher was sad because I haven’t mentioned him enough in this story, and James was depressed because he got last in our class spelling bee again. He loses every year.

We were all pretty sad, so we were trying to cheer up by doing our favorite thing to do, wander in the park. James was looking for my marble, and I was watching him look for it. I don’t know what Christopher was doing.

James was looking around the sandy area under a bridge in the park, a place where we went every day to look for things, when all of a sudden, he moaned loudly.

“Did you find something James?” I yelled to him, unnecessarily loud since he was right in front of me.

Since he couldn’t talk, he merely shook his head and pointed to his head and then to a broken and dirty refrigerator, showing that he only hit his head on the fridge.

“I’m pretty sure that fridge was not here the last forty-seven days that we were here, I remember it from forty-eight days ago though. I remember we couldn’t get it open. I‘m so happy, I thought that we‘d never see that fridge again.”

James nodded, and went over to examine the fridge. Quickly he turned and excitedly gestured for me to come closer. When I got closer, I saw that the lock that had been there forty-eight days ago was gone, and that the fridge was completely open-able.

James was closer to it, so he cautiously walked over and opened the fridge. As soon as he did, a huge brown arm with long disgusting nails shot out and grabbed James around his chest. I yelped, but for some reason, James was very calm, and he even smiled and patted the arm. Then, his eyes got huge, and the arm quickly pulled him into the fridge, the door slamming shut immediately after.

I was to the right of the fridge, so the door blocked the inside of the fridge the whole time, and I never saw the inside, but the inside gave off a light red light the lit up the dark area under the bridge. When the door closed, I was left alone in the semi-darkness.
I realized that James could be in trouble, probably because a brown arm just pulled him into a fridge, so I ran the five or six feet to the fridge gripped the handle and pulled. The door did not open however, and when I looked down, I saw that the fridge was locked up with a hefty blue padlock.

I panicked and looked around for something to break the lock. In the sand next the me, there was a strong looking hatchet, so I lifted it up over my head to break in and save James.

“Let me do it!” A voice interrupted from behind.

“Oh hey Christopher, James just got pulled into this fridge, and now it’s locked.” I was a calm person at the time, and since things like this seemed to happen to James a lot, I assumed he was OK. I still wanted to help him though, so I lifted the hatchet again over my head.

“Stop, let me do it!” Christopher said again.

“You can’t swing a hatchet, you’re a cat!” I grinned.

“I’m not a normal cat, I can talk remember?”

“Ehhh… I dunno, the Hatchet is bigger than you!”

“Just gimme it.”

I handed the hatchet to Christopher, and he easily lifted it and brought it down solidly on the padlock, shattering it like glass.

My jaw dropped, and I looked at Christopher with surprise, “That… was pretty cool.”

“Yeah, let’s get James out of there.”

We both pulled open the fridge door, only to see the normal inside of the fridge, except with more mold.

“Where can he be?” we both wondered aloud at the exact same time.


So um, there. I might continue it, I might not, it depends on how much other people like it.
I mentioned that possible date... two days ago? Well, I'm not going with her, but I'm OK with it, since I never had a date before anyway. Anyway, she made me promise to dance with her ATLEAST once though, so everything is good.

Whenever I blog about things like that, I feel really weird, so I probably will never do that again. If you like stuff like that, read the previous paragraph a couple times, It's all you're going to get.

Remember when the Jeremiah the German student and I collected cans and got three fifty? That's nothing. Last night we collected three times as many, and we had already been collecting throughout the entire week. We just might get over five dollars.


Also, Jeremiah and I are trying to write a comic. We plan on it being a pretty good length, but I don't know how well it will turn out. I dont wan't to tell you much about it, but It has something to do with an ugly president.

How long does a blog have to be before it's too long? Is this too long?

Ah, now for tags, my least favorite part.